On Location English Course

On Location English Course



Word / P.O.S / English Meaning / Arabic Meaning
accompany / verb / to go somewhere with someone / يرافق
agitated / adjective / very upset / متضايق جدا
associate / verb / to make a connection in your mind between one thing and another / يربط
body language / noun / body positions and movements that show what you are thinking or feeling / لغة جسم
cargo vessel / noun / a ship that carries goods or products / سفينة شحن
chemical / noun / involving reactions between different substances / كيمياوي
compare / verb / to describe how two or more things are similar to or different from each other / يقارن
conclusion / noun / something you decide after thinking about all the information you have / خاتمة / نتيجة
copycat / noun / someone who copies other peoples' clothes, actions …. etc. / تقليد
disorder / noun / a medical condition that keeps a part of your body from working like it's supposed to / خلل (مرض) جسماني
exasperated / adjective / very annoyed / متضايق / منزعج
frenzy / noun / the state of being very excited or anxious / حالة من الهيجان
in favor of / adjective / supporting one thing over another / تأييد
motivated / adjective / very eager to do or achieve something / متحمس
peep / noun / a small sound / صوت ضعيف
pinpoint / verb / to find the exact location of something / يحدد بالضبط
pneumonia / noun / a disease of the lungs in which people have a lot of trouble breathing / مرض رئوي
predict / verb / to guess what will happen before it happens / يتوقّع / يتنبأ
reportedly / adjective / according to what people say / على ما يقال
retrieve / verb / to bring back something / يسترجع
rotate / verb / to turn something around a fixed point / يدور / يلف
seizure / noun / a short time when someone passes out and can't control their shaking bodies / عدم السيطرة
species / noun / a group of animals of the same kind that can create offspring together / أنواع / فصائل
Word / P.O.S / English Meaning / Arabic Meaning
static electricity / noun / electricity in the air / كهرباء
talent / noun / a natural ability to do something well / موهبة
tightrope / noun / a rope or wire above the ground that someone walks on in the circus / حبل البهلوان
unconscious / adjective / unable to see, feel or think often because you are very sick or have had an accident / غير واع / غير مدرك
vibration / noun / a continuous slight shaking movement / اهتزاز
yowl / verb / to make a long sad cry / عويل/ بكاء
Word / P.O.S / English Meaning / Arabic Meaning
assemble / verb / to build something by putting all its parts together / يجمّع
asthma / noun / an illness that causes difficulty in breathing / مرض الربو
awl / noun / a pointed tool that makes holes in something soft / مثقاب
bacteria / noun / very small, one-called living things, sometimes causes diseases / بكتيريا
bi- / adjective / two or double / ثنائي
cell / noun / the smallest part of a plant or an animal that can exist on its own / خلية
component / noun / one of several parts of a machine / جزأ من
construct / verb / to build a building / بناء / تشييد
credit with / verb / to recognize someone as the person who did something important / تعرف على
daunting / adjective / making you feel a lack of confidence / شعور بعدم الثقة
distilled water / noun / water that has been cleaned and made very pure for use in scientific experiments / الماء المقطّر
duct tape / noun / a type of cloth tape used for heating ducts or pipes / شريط قناة
excess / noun / a large amount of something than is needed / زيادة عن الحاجة
gadget / noun / small tool / أداة صغيرة
grip / verb / to hold onto very tightly / يقبض بشدة
file / verb / to rub in order to make smooth / الملف
inspect / verb / to examine closely and carefully / يفتّش / يدقق
instrument / noun / a tool used in work such as science or medicine / آلة / أداة
inter- / adjective / among or between / ما بين
lathe / noun / a tool for shaping wood / أداة لتشكيل الخشب
leverage / noun / lifting power / قوة الرفع
lumber / noun / piece of wood / قطعة من الخشب
magnify / verb / to make something appear larger than it is / يكبر / يضخم
manufacture / verb / to produce a product in a factory / يصنع
mend / verb / to fix something that is cracked or torn / يصلح / يرمم



Word / P.O.S / English Meaning / Arabic Meaning
metal file / noun / a tool used to file down or reduce a metal object / أداة المعدنية
microscope / noun / a machine that makes very small things appear large enough to be seen / المجهر
mite / noun / a very tiny insect / قمل (حشرة صغيرة)
mono- / adjective / one or single / فردي
mounting hardware / noun / a metal device used to attach one object to another / الأجهزة المتزايدة
multi- / adjective / many / متعدّد
no-brainer / adjective / (slang) something that is so easy you don't need to think about it / أمر تافه
non-binding / adjective / allowing free movement / غير ملزم
nut driver / noun / a tool used to screw a nut to a bolt or screw / مفك / مفتاح
optional / adjective / not required to do if you don't want to / اختياري
patch / verb / to try to seal something that is leaking water or air / اصلاح
petroleum jelly / noun / a mixture used in lubricants like Vaseline / خليط (فازلين)
phone , phono / adjective / sound / صوت
plaster / verb / to stick things like decals all over the surface of something / لصقة
poke / verb / to push sharply / يدفع بقوة
power drill / noun / an electrical tool used to make holes / مثقاب كهربائي
prepared slide / noun / a small glass plate with a specimen to be examined under a microscope / طبق زجاجي للتحضير
professional / noun / someone who does a job, sport or activity for money / محترف
puppy / noun / (slang) a way of referring to an object you like / للتعبير عما تحب
refurbish / verb / to fix up an old room or building by cleaning, making repairs, painting …. etc. / يجدد / يرمم
safety knife / noun / short, very sharp knife that retracts, or goes back into its handle / سكين أمان
semi- / adjective / half / نصف
set up / verb / to make a piece of equipment ready to be used / يجهز / يعد
sit in / verb / (dialect) to stay after / يبقى
skip it / verb / to miss out a step on purpose / يترك / يتجاهل
specs / noun / (short for specifications)the details of how something should be made / تفاصيل الشيء
stethoscope / noun / an instrument used by doctors to listen to sounds within the person's body / سماعة طبية
Word / P.O.S / English Meaning / Arabic Meaning
strand of hair / noun / single hair from the head / شعرة
tadpole / noun / a small creature that matures into a frog / الدعموص(حشرة صغيرة)
trade secret / noun / a tip known only by experts / السرّ التجاري
tri- / adjective / three or triple / ثلاثي
trim / verb / to make something neater by cutting with precision / ينظف
troubleshoot / verb / to figure out what is wrong with a piece of equipment / تحديد الخلل
uni- / adjective / one or single / فردي
urban / adjective / found in a city / حضري / مدني
wheeze / verb / to breathe with difficulty making a whistling kind of sound / صعوبة التنفس



Word / P.O.S / English Meaning / Arabic Meaning
administrator / noun / a person who is in charge of a school / مديرمدرسة
adrift / adjective / not having any plan or purpose / بلا هدف
argument / noun / a reason you give to explain why something is right or wrong / حجّة / برهان
asteroid / noun / one of a group of small planets between jupiter and mars / كوكب صغير
automated / adjective / done or controlled by machines / آلي
blare / verb / to make a loud unpleasant noise / يزعج
channel of communication / noun / a way of communicating / قناة اتصال
come from the heart / verb / to be sincere / يخلص
commitment / noun / a promise to do something / التزام / وعد
compensate / verb / to make up for a lack in another area / يعوّض
confiscate / verb / to make away someone's property usually as punishment / يصادر
considerable / adjective / large and considerable / كبير
courageous / adjective / brave / شجاع
distraction / noun / something that takes your attention from what you are doing / مشتت
distracting / adjective / making you lose your concentration / تشتيت الانتباه
drift / noun / a movement somewhere without a plan or purpose / حركة بلا هدف
economically / adverb / carefullym without wasting money / اقتصاديا
efficiently / adverb / without wasting time, money or effort / بكفاءة
ensue / verb / to happen as a result of something / يحدث بسبب
etiquette / noun / the correct and accepted rules for doing something / سلوك جيد
expedition / noun / a carefully planned trip especially to a dangerous place / رحلة نظمة
explorer / noun / someone who travels to places no one has ever visited / مستكشف
facility / noun / a place used for a particular purpose / وسيلة
financial / adjective / related to money / مالي
Word / P.O.S / English Meaning / Arabic Meaning
fragile / adjective / very delicate or easily broken / هشّ
imposed / adjective / caused by a situation / مفروض
impulse / noun / a sudden desire to do something / اندفاع
independent / adjective / able to do things on your own / مستقل
issue / noun / a subject or a problem people discuss / قضية
launch vehicle / noun / something that takes people into space / عربة إنطلاق
life-support / noun / what is needed to make a person alive / إنعاشي / إغاثة
manufacturing / noun / making things in factories / تصنيع
mistrust / noun / a feeling among people that they don't trust each other / سوء الظنّ
obstacle / noun / something that gets in the way / عقبة
overcome / verb / to succeed in dealing with a problem / يتغلّب على
peace of mind / noun / when you are not worried / راحة البال
peers / noun / other students at your age / أقران / نظائر
penalty / noun / a disadvantage or drawback / عقوبة
phased series / noun / actions that are planned and happened one after the other / سلسلة مرحلية
pop up / verb / to appear suddenly / يظهر فجأة
position / noun / an opinion about a subject / رأي
presence / noun / the fact that something or someone is in a particular place / حضور
primary mission / noun / the most important purpose / المهمّة الأساسية
prohibit / verb / to make something illegal or against the rules / يمنع
remain wedded to / adjective / to be unwilling to change something / ثبات على / تمسك بـ
reliable / adjective / dependable / موثوق / يعتمد عليه
research / noun / the study of a subject to learn new facts / بحث
revolution / noun / a complete change in how we do things / تغيير جذري
risk / noun / a chance something bad might happen / خطر/ مجازفة
robot / noun / a machine that moves and does the work of humans / الإنسان الآلي
sophisticated / adjective / well made and complicated / متطوّر
susceptible / adjective / likely to be affected by a person or an illness / سريع التأثر
suspicion / noun / a lack of trust / شك / ريبة
Word / P.O.S / English Meaning / Arabic Meaning
universe / noun / all of space including the planets and stars / الكون
unknown, the / noun / a place no one has ever been / مجهول
valid / adjective / based on strong reasons or facts / فعال
venture / verb / to risk going somewhere or doing something new / مغامرة
vision / noun / an idea or dream of what could happen / رؤية
whereabouts / noun / the area where someone is / أماكن
worthy / adjective / good enough to deserve attention or support / جدير بـ / يستحق


Ibrahim Zuhdy Sakallak

WadiAl-HiloSchool for Basic and Secondary Education for Boys