Table 2 Adverse drug reactions for the 57children confirmed to a single drug report

Drug (reports) / Rash / Fever / Vomiting / Diarrhoea / Other reaction (case) / Indication
Abidec Drops / Yes / Anaphylaxis / Vitamin supplementation
Ambisome (3) / (1) Tachycardia - receiving infusion / Resistance to fungal Infection
(2) Liver function test deranged following initiation of ambisome. (Bi & GGT already raised prior to ambisome therapy starting) / Fungal sepsis
(3) Anaphylaxis / Fungal problems
Aminophylline / Yes / Severe exacerbation of asthma
Amitriptylline / Yes / Neuralgia
Anakinra / Severe pain at injection site / Hyper IgD syndrome
Atropine / Urinary retention requiring catheterisation > 10 hours post intubation. No other prolonged sequelae / Intubation
Carbemazepine (3) / (1) Neutropaenia / Seizures
(2) Behaviour - Irritability, Temper, Mood swings / Epilepsy
Yes / (3) / Epilepsy
Carbimazole / Leucopenia / Thyrotoxicosis
Chloral hydrate / Yes / Yes / Abdominal pain / Sedation
Chlorpromazine / Respiratory arrest / Dystonic posturing
Cholestyramine / Hyperchloraemic acidosis / Maternal alagilles syndrome
Ciclosporin / Acute confussional state/psychosis. Secondry toxic levels / Crohns disease
Clindamycin / Yes / Erythremic multiformae / Possible Strep A infection
Co-trimoxazole(2) / Yes / PCP prophylaxis
(2) Hyperkalemia / PCP infection suspected
Dacluzimab / ARDS pulmonary oedema - requiring ventilation in PICU / Prevent post renal transplant rejection
Fluticasone (2) / (1) Adrenal suppression - surveillance synacthen testing / Severe asthma
(2) Headache - persistent for 3 months & GT 199 / Prophylaxis for fanconi's anaemia
Fusidic Acid / Obstructive Jaundice / Staph Aureus infection
Hydrocortisone / Anaphylactic reaction / To prevent anaphylaxis
Ibuprofen (2) / (1) Acute renal failure, pain / Groin strain
(2) Acute renal failure, pain reported. Child required peritonal dialysis over couple of days. Hypercalcemia needing a calcium resonium and Salbutanol nebuliser / Pyrexia
Immunoglobulin infusion / Yes / Yes / Asceptic meningitis / Opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome
Levamisole / Yes / Rash of erythemia multiform / Second line therapy for steroid dependent nephrotic syndrome
Linezolid / Yes / MRSA, cystic fibrosis
Lorazepam / Respiratory arrest / Seizure
Meropenem / Back Pain / Exacerbation of CF
Nitrofurantoin / Worsening Respiratory function in patient with tracheostomy and CPAP ventilation normally (association unlikely to be nitrofurantoin possibly viral). Prophylaxis of UTI. Renal abnormalities - one kidney dilated collecting system
Phenytoin (3) / Yes / (1) / Seizure associated with ADEM
(2) Cardiac arrest due to inadvertent overdose / Seizure associated with pneumococcal meningitis
(3) Seizures: Possible excessive dose, adverse pharmokinetics? / Seizures
Prevenar / Repeated eye blinking episodes lasting 5-30 seconds up to 40 times a day lasting from 1 day after injection to 6 weeks later / Routine vaccination
Ranitidine (IV) / Yes / Yes / Vomiting blood - suspected gastric ulceration
Repevax / Swelling of limb at site of vaccination / Routine vaccination
Rifampicin / Thrombocytopenia / Staph epidermidis infection
Risperidone / Drooling - extreme lethargy / Challenging behaviour
Sedative / Yes / Rash started on use & resolved on stopping treatment. Rash recurred on restarting medication after 3-4 weeks & resolved on stopping. / Sleeping disorder in child with CP
Sertraline / Hallucinations / Agitation/behavioural problems secondry to herpes encephalitis
Sinemat (Levodopa) / Yes / High Chloride levels, metabolic acidosis / Prescribed to mother in large doses for itch due to cholestasis in pregnancy
Sodium Acid Phosphate / Yes / Hypophoshetemia
Sodium Valproate (6) / (1) Behaviour / Epilepsy
(1) Regression of behaviour, loss of memory, cognitive disturbance (problem solving) and reduced coordination / Epilepsy
(3) Abdominal pain & drowsiness / Epilepsy
(4) Thrombocytopenia / Epilepsy
(5) Reduced white cell count and platelets recovered on stopping valproate / Epilepsy
(6) Amenorrhoea / Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Stratterra / Yes / ADHD
Tobramycin (3) / (1-3) Sensorineural hearing loss / Cystic fibrosis
Vancomycin / Yes / Line sepsis
Voriconazole (2) / (1) Extreme photosensitivity / Fungal infection
Yes / (2) Profound phototoxic reaction following doses of 12g/kg / Aspergillus fumigatus infection
Zonisamide / Yes / Intractable epilepsy

Potentially life threatening reactions shown in bold