2009AnnualState Convention

October 23, 24, and 25, 2009

Hampton Inn and Suites Scottsbluff, Nebraska

National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska

Amy Buresh, President

1033 O. Street, Suite 24B

Lincoln, NE68508

Phone: (402) 477-7711 or

(866) 254-6347 (866 Blind Is)


Web Site:

Transcribed Into Braille

by Jolene Boshart

J. B. Translations

5135 South Street

Lincoln, NE68506

Phone: (402) 483-5088


NFB Pledge

I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its constitution.

The National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska is a statewide organization composed primarily of blind Nebraskans. It is a proud state affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind, Inc., a 50,000-plus strong national membership organization which holds non-profit, tax-exempt status under Section 1 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code. It is not an organization speaking for the blind; it is the blind speaking for themselves.

We know that blind people have very often lived tragic lives, and we know that even now, blindness can be defeating. But we also know why. Not blindness, but society's devastating attitude about it, constitutes our burden. We, the blind of today, have carried out a revolution and have won our independence. We have written our own philosophy, we have found our own direction, and we have learned to speak with our own voice—the National Federation of the Blind. We have taken our future into our own hands, and we are changing what it means to be blind. We are the voice of the nation's blind!

Convention Arrangements

If you have any questions about convention arrangements, contact Mike Hansen, chairperson, convention arrangements.


Dave Oertli, Director of Talking Book and Braille Services will be on hand late Fridayafternoon and Saturday morning to provide demonstrations of the new digital player and will have sample books on the new cartridges for interested parties. Accessibility Dot Net, En-VisionAmerica, and Magnification Resources will be hereFriday to demonstrate their products as well. Come visit them and NFBN chapters and divisions in the Sandstone Room.

Child Care

Child care will be provided throughout the convention inSuite 134. Please note the following schedule: 8:30am-5:00pm on Friday, 8:30am-5:15pm and 6:30pm-10:00pm on Saturday, and 8:30am-noon on Sunday. Parents are responsible for their children at all other times and during meals. Pre-registration was required for child-care services.

All Shook Up!

You may be the lucky winner of a fabulous door prize! Names will be drawn throughout the convention sessions and banquet. To be eligible to win, you need only to be registered and to be present when your name is drawn. All donations of door prizes should be clearly labeled in Braille and print and turned in to Jamie Forbis, Door Prize Chairperson.

MASSAGE THERAPY - Let your worries melt away!Sandy Alvarado, Licensed Massage Therapist and President of our Omaha Chapter will be offering chair neck and shoulder massages for $15 for a 15 minute session, first come, first served. Proceeds benefit the state affiliate and Omaha chapter. She’ll be in the Sandstone Room from 10:45 to Noon and 1:30 to 4:30 and 5:00 to 7:00 on Friday.


Please be courteous and turn off all cell phones, pagers, radios, MP3 players, IPods etc. during convention meetings and the banquet.


Friday, October 23, 2009

7:15 to 8:45 A.M.: Cane Walk—Hotel Lobby. Jeff Altman, NOMC, First Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska and Roland Allen, NOMC, Member, National Federation of the Blind of Louisiana, Ruston, Louisiana.

8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.: Exhibits—Sandstone Room

9:00 to 10:00 A.M.: Celebrate Leaders: Laying the Foundation for a Solid Federation; Leadership Seminar for NFBNState board members and all chapter and division boards—Red Rock Room.

10:15 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.: Braille: Books and Beyond—Red Rock Room. Barbara Loos, Coordinator, Member, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska; Fatos Floyd, CVRCB, Director, Nebraska Center for the Blind, Lincoln, Nebraska.

12:15 to 1:15 P.M.: Rookie Round-Up and Scholarship Luncheon—Red Rock Room. Carol Jenkins, Coordinator, Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind of NebraskaLincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Is it your first time attending a convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska? If so, we warmly welcome you and invite you to come join Federation leaders and learn about the Federation, make new friends, and help make your rookie convention a sure-fire home run.

1:15 to 4:00 P.M.: Home Improvement by the Blind: Can We Fix It? Yes We Can! —Black Mesa Room. Chad Bell, Coordinator, Member, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Panhandle Chapter, Alliance, Nebraska; Robert Newman, Member, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Omaha Chapter,Omaha, Nebraska; Jeff Altman, First Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska; Mike Hansen, Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Second Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

1:30 to 5:00 P.M.: Registration—Convention Center Lobby. Mike Hansen, Chairperson, Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, 2nd Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of NebraskaLincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Registration Costs

Registration: $20.

Banquet: $25.

Student Division Luncheon: $20.

All convention participants must register to be eligible for door prizes, hotel convention rates, and to participate in all convention activities. Both print and Braille agendas are available at the registration desk.

3:30 to 5:00 P.M.: Senior Division Meeting—Red Rock Room. Dan Treffer, President, Senior Division, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Ravenna, Nebraska.

7:00 P.M.: National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Board of Directors Meeting—Black Mesa Room. Open to the public and all chapter presidents and board members are encouraged to attend.

7:45 P.M.: Resolutions Committee—Black Mesa Room. Barbara Loos, Chairman, Member, National Federation of the Blind of NebraskaLincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

9:00 P.M.: Not-So-Silent Auction—Red Rock Room. Auctioneers: David and Derrick Dickey, Sidney, Nebraska. A cash bar and snacks will be available.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

7:30 to 8:15 A.M.: Registration—Convention Center Lobby. Mike Hansen, Chairperson, Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, 2nd Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of NebraskaLincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Registration Costs

Registration: $20.

Banquet: $25.

Student Division Luncheon: $20.

All convention participants must register to be eligible for door prizes, hotel convention rates, and to participate in all convention activities. Both print and Braille agendas are available at the registration desk.

7:00 A.M.: Nominating Committee (closed meeting). Nancy Oltman, Chairperson, President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Grand Island Chapter, Hastings, Nebraska.

8:30 A.M.: Opening of General Session—Black Mesa Room. Call to Order: Amy Buresh, President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Invocation:Kayde Rieken, First Vice-President, Nebraska Association of Blind Students, Lincoln, Nebraska.

8:40 A.M.: Housekeeping and Announcements: Mike Hansen, Convention Arrangements Chairperson, Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, 2nd Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

8:45 A.M.: Celebrate Our Movement: The National Report. Pam Allen, National Representative; Treasurer, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind; President, National Federation of the Blind ofLouisiana, Ruston,Louisiana.

9:30 A.M.: Making a Difference and Changing Lives: the Voice of Nebraska's Blind is Being Heard. Amy Buresh, President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.

9:45 A.M.: Celebrate A Car The Blind Can Drive: Reflections on the Experience, Wes Majerus, Access Technology /Specialist, NFB Jernigan Institute, Baltimore, Maryland.

10:00 A.M.: Celebrate: The New Digital Talking Book and other News from the Nebraska Library Commission Talking Book and Braille Services. David Oertli, Director, Lincoln, Nebraska.

10:20 A.M.: Celebrate Legislative Partnerships: Belief in Braille and Belief in the Blind: The Honorable Robert Giese, Nebraska State Senator, District 17, South Sioux City, Nebraska.

10:45 A.M.: Celebrate: Consumer Activism: Report from the Commission Board. Carol Jenkins (designee), National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired Board of Commissioners, Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

11:00 A.M.: Celebrating Successful Partnerships in Vocational Rehabilitation—Partners for Success. Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired Report/Public Forum. Pearl Van Zandt, Ph.D., Executive Director, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Lincoln, Nebraska.

11:30 A.M.: Celebrate Service to Seniors: How the National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska and the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired are Working Together to Empower the Lives of Blind Seniors in Nebraska. Angie Hoff, CVRCB, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

11:45 A.M.: Celebrate Access to the News: What's New and Notable in NFB/Newsline®. Jamie Forbis, Coordinator, Secretary, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, North Platte, Nebraska.

12:00 Noon: Adjourn Morning Session.

12:00 Noon to 2:00 P.M.: Student Division Luncheon—Red Rock Room. Karen Anderson, President, Nebraska Association of Blind Students, Lincoln, Nebraska. All are welcome, but especially any high school and college students are encouraged to attend this informative meeting.

2:00 P.M.: Opening of Afternoon General Session—Black Mesa Room.

2:05 P.M.: Celebrate:The Education of Blind Children—What Blind Kids Need and How to Get It. Matt Maurer, Ph.D., Professor of Instructional Technology, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana;NewDoors Opening To Braille; School-ageBraille Assessments and Braille Research Collaboration. Kim Adams, Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Fremont, Nebraska.

3:15 P.M.: Celebrate: The Federation at Work in the Lives of Our Youth—A Youth Slam Panel, Moderated by Matt Maurer, Ph.D., Professor of Instructional Technology, Butler University; Indianapolis, Indiana; Rachna Keshwani, Youth Slam Mentor, Lincoln, Nebraska; BreAnn McCoy, Youth Slam Participant, Syracuse, Nebraska; Matthew Pettit, Youth Slam Participant, Lincoln, Nebraska; Nathan Redman, Youth Slam Participant, Grand Island, Nebraska.

3:45 P.M.: Celebrate: The 200th Birthday of Louis Braille. Barbara Loos, Braille Events Coordinator, Member, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.

4:00 P.M.: Celebrate: Braille Art – The Art you Touch. Patrick J. Fischer, President, Accessibility Dot Net, Omaha, Nebraska.

4:15 P.M.: Celebrate: The Federation in the Heart and Soul of Our Members—Why I Am a Federationist. Amy Buresh, Moderator. In this panel, we will hear from three Federationists who will speak from the heart about how blindness has affected their lives and how the Federation has made a difference. Ross Pollpeter, Treasurer, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Omaha Chapter, Omaha, Nebraska; Bridgit Pollpeter, Secretary, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Omaha Chapter, Omaha, Nebraska; Carol Jenkins, Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

5:00 P.M.: Adjourn Afternoon Session.

6:00 P.M.: Cocktail Reception/Cash Bar—Red Rock Room. Pre-Dinner Music: “Yes Ma’am”

7:00 P.M.: Annual NFBN Banquet.Emcee: Barbara Loos, Member, National Federation of the Blind of NebraskaLincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Invocation: Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Keynote Address: Pam Allen, National Representative; Treasurer, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind; President, National Federation of the Blind ofLouisiana, Ruston, Louisiana.

Awards: Cheryl Livingston, Award Committee Chairperson, Treasurer National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Scholarships: Shane Buresh, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Scholarship Chairman, Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

9:00 P.M.: NABS Idol—Red Rock Room. Come cheer on your friends and fellow Federationists or simply socialize with friends. All proceeds benefit the Student Division. A cash bar and light snacks will be available.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

9:00 A.M.: Opening of Business Meeting—Black Mesa/Red Rock Rooms. Invocation: Shane Buresh, Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, President, National Federation of the Blind of NebraskaLincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Making a Difference in Our Affiliate. Building the Skills to Strengthen the Organization (interactive activity).


A. Minutes of the 2008 Convention.

B. Treasurer's Report.

C. Roll Call of Chapters and Divisions.

D. Committees.

E. Web Site.

F. Resolutions.

G. Nominating.


12:00 Noon: Adjourn.

How many children in America are not taught to read?

The answer is 90 percent if the children are blind. Most Americans are shocked to hear this statistic. And we should be. The blind read and write using Braille, so why is our educational system failing to teach Braille to so many children? Why are these children being denied the opportunities that come with a proper education? What if you could not read and write? Where would you be today?
There are three primary reasons for this educational crisis: (1) there are not enough Braille teachers; (2) some teachers of blind children have not received enough training; and (3) many educators do not think Braille instruction is even necessary.

To bring critically-needed attention to this educational crisis, the United States Congress authorized the minting of the 2009 Louis Braille Bicentennial Silver Dollar with a portion of the sale of each coin going toward a revolutionary and comprehensive Braille literacy campaign.
Learning to read and write is fundamental to education, which in turn is paramount to full and equal participation in American society. This coin, the first U.S. coin to have proper tactile Braille, symbolizes independence, opportunity, and the potential of blind people to make significant contributions to society when they are taught to read and write using Braille. Please purchase this unique and beautiful coin and help solve this educational crisis for blind children in America.

The law authorizing this 2009 silver dollar requires that any coins not sold by midnight on December 31, 2009, be melted down. Time is of the essence--a 90 percent illiteracy rate is not acceptable and the opportunity to purchase this coin will soon be gone.

Be part of the solution. Give the gift of literacy. Create new opportunities.

Proof Dollar
Regular Issue: $41.95

Uncirculated Coin
Regular Issue: $33.95

Don't miss your opportunity to make change with a dollar. PurchaseyourLouis Braille Bicentennial Silver Dollarnow!

Coins can be purchased by visiting the website of the U.S. mint or by stopping by the information table at convention. For more information and resources for teachers, parents, adults and children, visit

Special Thanks from the

State President

To Pam Allen, our National Representative, thank you for sharing your passion, insight, commitment, laughter, friendship and love.

To those who helped with registration, assisted with hospitality, coordinated transportation, assisted with childcare, served on committees, collected door prizes and auction items, and welcomed new members, your efforts are truly appreciated. This is OUR Federation, and we make it the gem it is!

To our distinguished guests and presenters, thank you for your service and your commitment to increasing opportunities for blind children and adults.

To those who contribute for PAC, signed up for the March for Independence, sponsored a Marcher, and participated in all the fund-raisers needed to support our organization, your generosity and sacrifice make our programs possible.

To state and chapter officers, your support and dedication are invaluable. Thank you for spreading our message.

To the staff of the Hampton Inn and Suites, we appreciate your excellent service.

To my family, thank you for being a constant source of strength, comfort, laughter, and humility. You are the light of my life, and I wouldn't be here without you and your love and support.

To each member, thank you for your never-ending enthusiasm, love, sacrifice, and tireless commitment to our organization. Together, we are changing what it means to be blind, and working to create a brighter future for the blind of our state and nation.—Amy Buresh



(Copyright, Josephine Huff and Floyd S. Field, 1969).

Tune: "Battle Hymn of the Republic"

1. Blind eyes have seen the vision of the Federation way; New white cane legislation brings the dawn of a new day; The right of the blind to organize is truly here to stay; Our cause goes marching on.

Chorus: Glory, glory Federation; Glory, glory Federation; Glory, glory Federation; Our cause goes marching on.

2. We have seen it in the actions of four hundred chapters strong; Good leadership and courage have righted many wrongs; Let's aid NFB programs and join in its battle song; Our cause goes marching on.


3. TenBroek has sounded trumpet which shall never sound retreat; We have sifted out the hearts of blind before our judgment seat; Oh, be swift, all blind to answer, and be jubilant your feet; Our cause goes marching on.


4. To aid the blind's long struggle, we have formed the NFB; To free them from their bondage of workshop and agency; To give a hand to all the blind, wherever they may be; Our cause goes marching on.
