Date: ______

Achievement Record

Name: ______

I. Research Achievements

1. Degree thesis

Thesis title: ______

Doctor of ______; or PhD in ______from ______University

Date acquired: ______

2. Research papers A (refereed papers)

2-1: Scientific journal papers

1) (Author name) (Title) (Name of publishing journal) (Vol.) (pp. 00–00) (Year)

2) (Author name) (Title) (Name of publishing journal) (Vol.) (pp. 00–00) (Year)

2-2: Proceedings papers

1) (Author name) (Title) (Name of publishing journal) (Vol.) (pp. 00–00) (Year)

Note: Print candidate name in Gothic font or underlined text

3. Research papers B (research papers other than those covered by A above)

1) (Author name) (Title) (Name of publishing journal) (Vol.) (pp. 00–00) (Year)

2) (Author name) (Title) (Name of publishing journal) (Vol.) (pp. 00–00) (Year)

Note: Print candidate name in Gothic font or underlined text

4. Books

1) (Author name) (Book title) (Publisher) (Year)

2) (Author name) (Titles of chapters written) (Editor name) (Book title)

(Publisher and year) (pp. 00~00)

Note: With joint works in which sections written are clearly defined, specify the said sections.

5. Keynote addresses and other presentations given at domestic academic societies or international conferences (major addresses over the past ten years)

1) (Speaker name) (Title) (International conference name) (Conference city, year)

2) (Speaker name) (Title) (International conference name) (Conference city, year)

II. Intellectual Property and Tangible Results (list registered patents only; tangible results must be those actually supplied to third parties)

1) (Inventor name, etc.) (Title) (Patent registration number, etc.) (Year)

2) (Producer name, etc.) (Title) (Where supplied/delivered, etc.) (Year)

III. Educational Career at Universities, Etc. (including part-time lecturer posts and other positions)

From (month) (year) to (month) (year): (University name, etc.) (Subjects taught)

IV. Social Achievements

From (month) (year) to (month) (year): (Category)

V. Activities at Academic Societies, Etc.

From (month) (year) to (month) (year): (Category)

VI. Acquisition of External Funding (Distinguish by representative and area handled; exclude acquisitions over ten years old and internal funding from schools)

From (year) to (year): (External funding source, name) (Title) (Representative name) (Total value)

Note: Use A4-size sheets. For research papers and books, please attach extra prints or copies. In addition, list research papers, books, and other works in order of publication (older works first).