FALL 2013

INSTUCTOR: Prof. Schechter

COURSE:Introductory Algebra Mat D 002 CRN:

SECTION:G7Mon./Wed. room F31411:00am-12:15pm

Tues. room B11510:00-11:15am




OFFICE HOURS: By appointment

Required textbook: Introductory Algebra NCC custom edition, by Elayn Martin-Gay,4/E

publisher Preston Hall (NCC custom edition) ANDMathxl registration card(DO NOT THROW OUT).

Objective: To obtain a passing grade on the Exit Exam.

Prerequisite: Math 001 or appropriate placement score.As a student in this course

you are responsible to verify that you are in the appropriate level math

course based on your current math placement. The Math Department will

not be responsible and will not waive the required prerequisite.

Student’s basic responsibilities:

Come to class on time. I will be taking attendance.

Be prepared with a notebook, pen, pencil, a scientific calculator (TI-30X 11S is recommended if you are buying one)no graphing calculators will be allowed, and textbook ready to take notes and participate. Non participation is considered an absence. Any combination of 3 lateness’ or 3 times leaving the class early is considered an absence. Cell phones and pagers must be turned off. Do your homework, it will be checked. You are responsible for all missed class work and homework when absent. Be sure to obtain a classmates telephone# so you can find out what you missed. You can also check on mathxl to see what was covered. has assignments under Homework at the following:

The Course Name is: Math 002 Fall 2013

The Course ID is:The Course ID for your course is: XL1C-91OG-601Z-3AL2

Students with Disabilities:

If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact on your ability to carry out assigned course work, I would urge you to contact the staff in The Center for Students with Disabilities, “U” Building,572-7241,TTY572-7617. CSD will review your concerns and determine what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation are confidential.

The Math Center is available for extra help: B-109. has programmed tutorials which can help. CD’s with video lessons are also packaged with your book. If you have any problems, it is best to see me immediately before the problem becomes overwhelming.

Exit Exam Eligibility: No more than 6 absences and minimum 70% average on tests.

75% is considered passing. There are no make-ups. A “0” will be entered for a missed test.

Grades: S (satisfactory), U (unsatisfactory) .

Course Outline:

Review of basics: R.1-R.3

Real number system: 1.1-1.8Test #1

Solving equations, inequalities: 2.1-2.7Quiz #1Test #2

Exponents & Polynomials: 31.-3.7Quiz #2Test #3

Factoring: 4.1,4.2,4.5,4.6Test #4

Finding roots: 8.1-8.4,8.6

Solving quadratic formula: 9.3Quiz #3

Graphing linear equations: 6.1-6.5

Solving system of equations: 7.2,7.3Test #5

Rational expressions:5.1-5.6

Review for exit exam

Exit exam

This is a tentative Test and Quiz schedule and subject to change.

Most tests and quizzes will be taken on the Mathxl program.