DSO Capacity building project

Consultation about planning

What is this consultation about?

This consultation is to find out what people think about planning. It will help the NDIS to understand how it can best support people to plan. A good plan means people have a better idea about what they want before they go to the NDIS. A good plan can also help people organise themselves in support of the life they want.

The NDIS has asked JFA Purple Orange to run this consultation.

What are the questions?

To help you think, and to help you have a conversation with other people you know, look at these questions. There are no wrong answers. Every person’s views are valuable.

  1. What does planning mean to you?
  2. When you have made plans what things helped you to plan? How were these things helpful?
  3. And what things got in the way, or made it harder to plan? How did these things make it harder?
  4. What could help you the next time you need to make a plan?
  5. What could help you to link with the NDIS?

Do people have to be involved in the consultation?

No, a person only has to be involved if they want to, and can stop any time.

What will happen to the information people give?

JFA Purple Orange will use the information to help give advice to the NDIS about the best ways to help people with planning. Nobody’s name will appear in what is written. This is because it is important to protect each person’s privacy.

It is also important other people in the consultation don’t tell other people what someone said, because it may be private.

How can people be involved?

People can get more information at or email or ring tollfree on 1300 857 327

People can use this guide to run their own consultation meeting. Arrange to meet with other people in your network, talk about the questions together, and make sure someone can write down the main things people said. Email that to us at , or fax to (08) 8373 8333, or post to PO Box 701, Unley BC 5061, SA. The consultation closes on 5 June 2015.

People can fill in an online survey at bit.ly/NDISplanning

Will I find out what people said?

Everyone who participates can receive a report on the main things that came out of the consultation.

Anything else?

If there is anything you would like to know, or if there is any help you need to be involved in this consultation, contact us.

Tel 1300 857 327


PO Box 701 Unley BC, 5061 SA