Use the internet, library or books at school or home, to find 5 amazing robot facts!Present them in a creative way.
Use your research to compile a robot book or fact file, to keep in our book corner.
Every two weeks the children will be given set spellings to learn which we will assess. These are from the National Curriculum’s Year 3/4 recommended word list. / Maths.
We have been looking at fractions of number and their relationship with division. We have also been solving word problems involving fractions.
Your task is to write 3fraction word problems of your own, show the working out and include the answers.
E.g. Mr Pye has 18 tickets to see Cambridge United play Luton Town this weekend. He gives away 1/6 of his tickets to his class. How many tickets did he give away?
Answer: Mr Pye gives away 3 tickets to his class.
Write 3 more
2 step word problems with answers.
E.g. Mr Pye has 18 tickets to see Cambridge United play this weekend. He gives away 1/6 of his tickets to his class. How many tickets did he give away? How many did he have left? / On going learning
Continue to learn your times tables.
Try to know by heart the x3x4x5x6 tables.
When you know these challenge yourself with the x7x8x9x11x12 tables!
Reading Diaries to be completed and handed in each Thursday.
Creative termly task
Create some form of Robot art work. You may choose to build a 3D robot, create a picture, drawing or collage of a robot, or even produce a robot film/animation.
This is an optionaltask which you have until the end of term to complete.

Home learning to be handed in byWednesday8thFebruary.

Good luck and have fun with it!

Mr Pye and Miss Page.