Dear Readers of Arizona,

I can hardly believe you’ve chosen Molly Moon as a winner of The Grand Canyon Reader Award!

Over here in England, the Grand Canyon Reader Award sounds fabulously prestigious and magnificent.

The London rain is pelting against my windowpane and I am imagining you all at the awards now in T shirts with sand on your boots and I wish I was there.

I am so thrilled you have chosen my book as a winner. As a writer one always says ‘Oh, I don’t need an award. I just want to write – I don’t need any medals or cups or honours.’ And then when one actually wins something it’s waking-up-the-street-time, with,


No, seriously, it is a big thrill and a huge honour to have had Molly Moon’s Incredible Book of Hypnotism chosen as favourite book by you guys. Especially because you are children and you are the ones I want to please.

I am really glad that you like my book. The worse thing would be to think that you all hated it. Imagine if there was a prize for the worst book out there, voted for by you, and Molly Moon won that! Why, if that happened, I’d have a black cloud over my head. As it is, I have my own special little Arizona sun that is hovering above me. I only found out today that I won and it’s a bit like a birthday or something. I feel great!


You’ve given me lots of energy to really get cracking with the plots for the new Molly Moon books.

I can’t believe that Molly has gone from strength to strength and can now not only hypnotise, but stop time, travel through time, and mind read as well. It’s thanks to children like you and your positive reaction to her that Molly keeps trucking.

So thank you once more.

Now I’m going to have a concentrated orange squash and a ketchup sandwich to celebrate.

Lots and lots of love to you

And peace to the world

And lots of chocolate too please

Georgia Byng