Personal situation
Felix Benito Osma:
Professor of Commercial Law at the University Carlos III of Madrid. Advocate. Scientific Advisory SEAIDA (Spanish Section of the AIDA)
c / Madrid 126,
28903 Getafe (Madrid)
email: felix.benito.osma @; ;
Tel 91.5943088
Academic and professional status
Associate Professor of Commercial Law and Insurance Law at the University Carlos III of Madrid.
Scientific Advisory SEAIDA (Spanish Section of the AIDA).
Secretary General of the International Working Group of AIDA "New Technologies, Prevention and Insurance."

Secretary and member of the Editorial Board of the Spanish Journal of Insurance.
Permanent Senior Insurance Section of the Journal of Transport Law.
Law degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 1993-1998.
Doctor in Law from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Of doctoral thesis "The legal status of the participants and beneficiaries in the new regulation plans and pension funds", in 2007, Summa Cum Laude.
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Commercial Law. University Carlos III of Madrid (1999-2001).
Formative for Attorneys General Diploma. School of Legal Practice from the Law School. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.1998-1999.

Areas of Research
CORPORATE LAW, SECURITIES MARKET LAW, banking law, INSURANCE AND PENSION FUNDS, RIGHT OF CONSUMERS 'RIGHT new technologies (Internet, biotechnology and nanotechnology), Commercial Contracts LAW, COMPETITION LAW
Publications and scientific papers
Monograph: Members and beneficiaries in the new regulation plans and pension funds, Law 2008, p. 906.
Coauthored with Illescas, R and Morillas, M ª j., Insurance Code, Tecnos, 2008, pp. 1029.
Participation in Collective Works:
"Prologue", "duration extension, resolution and termination of contract of health insurance", in The health insurance reform of the Law on Insurance Contracts, Journal of SEAIDA, No. 6, Editorial Spanish Insurance, Madrid, 2011 .
"The uncertain outlook for GM from authorization to his assurance, in First Congress of new technologies and their impact on the insurance Mapfre Foundation Papers, No. 162, 2011.
"The electronic risks, responsibilities and assurance in selected sectors for the promotion and development of ICTs, in II Congress of new technologies and their impact on the insurance, SEAIDA, Madrid, 2012.
"The personal insurance reform in Insurance Contract Law", in Reform of Insurance Contract Law, Comares, 2012.
"Reinsurance and the liability of reinsurance brokers" in Congress CILA II, Section Paraguayan AIDA, 2011.
"Authorities and supervisory powers under European supervision and in the future law on supervision of private insurance, private insurance in Supervision. Toward Solvency II. Acts of Congress of Private Insurance Supervision, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2012.
Articles doctrinal
- Credit institutions and pension funds participation in listed companies, Business Law, No. 175, 2005, p. 5-20.
- The insurance contract is electronifica, Business Law, No. 163, 2004, p. 15-18.
- Registration of insurance contracts with death cover, Business Law, No. 189, 2006, p. 5-18.
- The jurisdictional issue in the liability insurance of Public Administration, Business Law, No. 164, 2004, p. 5-16.
- The status of the pension fund manager in times of crisis, Journal of Law, n º 270, 2008, pp. From 1475 to 1514.
- Clause venal in car insurance: harmful or limiting, Spanish Journal of Insurance, No. 119, 2004, p. 365-378.
- Incidents and dysfunction on unseizability of bound in pension and provident insured. About the STC No. 88/2009, Second Chamber of 20 April 2009, Journal of Liability and Insurance, No. 8, 2009, p. 18 to 28.
- The crisis plaguing the forecast: to liquidity and a paradigm shift, Journal of Liability and Insurance, No. 3, 2009, pp. 22-25.
- Pension and insolvency: the state does not guarantee benefits, Business Law Journal, No. 204, 2007, p. 17 to 28.
- Back to the expectations of law in the business group insurance for employees in the event of unfair dismissal, Liability and Insurance Magazine, No 2, 2010, pp. 56-58.
- Commentary on Articles 102-106 of the Draft Law on Insurance Contracts June 2010, Spanish Journal of Insurance, nos. 143-144, 2010, pp. 941-972.
- Law of Insurance Contracts emerges unscathed and strengthened after the draft bill, Liability and Insurance Magazine, No. 9, 2011, p. 25-31.
- The expanding operation of the Insurance Contract Law on pension and provident insured, Spanish Journal of Insurance, nos. 123-124, 2005, p. 831-839.
- Reflections on the RD-Law on Mediation in civil and commercial matters and its impact on the insurance, Insurance Spanish Journal, No. 149, 2012, pp. 103-114.
- The potential risks of GMOs and their impact on the insurance, Journal of Business Law and Obligations, No. 250, 2011, pp. 365-378.
- Supervision guarantees plans and pension funds, insurance Spanish Journal, No. 150.2012.
Conferences, seminars and Congress
Organizer, speaker and moderator on topics related to commercial law and insurance law.