Date of Statement/EHCP/MOP / 05.09.2010
Date of Annual Review / 15.06.15
Date of Last Annual Review / 14.07.15
Date of last TAC/ChIN/LAC review (if applicable) please attach / N/A
- My Details
Full Name / Logan WOLVERINE
Date of Birth / 05.05.2007 / Year Group / 3
Ethnicity / White British / Language / English
Home Address / 13 XavierClose, Charles CH5 9XM
Parent(s)/Carer(s)/ person responsible / Mr Scott and Mrs Jean Wolverine
Address if different to above / As above
Is the child subject to a Care Order where the LA shares parental responsibility? / No
Is the child accommodated under Section 20 of the Children Act 1989 / No
Are these details different from those on the statement/ECHP/MOP? / No
- My School
Name of current placement / Storm Primary School
Date of Admission / September 2013
Is the child dual registered / No / If yes, where?
Attendance % to date / 100%
Current Band/Funding
- Who is important to me?
List all those invited, indicate if present at annual review and if they have contributed in writing to the review. Please list any reports gathered since statutory assessment/last annual review. These may be used for the purpose of converting to EHCP
Name / Details / Attended / Written contribution received (attach)
Yes/No / Date of report
Logan Wolverine / Child / Yes / Yes / 20.04.15
Jean Wolverine / Mother / Yes / Yes / 15.05.15
Scott Wolverine / Father / Yes / Yes / 15.05.15
Ororo Munroe / SENCO / Yes / Yes / 26.02.15
Bobby Drake / Teaching Assistant / Yes / 27.02.15
Paed consultant / No / Yes / 30.12.14
Dr Rogue / Asthma Consultant / No / Yes / 30.03.15
- Plan Co-ordinator
Who is the professional responsible for reviewing this plan? / Orora Munroe
Contact details / 01793 336699
How will (XX) be involved in this review / Chairperson
- My Health
Please attach relevant report for any new diagnosis
Any diagnosed condition / Diagnosed by / Date of diagnosis
ADHD / Dr Summers / 2010
Asthma / Dr E Magneto / 2008
- My contribution
An updated “All About Me” form should be completed for each review and attached to the paperwork
Completed by / Logan / Date / 07.07.14
Relationship to child/young person / Young Person
- My Parent/Carers Contribution
Please see attached parental contribution
- What progress has your child made this year?
- Has your child experienced any particular difficulties during the year?
- What areas of development would you like your child to concentrate on in the year ahead?
- What are your hopes for the next phase of education?
- What are your hopes and dreams for your child for the future?
- Update on my strengths and skills
Strengths as listed in statement of SEN:
Likes sport
Interested in Tigers
Good sense of humour
What do people like and admire about me
Logan said that other classmates think he is funny and he makesthem laugh and he is really good at sport like football and basketball.
What do I need to stay safe and healthy
To stay safe and healthy Logan said he needs to make sure he always has his inhaler and eats good food.
Whatis important to me now?
Logan said that his family, his pet cat, toys and playing sport was important to him.
What do I find difficult
Logan said that he finds writing and paying attention in lessons difficult.
What is working well in my current school placement?
Logan said that he enjoys school now that his medication is working right and he likes playing sport in school.
What is currently working well outside of school?
Out of school Logan said that he loves playing football in his local team and they recently won a tournament. He also loves Tigers and his mum and dad said he can sponsor one with the WWF if he does chores for the money.
What is important to me in the future
In the future Logan said his education was important to him because he wants to be a fireman and needs to get good grades.
What is important for me in the future
Logan said that it was important for him to get a job and have a family.
- Attainment and Progress towards My Outcomes
FS / Y1 / Y2 / Y3 / Y4 / Y5 / Y6 / Y7 / Y8 / Y9 / Y10 / Y11 / Y12 / Y13 / Evidence for current assessment e.g. SATS/Standardised test/TA evidence
Overall subject levels
Standardised test results and/or entry assessment
Date of test / Name of Test / Assessment / Results / Administered by (name and role) / Comment
Other factors influencing my progress out of school
Logan has had a difficult year as his ADHD medication was changed. He had several months when his behaviour in school deteriorated but school and parents worked together and this behaviour is no longer an issue. Logan has adapted well to the change in medication and enjoys school now that his behaviour has settled.
- Review of Outcomes on the EHC Plan (add additional as required) or objectives on the statement.
For pupils in year 9 and over, please indicate what preparing for adulthood pathway each outcome relates to e.g. employment, friends relationships and community participation, independent living, good health.
Area of Educational Need / Cognition and learning / Comunication and Interaction / Social emotional and Mental health / Physical and Sensory
Preparing for adulthood pathway / employment / Independent Living / Good health / Friends, relationships and community participation
Review of Outcomes on the EHC Plan (add additional as required)/Objective on the statement
Insert here
Area of Educational Need / Cognition and Learning / x / Communication and Interaction / Social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing / Physical and/or Sensory
Preparing for Adulthood Pathway / Employment / x / Independent Living / Good Health / Friends, relationships, community participation
Review of Outcomes on the EHC Plan (add additional as required)
Outcome recorded for education on EHCP
Cognition and Learning / To learn how to concentrate and pay attention. Amend to: Logan is able to concentrate and pay attention on a set task in lessons, he is able to work independently and in a small group of his peers.
Progress to Date / My Views / Logan said that he still needs help to do his work in class.
Parental View / Logan is working hard in lessons but can be easily distracted. This still needs to improve but he is doing well and has improved.
School Views / Logan enjoys doing group work in class and can be distracted at times. His class teacher is careful to put him in a group where there are positive role models who will support him in staying on task.
Other Professional Views / N/A
Outcome Achieved? / On-going but good progress made so far.
Support Provided / By whom / Impact
Logan is supported in class with a TA who is allocated to the class. They help him start a task and if in a group of peers they continue to support him if needed and he is good at asking for help.
Class teacher puts Logan in groups with positive role models who support Logan in remaining on task. / TA in class
Class Teacher / Logan is not supported all the time and starts to become more independent in his learning. He is able to ask for help if needed but always tries on his own first.
Logan does not feel singled out and can offer his support to others when needed building his confidence.
Changes to outcome
Outcome was written in line with new paperwork and for conversion of statement to EHCP
Next steps / What needs to happen now? Action/Support required / Who needs to be involved / What changes will we see / End date
Logan to ask for help when needed. / Logan to continue to ask for help when needed but try first. / TA Class Teacher and Logan, Parents can support learning at home / Logan will start work more independently and feel more confident in what he is doing
TA to start offering their support less so Logan starts to gain independence and confidence / TA to give Logan opportunities to start his work alone and then ask for support if needed. / TA in class and parents with Logan’s homework to also give him opportunities to start tasks alone before asking for help / Logan’s confidence increasing and
Provide clear instructions and a variety of activities / Continue to provide clear instructions and a variety of activities / TA and Class Teacher in lesson planning / Logan is able to achieve in his learning
Review of Outcomes on the EHC Plan (add additional as required)/Objective on the statement
Insert here
Area of Educational Need / Cognition and Learning / x / Communication and Interaction / Social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing / Physical and/or Sensory
Preparing for Adulthood Pathway / Employment / x / Independent Living / Good Health / Friends, relationships, community participation
Review of Outcomes on the EHC Plan (add additional as required)
Outcome recorded for education on EHCP
Social Emotional and Mental Health / To support for ADHD. Amend to: Logan understands more about ADHD and how it can affect his behaviour. He feels more in control and able to ask to be removed from the class if he needs to exert energy or calm down.
Progress to Date / My Views / Logan said he does not understand why he behaves bad.
Parental View / Parents said they are still finding out about ADHD and the new medication was a positive step for Logan in controlling and understanding ADHD, they would appreciate some support in how they explain it all to Logan.
School Views / Logan has coped well over the last year and has still made academic progress. School can work with parents and Logan in understanding his ADHD. Logan can have a calm place to go to and an identified member of staff (his TA) when he feels he needs to calm down.
Other Professional Views / N/A
Outcome Achieved? / On-going
Support Provided / By whom / Impact
TA offers in class support to Logan.
Logan can go to his TA if he needs to calm down or feels he is struggling in lesson.
School to work with Parents and Logan to help them understand ADHD. / TA and Logan
School to work with Parents and Logan / Logan can calm down in a safe environment; he is encouraged to talk to his TA when he is struggling and less class disruption.
Parents and Logan feel supported and build a good relationship with the school.
Changes to outcome
Outcome written in line with new paperwork and in preparation of Conversion to EHCP from Statement.
Next steps / What needs to happen now? Action/Support required / Who needs to be involved / What changes will we see / End date
Safe place in school to be identified for Logan. / Safe place identified / Logan and School / Logan can calm down in a safe place if needed, long term his behaviour improves and he does not need the safe place as much.
School to support parents and Logan in understanding ADHD / School to work with Logan and Parents / School, Logan and Parents / Logan and Parents develop a good relationship with school and have a better understanding of ADHD
Review of Outcomes on the EHC Plan (add additional as required)/Objective on the statement
Insert here
Area of Educational Need / Cognition and Learning / x / Communication and Interaction / Social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing / Physical and/or Sensory
Preparing for Adulthood Pathway / Employment / x / Independent Living / Good Health / Friends, relationships, community participation
Review of Outcomes on the EHC Plan (add additional as required)
Outcome recorded for education on EHCP
Physical and Sensory / Ability to access learning. Amend to: Logan is a confident learner, he can work independently and is accessing the curriculum. His attainment has improved and his handwriting is legible.
Progress to Date / My Views / Logan said that he enjoys school now
Parental View / Parents are happy with Logan’s progress and want to focus on improving his handwriting.
School Views / Logan has made good progress in school, he is a more confident learner and enjoys working in a group of his peers.
Other Professional Views / N/A
Outcome Achieved? / On-going
Support Provided / By whom / Impact
Logan has TA support in class.
Differentiation of work.
Alternative methods of recording for tasks that involve a lot of writing. Use of a scribe or write in pairs. / TA and class teacher / Logan can access the curriculum and does not feel singled out
Changes to outcome
Rewritten in line with new paperwork and conversion to EHCP from Statement
Next steps / What needs to happen now? Action/Support required / Who needs to be involved / What changes will we see / End date
Logan has TA support in class.
Differentiation of work.
Alternative methods of recording for tasks that involve a lot of writing. Use of a scribe or write in pairs. / TA to support, alternative methods of recording to be provided and class teacher to differentiate lessons / TA and Class teacher / Logan is supported in class, his work is differentiated and is able to use alternative methods of recording to better express his ideas.
Review of Outcomes on the EHC Plan (add additional as required)/Objective on the statement
Insert here
Area of Educational Need / Cognition and Learning / Communication and Interaction / x / Social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing / Physical and/or Sensory
Preparing for Adulthood Pathway / Employment / Independent Living / Good Health / Friends, relationships, community participation / x
Review of Outcomes on the EHC Plan (add additional as required)
Outcome recorded for education on EHCP
Social Communication and Interaction / To improve social interaction as a result of his ADHD. Amend to: Logan has a positive group of friends that support him. He understands basic social situations and can act appropriately.
Progress to Date / My Views / Logan said that he has some friends but doesn’t like to talk to others because they think he causes trouble.
Parental View / Logan is a lovely boy but struggles to initiate conversations with his peers. He is worried that they judge him due to his poor behavior and is not willing to try.
School Views / Logan is a lovely boy and pupils are often laughing at jokes he tells to his friends. He lacks confidence in approaching pupils he does not know and just needs a little encouragement. Logan has some strong friendships in school and works really well in a group. Logan lacks confidence in talking to big groups of children.
Other Professional Views / N/A
Outcome Achieved? / On-going
Support Provided / By whom / Impact
Reference to the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) curriculum.
It is crucial that adults support Logan and facilitate opportunities for him and his peers to relate to each other in small, positive ways.
In order for Logan to build positive relationships with his peers it is important that he is viewed as a team player and mutual respect is encouraged.
A ‘Circle of Friends’ could be set up to support Logan’s relationships. / School / Logan gains confidence in speaking to peers he does not know and realises that they have lots in common.
Logan makes more friends in school
Changes to outcome
Rewritten in line with new paperwork and conversion to EHCP from Statement
Next steps / What needs to happen now? Action/Support required / Who needs to be involved / What changes will we see / End date
Seal implemented in school.
Adults support Logan and facilitate opportunities to relate to peers in small positive ways.
Logan is placed in groups for tasks ensuring that he has opportunities to demonstrate that he is a team player.
Circle of Friends set up / School implement support / School and success shared with parents / Logan is more confident in approaching peers he does not know and builds more friendships.
Review of Outcomes on the EHC Plan (add additional as required)/Objective on the statement
Insert here
Area of Educational Need / Cognition and Learning / Communication and Interaction / x / Social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing / x / Physical and/or Sensory
Preparing for Adulthood Pathway / Employment / Independent Living / Good Health / Friends, relationships, community participation / x
Review of Outcomes on the EHC Plan (add additional as required)
Outcome recorded for Social Care on EHCP / To learn positive behaviour (including hyperactivity and impulsivity) and requires support with this. Amend to: Logan is supported in learning to control his hyperactivity and impulsivity; he displays more positive behaviour and is rewarded for this.
Progress to Date / My Views / Logan said that he really tries to be good.
Parental View / Logan’s behavior is improving. He needs support to learn how to control his behavior. When rewarded at home for good behavior Logan is really proud of himself.
School Views / Logan’s behavior has significantly improved and this is rewarded in school by letting him help with organizing a practical activity or taking the register to reception with another child.
Other Professional Views / N/A
Outcome Achieved? / Progress made but an on-going outcome
Support Provided / By whom / Impact
Clear rules, routines, predictable and consistent responses as well as clear signs that things are safe and that the teacher is in control.
Use of a visual timetable may be useful in aiding Logan’s understanding of routines and contribute to feelings of security. This needs to be specific with reference to time out and rewards etc.
Offering choices to contain behaviour may be more appropriate than giving sanctions. Reframe ‘warnings’ or ‘sanctions’ as ‘helping strategies’ and use consequences as opportunities to nurture instead.
Strategies, sanctions and rewards need to be reviewed regularly which may lead to them being changed.
Provide frequent, immediate and consistent feedback on behaviour and redirection back to task.
Provide on-going support via a graduated process to help Logan develop self-help skills and confidence in relation to managing his own behaviour. / School with the support of parents / Increase confidence in his ability to make changes to his behaviour.
Logan has clear rules to follow and sanctions and understands the consequences clearly. Logan can be involved in this so there is some ownership.