Minutes of the West Deeping Pcc Committee Meeting

Minutes of the West Deeping Pcc Committee Meeting

Initial Draft for PCC Review by 22nd September 2017



The meeting opened with a prayer.

Item 1: Members Present

Ian Aldred (IA) / Treasurer / Chair
Allan Crowson (AC)
Elizabeth Noble (EN)
Howard Jones (HJ)
Joy De Toney (JDeT)
Colin Blagrove (CB) / Churchwarden / Secretary

In Attendance:

Maggie AshcroftWest Deeping Heritage Group


Susanna Aldred

Item 2: Minutes of Last Meeting

The meeting confirmedthat the previous minutes, which had been circulated to members, were an accurate record of the meeting held on 13th June 2017. A copy of the minutes was approved by the Chair for retention by the Secretary and inclusion on the Parish website.

Item 3: Matters Arising

Action No / Action / Status
Sep 16-1 / AC/CB agreed to populate the SPAB spreadsheet with current maintenance data. / Ongoing – nothing further to report.
Jun 17-1 / IA to draft a letter in reply to Rev Martin’s e-mail stating PCC views on the parish share proposals. / Complete. See Agenda Item 4. Action closed.
Jun 17-2 / CB would reply to Rev Martin to confirm service dates over the Christmas period. / E-Mail sent 19/06/17. Action closed.
Jun 17-3 / CB to co-ordinate arrangements for rehanging and rededication of the World War I Memorial Board in consultation with the West Deeping Heritage Group. / Ongoing – see Agenda Item 8.
Jun 17-4 / CB to expedite the repair of the leak as an urgent project separate from the overall programme improvement plan. / Ongoing – see Agenda Item 8.
Jun 17-5 / CB to initiate further action to appoint a specialist to advise on heating capacity, electrical wiring and lighting solutions to satisfy English Heritage grant application requirements for the programme improvement plan. / Complete. See Agenda Item 8 for progress. Action closed.
Jun 17-6 / CB/IA to investigate the feasibility of the sale of Lolham Field with the intention that the proceeds should be put towards the overall programme improvement. / Ongoing – nothing further to report.
Jun 17-7 / HJ to co-ordinate a ‘parish profile’ prior to the Archdeacon’s meeting with PCCs on 23rd July. / Complete. See Agenda Item 5 for progress. Action closed.
Jun 17-8 / CB to consult with the Group Safeguarding Officer to review and update our safeguarding responsibilities. / Ongoing. See Agenda Item 5 for progress.
Jun 17-9 / CB to consult with IA/AC to compile a Property Register. / Complete. See Agenda Item 5 for progress. Action closed.
Jun 17-10 / CB to co-ordinate the flower arranging roster. / Complete. Action closed.

Item 4: Treasurer’s Report

Receipts and Payments. IA presented the Financial Report (HSBC Account) to 31st August 2017. The Report at Attachment A had been circulated to members prior to the meeting. IA explained the receipts and payments in his report and concluded that we are just managing to break even over this year.

Parish Share. IA summarised the meeting held with Rev Martin, AC and CB on 30th June 2017at which our parish share was discussed. Rev Martin explained his request that we approve an immediate increase in our parish share as stated in his e-mail dated 23/05/17. IA summarised the history behind our current payments and highlighted how much we received from our collection receipts which fell well short of what we were being asked to pay. Given that we had paid the full amount for 2017, as requested by the Diocese, it was felt that we should do all we could to pay the increased share with effect from 2018. At the meeting, having heard our position, Rev Martin agreed to reconsider options. In response to Action Jun 17-1, IA and CB had drafted a written response to Rev Martin’s e-mail.In view of the outcome of the meeting on 30th June, it was decided that the draft letter wouldnot be sent. The PCC agreed that Action Jun 17-1 should be closed pending further feedback from Rev Martin and that we would do all we could to pay the increased share for 2018 as stated in Rev Martin’s e-mail.

Item 5: Synod Report

AC presented his report from the Deanery Synod held on 20th June 2017 (Attachment B). The next meeting of the Synod will be on 10thOctober at Georges Place, Stamford which EN will attend.

Item 6: Churchwarden’s Report

CBpresented the Churchwarden’s Reportat Attachment C. The following actions were arising:

  • Parish Profile. In connection with Action No Jun 17-7, HJ had co-ordinatedour perspective on a ‘parish profile’ prior to the Archdeacon’s meeting on 23rd July. Action complete. Whilst we are awaiting direction on how to contribute to a Group Profile, HJ suggested that we forward our parish profile to others in the Group.

Action Sep 17-1. HJ/CB to forward the West Deeping ‘Parish Profile’ to other PCC secretaries in the Group.

  • Safeguarding. CB had spoken to Liz Bender regarding the Group Safeguarding Officer role in order to review/update our safeguarding responsibilities. Liz agreed to investigate further including Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) requirements and safeguarding training. Her feedback is awaited (Action No Jun 17-8 ongoing).

Item 7: Worship

Services. CBsummarised the Services held since the last PCC meeting as detailed at Attachment C. The following forthcoming services at St Andrew’s Church were noted:

  • Harvest Festival AAW service on 17th September.
  • AAW Services on 15thOctober (Growing our Faith: Parable of the Talents), 19thNovember (Caring for Others), 17thDecember 2017 (Celebrating God’s Gift of Jesus to Us) and 21stJanuary 2018.

Action Sep 17-2.CB to arrange a meeting to discuss future AAW services.

  • All Souls Service on 29th October 2017 at St Lawrence’s, Tallington starting at 11:00 am.
  • Remembrance Sunday Service at St Michael & All Angels Church, Uffington at 10:30 am on 12th November 2017.
  • Midnight mass on 24th December starting at 23:30 pm. There will be no Sunday Service on 24th December Christmas Eve.
  • Given that there will be a Group Service at Barholm on Sunday 31st December; our first New Year service will be on Sunday 7th January 2018.

Growing in Confident Discipleship through the study of God’s Word.The following points were noted:

  • Bible Study.Our Bible Study Group would continueafter the summer break with effect from 5th September fortnightly with the study of Timothy.
  • Prayer Groups.As Rev Carolyn Kennedy’s departure approaches and the process of filling the vacancy begins, SA had initiated fortnightly Prayer Groups for the New Ministry.Since starting on 26th June, the gatherings had created a feeling of coming together in the presence of God at different churches in the Benefice and at different times. The next Group would be at St Faith’s Church, Wilsthorpe on Wednesday 20th September starting at 7:30 pm and St Andrew’s Church, West Deeping on Monday 2nd October at 10:00 am.

Item 8: FabricEvents

Fabric.CB reported on progress with improvements to the church fabric. His report is at Attachment C.The following main points were arising from this report:

  • Improvement and Restoration Programme. CB presented a brief on the Improvement and Restoration Programme. The brief is at Attachment D. The Architect had provided a Fees Letter dated 28th August 2017 detailing the work he would be required to carry out and the cost breakdown. Prior to commitment to the fees, the PCC sought reassurance that the Architect was sufficiently experienced to undertake the work envisaged. Accordingly, it was agreed:

Action Sep 17-3: PCC to confirm that the evidence supporting experience of the Architect to undertake the proposed work detailed in the Fees Letter dated 28th August 2017 provides sufficient assurance to approve the go ahead.

CB added that if the PCC committed to this outlay, it would provide a path to seeking fundraising within our local community and the ability to pay an increased parish share next year and in the future.The PCC agreed the following action.

Action Sep 17-4: Subject to satisfactory completion of Action Sep 17-3, CB to reply to the Architect’s Fees Letter dated 28th August 2017 to approve the go ahead of the work to prepare drawings and specifications for Lincoln DAC Faculty approval and issue of the Tender as specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Letter.

  • World War I (WWI) Memorial Board. Having completed the conservation of the WWI Memorial Board, the conservator delivered it on 25thJuly. CB is co-ordinating arrangements for rehanging the frame and payment of the grant approved by the War Memorial Trust. In consultation with the West Deeping Heritage Group (Maggie Ashcroft), CB will co-ordinate arrangements for rededication of the Memorial now expected to be early in the New Year (Action Jun 17-3 ongoing).
  • Organ. The organ has had an intermittent fault over the past few months. An electronic organ engineer visited to inspect the organ on 23rd July. Following investigation, Bob Mosley, who built the organ originally, has confirmed that he will carry out the repair as soon as the parts arrive.

Events.CB summarised recent events as detailed in the Report at Attachment C. The main points were:

  • The ‘OpenVillage’ event 2017 had been a great success and raised £1,751.56. Thanks to all involved. Payment into the PCC Account had been made on 31st August 2017.
  • A Christmas Tree Festival would be held in St Andrew’s Church during Advent.

Action Sep 17-5: In consultation with the PCC, CB to co-ordinate arrangements for the Christmas Tree Festival.

Item 9: AOB

JdeT stated that St George’s Church were offering Bibles and had asked if we would like any for St Andrew’s Church. It was agreed that JdeT would ask for 30 copies.

Item 10: Dates of Next Meetings

The following dates were provisionally agreed for future PCC meetings:

  • Tuesday 28th November
  • Tuesday 20th February 2018
  • Mon 9th April 2018 (Annual Meeting).

The Secretary would promulgate a calling notice and agenda for the next meeting in due course.

A summary of PCC open actions is at Annex A to these Minutes.

The Chair closed the meeting with The Grace.

Colin Blagrove



Drafted: 8thSeptember 2017

Comments to be included from PCC membersby 22ndSeptember 2017

Certified Approved Version:

Ian Aldred (Chair)

Dated: xxNovember 2017


  1. Summary of Outstanding Actions from PCC Meetings at 4thSeptember 2017.


  1. Treasurer’s Report to 31stAugust 2017.
  2. Deanery Synod Report for 20th June 2017.
  3. Churchwarden’s Reportdated 31st August 2017.
  4. Brief on Proposals for Restoration & Improvement Programme dated 31st August 2017.


All PCC Members

Rev Martin Brebner



No / Action / Status
Sep 16-1 / AC/CB agreed to populate the SPAB spreadsheet with current maintenance data. / Ongoing
Jun 17-3 / CB to co-ordinate arrangements for rehanging and rededication of the World War I Memorial Board in consultation with the West Deeping Heritage Group. / Ongoing
Jun 17-6 / CB/IA to investigate the feasibility of the sale of Lolham Field with the intention that the proceeds should be put towards the overall programme improvement. / Ongoing
Jun 17-8 / CB would consult with the Group Safeguarding Officer to review and update our safeguarding responsibilities. / Ongoing
Sep 17-1 / HJ/CB to forward the West Deeping ‘Parish Profile’ to other PCC secretaries in the Group. / Open
Sep 17-2 / CB to arrange a meeting to discuss future AAW services. / Open
Sep 17-3 / PCC to confirm that the evidence supporting experience of the Architect to undertake the proposed work detailed in the Fees Letter dated 28th August 2017 is sufficient to commit to approving the go ahead. / Open
Sep 17-4 / Subject to satisfactory completion of Action Sep 17-3, CB to reply to the Architect’s Fees Letter dated 28th August 2017 to approve the go ahead of the work to prepare drawings and specifications for Lincoln DAC Faculty approval and issue of the Tender as specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Letter. / Open
Sep 17-5 / In consultation with the PCC, CB to co-ordinate arrangements for the Christmas Tree Festival. / Open