National Breast Cancer Foundation Follow-Up Report All Grants

National Breast Cancer Foundation Follow-Up Report All Grants

National Breast Cancer Foundation Follow-Up Report – All grants

Research Funded by National Breast Cancer Foundation
All funded grants
Please note that information in this report may be:
  • Provided to the NBCF Board of Directors and Research Advisory Committee
  • Used for publicity purposes by NBCF

Chief Investigator:
Project Title:
NBCF Grant Code:
Grant Type:
(Please tick one) / Innovator Grant (previously Novel Concept Award) / Career Grant / Pilot Study
Doctoral Scholarship / Postdoctoral Fellowship / National Infrastructure Grant
Career Development Fellowship (previously Early Career Fellowship) / Practitioner Fellowship / Accelerator Grant (previously Translational Grant)
NBCF Breast Cancer Research Leadership Fellowship
National Collaborative Breast Cancer Research Grant Program
Start Date:(e.g. 01 Jan 2010) / Completion Date:
(e.g. 01 Jan 2012; included extension period)
Total value of NBCF Grant: / $ / Duration of the Grant:
(in years)
Schedule report due date:
(According to funding agreement / granted extension) / Submission date of Report to NBCF:
(e.g. 01 Jan 2012)
If the reporting CIA is not the original CIA on the proposal, please provide below the name of the original project leader and the date of NBCF approval for the change in CIA:
SECTION 1: CONTACT DETAILS for Chief Investigator
(or project spokesperson if different)
This person may be contacted by NBCF for further information about this project
Current Address:
Phone: (Please include area code) / Mobile
2.1Publications arising from this grant
Please list any relevant publications that you have not previously provided to NBCF that have arisen out of this funding, including those currently in press. Please provide a soft copy (PDF) and a hard copy of these publications with this report.
2.2Public acknowledgement of NBCF support
Please list any previously unidentified opportunities you have taken to acknowledge NBCF support for your research such as press releases, conference presentations, interviews etc.
2.3Dissemination of research outcomes
Please state approximately how many conference/workshop presentations, press conferences/briefings, interviews (newspapers, magazines etc) and/or other media presentations have been made by members of the research team based directly or indirectly on the findings of this research project.
Dissemination activities / Number
Conferences/workshops primarily for academics
Conferences/workshops primarily for practitioners/service users
Press conferences/briefings
Interviews (newspapers, magazines)
Other media presentations (TV or radio)
General public presentations
Was interaction with potential users (policymakers, practitioners, patients etc) a factor in actual or future research utilisation?
Yes No
Interaction before starting
Yes No Don’t know
Interaction during the project
Yes No Don’t know
Interaction after completing the project
Yes No Don’t know
Please describe any aspects of such interaction that were particularly important and any other factors that account for the research being utilised, or for the lack of utilisation. These could include the timeliness or quality of the research project, the research project findings being taken up by the key stakeholders etc.
3.1Project findings in product development
Have the findings from your research been used in the development of products such as pharmaceuticals, diagnostic tests, medical devices?
Yes No
If Yes, please provide details including any patents, licences, MTAs; details of the product and the company with whom or in which the product development is taking place; the location of product development/manufacture; the stage of development which the product has reached (e.g. animal tests, prototype development, clinical trial, regulatory approval, on the market, used in NSW Health, etc.)
3.2Use of research project findings in health system policy/decision making
Have the findings from your research been used in health policy/ decision making process?
Yes No
If Yes, please provide details of the use.
3.3Application of the research findings through practice or behaviour
Have the findings from your research project influenced practice or behaviour?
Yes No
If Yes, please provide details about the influence on the practice of health service staff or the behaviour of patients and the public.
Various possible health/health service benefits can arise from the application of research project findings and the uptake of new products. These benefits include: improved health; improved service delivery; cost savings; an increase in values considered desirable e.g. equity.
Have any such benefits occurred as the result of the application of your research project findings?
Nature of health/health service benefits / Yes / No / Don’t know
Increased length or quality of life for patients, i.e. health gains
Improvements in service delivery, e.g. decreased referral time
Cost reduction in the delivery of existing services
Equity, e.g. better targeting and service accessibility
Other (please specify)
If you replied Yes to any of the options in Section 4 please specify, giving any supporting evidence: the nature of the benefits; how and why the benefits have accrued; and, where relevant, approximately how many people have received the interventions etc. resulting from the research.
Please provide details on any career advancement that this research has contributed to for any of the project team members (including training for higher degrees etc).
6.1Future outcomes
Have the outcomes from this project provided a platform for further research, including leverage of additional resources, further successful funding applications etc?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details.
6.2Other outcomes
Please describe any other ways (not previously mentioned) in which funding by NBCF for this research project has increased the value/impact of your research project.
Signature by the Chief Investigator
I certify that this is an accurate Follow-Up Report for the period covered.
One PDF copy of any journal or media articles published during the reporting period has been included (in both hard and soft copies).
Signed / Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Print Name
Certification by the Head of the Department/Unit
Please provide any comments in the box below (maximum ½ a page)
Signed / Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Print Name
Reports must be submitted in hard and soft copies.

Hard Copy

Please send the signed original copy of the report and one PDF copy of any journal or media articles published during the reporting period.
Post to:
Grants Administrator
National Breast Cancer Foundation
GPO Box 4126
Sydney NSW 2001

Electronic Copy

Please send an electronic copy of the report and an electronic copy of any journal or media articles published during the reporting period to .

Contact Us

Should you have any questions about this report please contact:

Grants Administrator

National Breast Cancer Foundation

GPO Box 4126

Sydney NSW 2001

Phone: 02 8098 4800


Thank you for submitting your Follow-up Report

The NBCF may contact you if clarification or further information is required. Information in this report is collected to determine whether further progress has been made by the researcher following completion of awarded funds.

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