Buckeye Elementary School District Preschool
Parent Handbook


Buckeye Elementary School District 4

Philosophy and Goals 5

Buckeye Elementary School Preschool Curriculum /Program 6

Staffing 6

Sample Daily Schedule: Half Day Program 7

Sample Daily Schedule: Full Day Program 7

Registration 8

Immunizations 8

Programs Offered 8

Non Attendance Days 9

Registration Fee & Tuition 9

DES 10

License Regulations 10

Insurance 11

Fire Drills 11

Ratios 11

Transportation 11

Arrival/Dismissal 11

School Attire 12

Change of Clothes 12

Bathroom Skills 12

Birthdays 12

Rest Time 13

Food Service Program 13

Field Trips 13

Tote Bags/Backpacks 13

Monthly Newsletter/Parent Nights 14

Parent Involvement 14

Teacher Conferences 15

Show and Tell 15

Discipline 15

Termination of Enrollment 15

Sick Children 16

Medicine/Illness 16

Change of Address or Telephone Number 17

Emergency Procedure 17

Pesticides 17

Transition Planning and Procedures for Preschool-Kindergarten 17

Preschool Contact Information 18

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Policy 19

Sick Child Policy 20

Handbook Agreement 21

Buckeye Elementary School District

VISION: Dedicated To Student Success Through World Class Education

MISSION: A Community Passionate About Student Success


*Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship support successful relationships within the school and community.

*Committed community and parents are vital for student success.

*High expectations for all members of the school community.

*Respect for diversity and effective social skills are required for future success.

*A variety of teaching methods cultivates individual student learning.

*Problem solving and critical thinking are essential life skills.

MOTTO: We Make A Difference For Students

BESD Superintendent: Dr. Kristi Sandvik

BESD Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Randall Watkins

Governing Board Members:

·  Marcus Eads

·  Richard Hopkins

·  Jane Hunt

·  Amy Lovitt

·  Gina Ragsdale

Philosophy and Goals

The Buckeye Elementary School District Preschool strives to offer children an opportunity to develop in an environment planned with their physical, mental, social, sensory and emotional needs in mind. The program provides experiences with the intent of meeting the needs of all attending preschoolers. It is a language-based, developmental preschool. This means that activities are implemented with attention to different needs, interests and developmental levels of individual children as well as the group. Research indicates that preschool children learn best through a multi-sensory approach. As examples, preschool activities may include playing with homemade playdough, water, sand, shaving cream, rice and flour. Music and singing are important elements to the preschool curriculum, as the children learn listening and language skills through these activities. Phonemic awareness is taught through rhythmic beat and familiar patterns heard in routines and everyday experiences.

All preschool experiences promote an environment which:

1.  Develops creativity, interest and joy of learning through an interactive process with the environment using all the senses. Discovery of relationships through direct experiences and the promotion of choices are encouraged.

2.  Enhances communication skills through fostering meaningful dialogues with children and adults, listening to and discussing stories, participating in group play, field trips, language experience activities, relating to pictures, role playing and pretending, as examples.

3.  Develops self-control and responsibility through gentle guidance by setting clear, consistent, fair limits for behavior and expectations, redirection to more acceptable behavior if necessary, guiding children to resolve conflicts and modeling skills that help children solve problems. All staff use a philosophy of positive behavior support.

4.  Develops fine and gross motor skills by providing a balanced amount of large and small muscle activities. Gross motor activities might include running, jumping, balancing and group games. Fine motor skill development may be enhanced through artwork, use of scissors, solving puzzles, block building, cooking, as examples.

5.  Introduces pre-academic skills and expose children to letter sounds, numbers, the alphabet, shapes, and colors. Examples of pre-academic skills are number concepts, such as one to one correspondence and counting meaningful objects. Aspects of language arts are presented through exposure to stories, poetry and provision of a print-rich environment.

6.  Encourages appropriate interaction with other children and adults through opportunities to communicate, practice social skills such as cooperating, sharing and helping others make positive choices.

7.  Teaches problem-solving and decision-making skills through individual choices of activities and encouragement of child-initiated investigation, exploration, questioning and making suggestions.

8.  Enhances concern for others through recognition of feelings, demonstration of respect, ability to share, promotion of understanding of commonalities and acceptance of differences between individuals.

9.  Encourages the development of a positive self-concept through demonstration of respect for and acceptance of children. This lends to a positive and supportive relationship between teachers and children which is crucial to social and emotional growth.

Buckeye Elementary School Preschool Curriculum /Program

Curriculum is planned around everyday experiences which help the child learn about him/herself, family, friends, environment, and community. Concepts will be presented through games, songs, movement, finger-plays, and other audio-visual means. Each child's individual needs will be considered to assist them to develop to the best of their ability. Those involved in teaching the curriculum to the children include: preschool teachers, instructional aides, and other service providers, such as speech/language pathologist, physical or occupational therapist, when appropriate. The daily routine includes large group, small group and individual instruction. Thematic units are presented to groups, and learning is facilitated during circle time, story time, field trips, projects, and in learning centers. Classroom centers include science, dramatic play/housekeeping, construction zone, book corner, listening, writing, manipulatives, table toys, and art. In addition, snack time and outdoor recreation are included in the daily schedule.

Students are screened and evaluated to determine eligibility for placement in the developmental preschool program. Eligibility requirements are in accordance with the Arizona State Department of Education and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.


Buckeye Elementary School District Preschool staff have been carefully selected to assure the high quality of our preschool programs. Our teachers and assistants are professional, experienced, and trained in Early Childhood Education. Each possesses a genuine love of children and an understanding of early childhood development.

Each staff member has been fingerprinted, screened, and cleared by the Department of Public Safety prior to working in the classroom with children. Many of our staff are also certified in CPR and First Aid.

All Buckeye Elementary School District Preschool staff members are required to complete eighteen or more hours of training annually in order to remain current in the field of Early Childhood Education.

Sample Daily Schedule: Half Day Program

7:45-8:15/11:45-12:15 Breakfast/Lunch

8:20-8:35/12:20-12:35 Opening Circle

8:35-9:40/12:35-1:40 Center Time

9:40-9:45/1:40-1:45 Clean Up/Bathroom Time

9:45-10:35/1:45-2:35 Large Motor Time

10:35-10:45/2:35-2:45 Drink & Bathroom Time

10:45-11:00/2:45-3:00 Closing Circle

11:00/3:00 Dismissal

Sample Daily Schedule: Full Day Program

7:00-7:45 Large Motor Time

7:45-8:15 Breakfast

8:15-8:25 Bathroom Break

8:25-8:40 Morning Circle

8:40-10:40 Center Time

10:40-10:50 Clean Up/Bathroom Break

10:50-11:45 Large Motor Play

11:45-12:15 Lunch

12:15-12:25 Bathroom Break

12:25-12:35 Story Time

12:35-1:30 Rest Time

1:30-1:40 Bathroom Break

1:40-1:55 Afternoon Circle

1:55-3:10 Center Time

3:10-3:20 Clean Up/Bathroom Break

3:20-3:30 Snack Time

3:30-4:10 Large Motor Time

4:10-4:15 Drink & Bathroom Time

4:15-4:30 Closing Circle

4:30 Dismissal


Students must complete school registration before beginning preschool. Registration includes completion of the enrollment form, emergency card, a copy of the child's birth certificate, free and reduced meal application, and record of up-to-date immunizations.



Arizona School Immunization Law requires that children be up-to-date on their immunizations to attend preschool. A copy of their immunization record book is mandatory and will be required before your child can enter preschool; this includes:

-DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) 4 doses age 3; 5 doses age 4-5

-Oral Polio 3 doses age 3; 4 doses age 4-5

-MMR (Measles-Mumps-Rubella) 1 dose after age 15 mo. age 3; 2 doses age 4-5

-HIB (Haemophilus Influenza) 3-4 (older than 12 months on final dose)

-Hep B (Hepatitis B) 3 doses

-Varicella (chicken pox) 1 dose

-Hepatitis A 2 doses

Programs Offered

Buckeye Elementary School District offers both full day and half-day programs for preschool students. Half-day classes meet four days per week (M,T,TH,F) for three hours. Morning session is from 8:00-11:00 and afternoon session is from 12:00-3:00. Students who live north of Broadway in Buckeye attend the morning session, and students who live south of Broadway in Buckeye attend the afternoon session. Monthly tuition (if applicable) for either session is $65 per week or $16.25 per day. Students who qualify for the developmental preschool program attend tuition free either the morning or the afternoon session depending on the home address.

The full day class meets Monday through Friday from 7:00-4:30. Tuition for the full day class is $125 per week or $25 per day.

Developmental Preschool Classes begin on August 5, 2015 and the last day of class is on May 19, 2016. Half-day classes do not meet on Wednesday.

Morning Session: M, T, TH, F 8:00-11:00 A.M. Afternoon Session: M, T, TH, F 12:00-3:00 P.M.

Non Attendance Days -- Preschool will be closed on the following days:

September 7 (Labor Day)

October 12-16 (Fall Break)

November 11 (Veteran's Day)

November 26-27 (Thanksgiving)

December 21-January 1 (Christmas Break)

January 18 (Martin Luther King Day)

February 15 (President's Day)

March 7-11 (Spring Break)

March 25 (Good Friday)

May 20 (Day After the Last Day of School)

Full day preschool will dismiss early, at 3:00 pm, on Wednesday, November 25, 2015.

Registration Fee & Tuition

A registration fee of $50 per child will be assessed. In the instance of families with multiple children enrolling, a reduction in registration fees will be applied as follows:

First child: $50

Second child: $25

Third and subsequent children: $15 per child.

All tuition is due prior to your child attending preschool. Half-day (AM Session or PM Session/three hours four days a week) tuition is $65 per week and must be paid prior to the beginning of each week or month.

Full day tuition (Monday through Friday 7:00-4:30) is $125 a week. Tuition much be paid on the Friday before and/or on the last day of the month for the new month.

Buckeye Elementary School District is willing to work with parents/guardians regarding full days and half days to develop individual schedules that address the best interest and needs of the family. Please stop by the office to discuss options.

Tuition is due whether your child attends or not as we “save” that slot for your child upon accepted enrollment in preschool. In the case of a family emergency or an extended illness, please contact the director to discuss options.

A student who is absent for eight consecutive days (half-day program) or ten consecutive days (full-day program) without notification will be dismissed from preschool.

Late pick up charges are $5.00 per five minutes ($1.00 per minute). Late pick up may result in your child being dismissed from the program.


Buckeye Elementary School District Preschool welcomes children ages 3 years through pre-kindergarten. All children must be toilet-trained.


The following signed forms must be on file prior to your child’s first day of attendance at Buckeye Elementary School District Preschool:

·  Parent Agreement

·  Drop-Off and Pick-Up Policy

·  Sick Child Policy

·  Handbook Agreement

·  Complete Emergency Information Card

·  Immunization Records

It is the responsibility of the parents to keep the preschool informed of any record changes so that our records are up-to-date at all times.


Buckeye Elementary School District Preschool is DES certified. Payments are accepted for those who qualify. Arrangements are the responsibility of the parents. Parents who receive assistance from DES are responsible for the remaining tuition balance.

License Regulations

Buckeye Elementary School District Preschool is fully licensed and regulated by

Arizona Department of Health Services

150 N. 18th Ave., Suite 400

Phoenix, AZ 85007


Buckeye Elementary School District Preschool’s license is posted in the preschool office. Inspection reports are available upon request.


Buckeye Elementary School District Preschool complies with State Liability Insurance requirements. Insurance documents are available for review in the preschool office.

Fire Drills

Fire drills are done monthly and are in compliance with Arizona Department of Health Services licensure regulations.


Buckeye Elementary School District Preschool provides a minimum of two teachers in each classroom. This exceeds Arizona Licensing Requirements which are:

·  3 year olds 1:13

·  4-5 year olds 1:15


Buckeye Elementary School District provides transportation for all special needs preschoolers attending the district developmental preschool. Students who live north of Broadway will attend the morning session and students who live south of Broadway will attend the afternoon session. Parents have the option of contacting the preschool office if they prefer a different session; however, district transportation will NOT be provided in those cases. Bus schedules will be provided on “Meet the Teacher Night” and updated throughout the year as necessary.


In the event that your child does not ride the bus, we emphasize that you or another adult accompany your child to the preschool classroom, or the cafeteria. An adult must sign each child in and out daily. We ask that they be dropped off no earlier than 5 minutes prior to the start of their session unless they are eating breakfast/lunch in which case they need to arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the session and picked up promptly when the session is over.

Please be prompt, as children tend to become upset, restless, and/or afraid if you are late, and teacher planning/preparation times are essential. If an emergency arises, call the school at (623) 925-3333 so that we can reassure your child. We must have an in-person request to:

1. Dismiss your child early.

2. Release your child to a babysitter, car pool, family member, or friend other than specified at the beginning of school.

School Attire

Please dress your child for school activities. We exercise, play, and paint. Clothes may become soiled. Each day children need comfortable clothing and shoes. Please tag all sweaters and jackets worn to school with the child's name. For developmental preschool children who are wearing diapers, parents are expected to supply necessary items such as diapers, wipes and a change of clothing.