Minutes of the SCC Meeting of November 18, 2001

The meeting was held at Aunt Sarah's Pancake House, Fredericksburg, VA.

Lunch was from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

In attendance:

MV Marianne Volpe, LPVA Secretary

MM Marc Montoni, Chair

SE Scott Elston, Treasurer

RE Rance Edwards, Office Assistant, LPVA

SA Stephanie Abdon, Editor, Virginia Liberty; LPHQ Staff

GW Gary Westmoreland, 5th Congressional District Committee Chair

JL Jim Lark, 9th Congressional District Committee Chair

DB Dwight Baker, Past Chair, LP of Mississippi

JS James E. Simpson, LP Prince William County and Communications


BE Brian Engle, 3rd Congressional District Committee Chair

BL Bill Lawry, 11th Congressional District Committee Chair

CP Charlotte Patrick, Shenandoah LP, 4th Congressional District proxy

AR Anne Rocktashel, 10th Congressional District Committee Chair

DJ Dana Johansen, former Chair, Vice-Chair's proxy

DH David Horne, 8th Congressional District Committee Chair

JT Jim Turbett, Chair, Fairfax County LP

JMu John Mullin, 7th Congressional District Committee Chair

SMu Sarah Mullin, 7th Congressional District activist

I. 1:00 p.m.CALL TO ORDER.

MM, Chair. There being 12 members or their proxies in attendance, a quorum was met, and the meeting was called to order by Marc Montoni, Chair.


August 19, 2001, Minutes of the SCC meeting. GW/MV moved to accept the minutes, and the motion PASSED without objection. Without objection the recognition of the Fairfax County LP was moved to the first item of Old Business. DH noted that the SCC was to appoint an auditor at this meeting; SE stated that he could not audit his own books. DJ offered to look informally at the books. Item number 2, Old Business, Auditor Selection was added without objection. JL/SE moved to adopt the agenda as amended, and the motion PASSED without objection.

III. 1:10 p.m.REPORTS (Questions and Answers)

Treasurer's Report. SE. Submitted November 15, 2001. SE explained that he has converted the accounting system to Quick Books, and this will be an improvement. SE will meet with MM and DJ in January to continue to improve the system. MV asked and SE confirmed that the reports showed that the LPVA had taken in $30,611.48 , Jan through Dec 2001, spent $23,484.61, and had $28,875 in the bank at this time.


1st CD, 5th CD, 8th CD, 9th CD, 10th CD, 11th CD - submitted. BL reported on campaign activity in the 11th CD in the past election cycle. JL noted that the Daily Progress, a Charlottesville paper, noted the difference in the margin of victory in the Lt. Gov. race was less than Gary Reams' vote total.

DH asked for a report on the results of the $500 the SCC allocated to the Prince William County Fair. "AI" - BL to report on the Prince William County Fair booth.

DH asked for a report from the Radio Advertising Committee. "AI" - MV to request a report from John Mitton, head of the Radio Ad Committee.




Computer Committee Report. Robert McBride. Submitted November 17, 2001

Radio Advertising Committee Report. JM. Submitted November 26, 2001.

Campus Organizing Committee Report. JL.

JL introduced Dwight Baker, former Chair of the LP of Mississippi, now a resident of Virginia.

JMu arrived, and the Chair stopped the meeting so that everyone could introduce themselves. After introductions, the SCC moved to the review of Action Items from the last meeting.


1.BE to produce a list of events. BE produced a list of events, but has not received feedback from anyone. He asked that members send him additional events.

2.DH to update the House of Delegates candidate list and post to the SCC list. Done on August 29, 2001 by email to SCC list. Copy of report follows as Campaigns Report #2, submitted August 29, 2001.

3.MV to arrange for reservation of room at Aunt Sarah's Pancake House, 11/18/01 for next SCC meeting. Done.

V. 1:35 p.m. OLD BUSINESS.

1.Recognition of New Fairfax County LP. DJ/MV moved to accept the new Fairfax County LP Constitution and Bylaws, and list of members. PASSED without objection.

2.Appointment of an Auditor. MM asked DJ if he would be willing to look at the LPVA books. JL explained that James Curtis, a member of the J.A.L. and a CPA, is willing to serve as Treasurer or as Auditor. "AI" - MM, SE, DJ and BL to meet the first weekend in December to take a first look at the LPVA books.

(A recess was taken from 1:45 to 2:00 p.m.)

VI. 2:00 p.m. NEW BUSINESS.

1.Contract with Aristotle Industries. BL suggested that a statement be added to the website to advise contributors how much of the contribution goes to overhead; MM asked for a sense of the body, and there was no objection. MM noted that this contract would be an addendum to the Bylaws.

2. Motion to name Dave Briggman 6th CD Representative and Glenn Loucks 6th CD Alternate. MV/JL. **The motion PASSED, 9 aye, 0 nay, 2 abstain. The vote was as follows: Aye, MV, SE, BE, CP, GW, JMu, JL, AR, BL; abstain, DJ, DH.**

3.Motion by Anne Rocktashel to initiate a membership survey. AR/BL. AR explained that we need feedback from the members. AR would need the membership list to do the survey, and noted that Philip Hodson would help her with statistics. DJ/MV called the question. **The motion PASSED, 10 aye, 0 nay, 1 abstain. The vote was as follows: Aye, MV, SE, BE, CP, GW, JMu, DH, JL, AR, BL; abstain, DJ.**

4.Motion by AR for the SCC to request reports to the SCC by the candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor on their campaigns. AR/DJ. AR accepted a friendly amendment by BL to make this a friendly request, and a vote was taken. ** The motion PASSED without objection.** "AI" - AR to request reports from the candidates. AR asked that her motion number 5 be with drawn, and without objection, it was WITHDRAWN. MM asked that motions 6, 7, 10, 12, and 16 be withdrawn. DJ objected to withdrawing motions 7, 10, and 12 because these involved capital goods. SE noted that dinner certificates are not considered capital goods. DJ asked about the cost of the Adobe software, and MM said that would be around $900, so it would be a capital good. MM asked if there was objection to withdrawing motion 6, and without objection, it was WITHDRAWN.

7. MOTION: To allocate $300 from the General Fund for the purchase of one 5-drawer locking file cabinet for storing general and historic LPVA documents and small items of property, to be placed at the home of the chairman or his designee; and the purchase of one two-drawer file cabinet for storing official LPVA records, to be placed at the home of the Secretary. BL/BE. BE asked how records are stored at present, and MV explained that she keeps the records in a small cabinet and 6 notebooks. SE noted that under the Bylaws, this would not be a capital goods purchase and the present fund allocation process was established so that these types of questions need not be decided at a SCC meeting. **A vote was taken, and the motion PASSED. The vote was as follows: 10 aye, 1 abstention by SE.**

1.MOTION: To repeal the Bylaw directing that we become a Virginia PAC. SE/JL. DJ said that James Curtis is willing to do the political reports necessary if we act as a political committee. DJ explained that this would allow the LPVA to do things to help candidates, such as the previous motion to spend $5,000 on "Vote Libertarian" signs that failed. After a motion by BL/GW to extend debate failed, a vote was taken. ** The motion FAILED, 5 aye, 6 nay. The vote was as follows: Aye, SE, JMu, DH, JL, BL; nay, DJ, MV, BE, CP, GW, AR.

2.MOTION: To officially thank certain volunteers for their efforts (certificates to be presented at the meeting). GW/MV. The following were to be given a certificate: { list to be compiled } . ** A vote was taken, and the motion PASSED without objection.**

3.MOTION: To allocate $ 500 to purchase "rewards" for particularly active & effective volunteers [to be used for purchasing dinner certificates, shopping gift cards, etc], at the discretion of the Chair. DJ noted that the Chair has a fund from which he can make these purchases. **The motion was WITHDRAWN without objection.**

4.MOTION: To begin producing and mailing Virginia Liberty once a month. JL/GW. DJ and DH observed that Bylaw 6 does not prevent additional issues, and the Chair has the authority to print more issues with the money in the Virginia Liberty fund. **The motion was WITHDRAWN without objection.**

5.MOTION: To allocate an additional $ 400 per issue of Virginia Liberty (over and above funds allocated by standard budget process) to pay for professional editorship and typesetting. **The motion was WITHDRAWN without objection.**

6.MOTION: To officially thank our two statewide candidates and our six House of Delegate candidates for running and to present them with suitable certificates. **The motion was WITHDRAWN without objection.**

7.MOTION: Establish platform committee to develop platform that will address Virginia issues. DH/DJ. DJ said that this was important, but should be discussed at the January SCC meeting. DJ/BE moved to postpone. ** The motion was POSTPONED until the January 26, 2001 SCC meeting.** "AI" - DH to produce a report on the Platform Committee by the January meeting.

8.Motion: Establish date for 2002 LPVA State Convention. DH/JL. DH explained that there was a possibility of a narrow time frame to schedule Congressional District conventions; CD conventions must occur before the State Convention, so a date must be set for the State Convention. He noted that CD's are required to have a convention every 2 years. DJ said that whoever submits the RFP for the convention that is accepted, will decide the date of the convention. MV said that the deadline for RFPs is December 31, 2001. DJ/JL moved that the SCC will set the date of the convention as April 6, 2002, pending receipt of a RFP. **The motion PASSED without objection.**

9.MOTION: The LPVA shall purchase one copy of the PC version of Adobe InDesign for use by the newsletter editor. DJ/GW. MM asked to withdraw the motion, but MV objected. DJ said that this costs $900, so it is a capital good. MM said that this would be reintroduced at the January meeting if needed.


The AI's from this meeting were:

1.MV to arrange for reservation of room at Aunt Sarah's Pancake House, 1/26/02 for next SCC meeting.

2. BL to report to the SCC on the Prince William County Fair booth.

3. AR to request campaign reports from the 2001 candidates.

4. MV to request a post-campaign report from John Mitton and the Radio Campaign Committee.

5. MV to report to the SCC by early January, before the next SCC meeting, on the RFP's received by December 31, 2001 for the 2002 State Convention.

6. DH to produce a report to the SCC on a Platform Committee.

7. SE, MM, DJ and BL to meet the first weekend in December to review LPVA financial records.


DJ/MV moved that the next meeting be Saturday, January 26, 2001. DJ/BL moved that the next meeting be at the same location, Aunt Sarah's Pancake House, with lunch at 12 and the meeting at 1 p.m. Both motions PASSED without objection. DJ/GW moved that a snow date of February 2, 2002, be selected. The motion PASSED without objection.

IX. 3:51 pm ADJOURNMENT and REMARKS for the GOOD of the PARTY.

MV asked SCC members to submit motions by the date requested to allow time to prepare and send out packets to members. MM noted that there is no Bylaw requirement for submission of motions.

BL invited the members to buy VCDL raffle tickets from him, $1 per chance.

DH complimented the secretary on the minutes.

MM congratulated all the LPVA volunteers.

GW/MV moved to adjourn, and without objection, the meeting was adjourned at 3:57 p.m.



Submitted to: State Central Committee, Libertarian Party of Virginia,

Nov. 8, 2001

Submitted by: Carol Mitton

For the most recent quarter, the most significant event in the 1st CD was the candidacy of Robert Stermer for house of delegates in the Yorktown/Williamsburg area.. He put together an excellent website, bought advertising, made numerous appearances, and raised over $1,000. His effort is appreciated. He received 208 votes.

The Peninsula Libertarians continue to meet on a monthly basis. The Northern Neck Libertarians have ceased meeting although there are still several dedicated members in that area. The Fredericksburg Area Libertarians have decided to change their meeting from once a month to once a quarter as attendance has dwindled.

Also, my husband John, with the permission of the SCC spent about $2000 of LPVA funds on radio advertising for party building on stations in the Richmond and Norfolk areas with signals that reach about 1/2 of the state's population. It is unknown as of yet whether these ads have produced increased hits on the website of calls to our 800 number.

Finally, I cannot be at the next SCC meeting. Does anyone wish to have my proxy?

Carol Mitton

1st CD Rep


Submitted to: State Central Committee, Libertarian Party of Virginia, Nov. 8, 2001

Submitted by: James W. Lark, III

Secretary, Jefferson Area Libertarians

Charlottesville, Virginia

The following report will highlight the efforts during the past three months by the Jefferson Area Libertarians (J.A.L.) to promote the libertarian philosophy and the Party in central Virginia.

September: On Sept. 28, a rally in support of the Reams reeferendum was held on the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville. Speakers included Bill Redpath and Gary Reams. An article about the Redpath campaign appeared in The DailyProgress on Sept. 28; an article about the Reams campaign appeared in The Daily Progress on Sept. 29. On Sept. 29, the first annual Libertarian Free Brunch was held on the Downtown Mall; attendees were able to obtain free doughnuts, bagels, and coffee. Mr. Reams participated in the event; he was interviewed at the event by WVIR TV.

October: The fifth issue (in 2001) of the J.A.L. News was published. On Oct. 4, Bill Redpath made a campaign appearance at the site of meetings of the Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors. Later that day he appeared at a reception in his honor at the home of Arin and Lauren Sime in the Lake Monticello section of Fluvanna County. On Oct. 5, members served as ID checkers and wine venders at Fridays After Five in Charlottesville; the activity generated funds for our treasury. On Oct. 17, the J.A.L. held a regularly scheduled business meeting at the Golden Corral restaurant in Charlottesville. On Oct. 24, J.A.L. members distributed information during a forum at the University of Virginia on the topic of marijuana prohibition; Gary Reams was a panelist at the forum.

November: Bill Redpath spoke at the University of Virginia on the evening of Nov. 1 in a speech sponsored by University Libertarians and the J.A.L. On Nov. 3, teams of Libertarians placed Redpath and Reams signs on roadways leading to Scott Stadium at the University of Virginia, and distributed literature to people near the stadium prior to the football game between U.Va. and Wake Forest. Mr. Redpath participated in the distribution of literature. On Nov. 6, several J.A.L., University Libertarians, and Students for Reams members and friends of the family distributed literature in support of Libertarian candidates at the polls in the greater Charlottesville area. Participants in this effort included Stefan Black, James Curtis, Chris Dowd, Michael Hamm, Hilty Hazzard, Matt Heiser, Jesse and Nancy Howell, Greg Joiner, Kristin Kegerreis,Jim Lark, Jae Lee, Ben Lopatin, John Munchmeyer, Virgy Quist, Garrett Rose, Gerhard Schoenthal, Martin Shapiro, Arin Sime, Matt Thomas, Geoff West, Gary Westmoreland, Lois and Mike Williams, and Matthew Wolf. Mr. Schoenthal hosted a post-election gathering at his home that evening.

Please note that Mr. Redpath and Mr. Reams received much more media coverage than I have cited above, especially in terms of radio interviews. I have not included citations for all of their campaign appearances and media coverage because I do not have all of the information. Also, please note that the J.A.L. purchased both newspaper and radio ads in the Charlottesville area for both campaigns.

The events of Sept. 11 impacted substantially the campaign activities of Bill Redpath in central Virginia. Mr. Redpath was scheduled to hold a press conference and appear at a reception in Fluvanna County on Sept. 11, and to participate in a candidates forum in Charlottesville on Sept. 12. All of these events were cancelled in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks.

The contributions of Gerhard Schoenthal and Arin Sime during the fall campaign are worthy of special note. Mr. Schoenthal and Mr. Sime served as area coordinators for the Reams and Redpath campaigns, respectively. Their efforts are already bearing fruit in the greater Charlottesville area.

Greg and Lori Cunningham, who were founding members of the J.A.L., have moved back to Cleveland so that Mr. Cunningham can accept the offer of a position with a prominent financial advising firm in the area. The Cunninghams, who are expecting their first child next spring, contributed greatly to the success of the J.A.L.; they will be missed, both as fine activists and good friends.


Submitted to: State Central Committee, Libertarian Party of Virginia,

Nov. 8, 2001

Submitted by: David A. Horne, Eighth Congressional District State Central Committee Representative

Christine Austen of Arlington ran an outstanding campaign for House of Delegates in the 47 HoD race. She pulled 3% of the vote in a three-way race against a DP incumbent who had a $50,000 campaign fund and was in office when Christine was born and a well-funded RP candidate who is a retired Army Colonel.

The Eighth Congressional District continues to have many very active and dedicated LP members but currently does not have any affiliate parties for cities, counties, towns, State Senate Districts, State House Districts or any other political jurisdictions. I will begin organizing the jurisdictions that are totally within the Eighth CD (the city of Alexandria, Arlington County, and the town of Falls Church) when I receive party lists with precincts and the new Congressional, State House, and State Senate Districts.

The Farlandia LP social group meets every Wednesday in Crystal City and there is a Northern Virginia Libertarian potluck dinner group that meets on a regular basis. Both groups include many 8th CD members. The Fairfax County affiliate party meets regularly and includes some members from the small part of the 8th CD that is in Fairfax County.

I was appointed to the City of Alexandria Commission on Aging last November by the City Council for a three-year term and I am now a committee chairman. Now that I have some experience and credibility I am looking for candidates who live in the City of Alexandria to recommend for appointment to commissions and other city boards.