North Country Kickers – General Membership Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2017 – Equity Hall - Pound,WI

Meeting called to order at 7:11PM by President Guarisco.

Board Members Present: John Guarisco, Vickie Gocht,Nancy DeWindt,

Jennie Pillath, Dave Kvam, Debi Guarisco, Russ Thoune, Charlie Bishop

Absent: Julie Thoune

Amended agenda to add under “new business”: Halloween Dance date change. Bank name change. Approved on motion by Marlene Sokol, seconded by Shar Swanson, motion carried.

Ballots handed out to vote for BOD members. Volunteers to count election result ballots are Donna Behnke and Russ Thoune.

Secretary minutesfrom: 11/9/2016. Approved on motion by G. Ballard, seconded byKandi Hilgers. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: By N.DeWindt. Cash on hand as of 12/31/16 = $5,030.45. Placed onfile for audit by President Guarisco.

Bills to Pay: $17.69 to Jennie Pillath for plates, nakpins, 1 power supply. $10.00 filing fee to Dept. of Financial Institutuions. Motion to pay by Shar Swanson, seconded by Marlene Sokol, motion carried.

Correspondence: The Demo team received 3 Thank you cards from Roebel, Rennes, and Atrian Nursing Homes for the Christmas demos they performed. The club received a thank you note from the Triple C Riders for toy donated to their annual toy drive.

Committee Reports:

Dance Instruction reported by Charlie Bishop: I am looking forward to lessons starting on Jan. 25th. We have a good selection of music and line and couple dances chosen to teach.

Entertainment by J. Pillath: The next General Membership Meeting is March 10, 2017, at Equity Hall in Pound, WI. Potluck is scheduled at 6:30, meeting at 7:00, and dancing to follow. The Winter Dance is Jan. 28th, followed by the Valentine Day Dance which is Friday, Feb. 24th.

Demo Team by Nancy DeWindt: The demo team has a demo scheduled Jan. 19th at the Stephenson Town Hall. Afterwards, the team is invited to stay for potluck. The team performed 25 demos in 2016, bringing in $300.00 to the club. Congratulations to our team!
We will meet tonight to decide the date and place for our annual team dinner.


Old Business: We would like to extend a big “thank you” to John Guarisco for improvising by using the jute box for music at our Christmas Dance, also Thank You to Wayne Richards for the wood planter he donated for a door prize that evening.

New Business: Because of a schedule conflict with Equity Hall, we need to change the date of our 2017 Halloween Dance. Confirmed by a show of hands from our members, the date is changed to Oct. 21 at 7:00pm at Equity Hall. On Feb. 18th there will be a name change for the bank we use for our savings and checking accounts. The current name is First Merit Bank and will change to Huntington Bank. The club President and Treasurer are currently authorized to access the accounts. George Ballard and Shar Swanson have volunteered to audit our 2016 financial records.

The votes have been cast and counted by Donna Behnke and Russ Thoune. Congratulations to our 2017 Board of Directors! They are: President - John Guarisco, Vice President – Julie Thoune

Secretary – Vickie Gocht, Treasurer – Nancy DeWindt, 2 – 2-year Directors: Debi Guarisco and Shar Swanson. *Existing Directors are: Jennie Pillath, Charlie Bishop, and Russ Thoune.

The next General Membership Meeting is March 10, 2017 at 7:00 PM at Equity Hall.

Motion to adjourn by Wayne Richards, seconded by Marlene Sokol, motion carried.

Adjourned at 7:34 PM.

Respectfully Submitted by: Vickie Gocht, secretary