News In-depth Analysis

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Read the following news report about local singer Kelvin Kwan’s (關楚耀) possession of drugs.

A3 LocalDaily News3 April 2009
Kelvin Kwan apologizes to the public
Temporary leave from the music scene to reflect on his action
Singer Kelvin Kwan apologized to the public at a press conference after being held in custody by Japanese police for 32 days for possession of marijuana. In his short speech of seven minutes, he said ‘sorry’ six times and bowed to show remorse yet he did not give out information about the incident or whether he used the drug. He only emphasized that the Japanese police released him unconditionally.
Yesterday, Kwan walked up to the platform with his head downwith a heavy and grim face. His hands repeatedly flattened his speech paper, readjusted his suit and showed much nervousness. In a heavy voice, he said, ‘I apologize to the Hong Kong people, the media, the record company, family, friends and fans. I made many people disappointed and sad during this month and I am very sorry!’ He expressed that he needed time to reflect and reform himself and will ‘leave his beloved showbiz for an extended time … and use the time to prove his determination and use action to repay for the wrong.’ He also said that he understood the worthiness of character and freedom and told young people to pay attention about character by saying, ‘Treasure your health and your life, and stay away from drugs.’
Kwan’s record company spokesperson announced that Kwan will leave the music industry for some time to reflect upon his mistake and consider whether he would come back or not. The recording work that were planned beforehand upon his return to Hong Kong will be suspended.

(Source:Mixed reports of local newspaper, 3 April 2009.)

(a)According to the source, why did Kwan tell young people to pay attention to character and stay away from drugs? (4 marks)

(b)If you were Kwan, do you think he did the right thing in handling the ordeal of possessing marijuana? Was it enough? Explain with reference to the source. (6 marks)

(c)‘Some people think that only by severely punishing adolescent can this unhealthy atmosphere be stopped.’ Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer based on your knowledge.

`(10 marks)

News In-Dept Analysis©2009 HKEP