Delphos Republican
July 24 1908
No microfilm available
July 28 1933
Mansel W Bates, former resident, passed away at home in Puyallup, Washington.
Dorie Kline has contracted to teach the upper grades of the DelphosSchool.
Kleiner family reunion at Ed Kleiners. Attending were Leon Somers and family, Robert Cook and family, Will Murphy and family, Erva Kleiner and Colene (note: Halderson), Charles Kleiner and family of Gallup , New Mexico, Mr & Mrs Leonard Somers, Mr & Mrs Wes McKain, Mr & Mrs Roland Felt and daughter, Philips Wilkins and Ed Kleiner.
Rose Dorene Wilkins was honored guest at her 5th birthday party.
Alma and Burnice Baldock filed for divorce, also Jennie and Howard Delcamp.
Probates were filed for Martin Becker and Hiram Goodwin and also to clear title for property of the estate of Wyatt, Sarah and George Hockett.
July 24 1958
Many entries for the Horse Show. Sponsors are Delphos Coop, Mondts Insurance, Delphos State Bank, Haleys Food Market, Chance’s Food Store and 1st National Bank of Glasco. Delphos Darlings delivering prizes in their pretty formals are Jolene Rolph, Evelyn Jilka, Jackie Keener and Madelon Ranney.
The prescription room and the stock room in the drug store have been redecorated by Floyd and his young lady employees.
Engagement announced between Margaret Ann Coulter and Phillip Barrett.
Engagement announced between Darlene Yvonne Rolph and George A Maska.
Mr & Mrs Don Tasker have purchased the Richard Mattson property on North Michigan and plan to move from the farm northeast of Delphos.
New postal rates are 4 cents an ounce, 8 cents international.
Mrs Frank L Page, mother of Mrs John Nace, died in Topeka.
Eunice Jordan Adkinson, mother of Cleo Colton, passed away.
James Henry Locke, former resident, passed away.
Mr & Mrs Alfred Hurtig will move to the Dillon farmstead, Mr & Mrs Durrell Johnson will move to the Mamie Viers farm.
Mrs Earl Santner announces the opening of a beauty shop in her home.
July 28 1983
Julie Johnson and Margaret Lillman each received a letter of commendation in recognition for the use of their life saving skills at the scene of an auto accident.
The Landmark Oak tree, west of the south river bridge, tree was uprooted during a county road upgrading project. Thaddia Smith reported Grandma Hurtig used it as a landmark when she walked from Lindsborg to their homestead shortly after their marriage in 1871. Carrol Somers reports his great grandfather came here after the Civil War and the tree was here at that time.
Sharon Levendofskys birthday July 24th and Brads 10th birthday July 25th, were celebrated Monday night.
Rose Nelson, librarian, says Poloroid cameras re available at the library for check out.