Minutes of the Public Hearing on Request from Frances Bourassa for a Zoning Amendment

Minutes of the Public Hearing on Request from Frances Bourassa for a Zoning Amendment

Minutes of the Public Hearing on Request from Frances Bourassa for a Zoning Amendment:

Mayor Heier called the public hearing to order at 6:06 p.m.

Present at the public hearing were: Mayor Heier, Roger Reed, Kim Bronikowski, Al Schreiber, Dean Reed, Jean Feldt, Robert Le Breck, Attorney Erickson, Fire Chief John Reed, Police Chief Bernie Faith, Park & Rec Director John Bostedt, Superintendent of Public Works Jeremy Wusterbarth, Sara Perrizo, Administrator and as recording secretary and other interested parties

Perrizo stated that this request is to create uniformity in the zoning in this area.

No other comments presented.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by D. Reed to close the public hearing at 6:08 p.m.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.6 ayes

Minutes of the Public Hearing on Petition Providing for the Discontinuance and Vacation of Alleyways in the City of Oconto:

Mayor Heier called the public hearing to order at 6:09 p.m.

Roll call was the same as above.

Heidi Hipke, 612 Third Street, asked why the valleys are being vacated. They maintain the alley next to their home and are using it. Perrizo explained that the process to vacate these alleys had been started many years ago, but it was recently discovered that the vacations were never recorded, so the process had to be restarted. Wusterbarth noted that if a property owner is in the middle of a block and wishes to use the alley, they will need permission from their neighbors to do so. Hipke asked that the alley next to her home be kept open (not vacated). This is number 6 on the petition.

Robert Hickey, 614 Second Street, got a permit last February to put up a fence on his alley and was told at that time that it was vacated. Wusterbarth stated that is when he discovered that the vacating process had never been completed. In Hickey’s area, the entire alley won’t be vacated – the portion where there is a garage leading to it will remain open.

Roger Brabant, Fifth Street, asked how big the alleys are that will be vacated. Wusterbarth explained that the alleys are all 12 feet wide and 6 feet will go to each adjacent property owner.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Bronikowski to close the public hearing at 6:25 p.m.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.6 ayes

Meeting of the RegularCity Council held on Tuesday, July 12, 2016Pursuant to Notice Duly Given:

  1. Meeting called to order by Mayor Heier at 6:26p.m.
  1. Roll Call: Mayor Heier, Roger Reed, Kim Bronikowski, Al Schreiber, Dean Reed, Jean Feldt, Robert Le Breck,Attorney Erickson

Also Present:Fire Chief John Reed, Police Chief Bernie Faith, Superintendent of Public Works Jeremy Wusterbarth, Park & Rec Director John Bostedt, Sara Perrizo, Administrator and as recording secretary and other interested parties

  1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by AlderpersonFeldt
  1. Approval of Agenda

Moved byLe Breck,seconded by Feldtto approve the agenda as presented.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.6 ayes

  1. Approval of Minutes as Presented from City Council and any Special Council Meetings

Moved byD. Reed, seconded bySchreiberto approve the minutesas presented.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.6 ayes

  1. Approval of Department Reports as Presented

Moved bySchreiber, seconded by Feldtto approve the department reports.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.6 ayes

  1. Correspondence/Public Input.

Le Breck gave an update on the upcoming airport runway project. An estimate of $1,360,032.29 has been received, with the City’s estimated share being approximately $68,000. In addition, a new Airport Manager will need to be hired at the end of the year and some members of the Commission have suggested that the salary be increased to $25,000 to $30,000, which Le Breck does not agree with.

  1. Presentation of 2015 Audit Report

Karen Kerber was present from KerberRose, S.C. to present the 2015 audit report and management letter. KerberRose issue an unmodified opinion, which is the highest level of assurance that they can provide. Kerber went over the 2015 financial report, pointing out changes that were required to be made due to the implementation of new WRS pension reporting required by GASB 68 and 71. Long-term general obligation debt was $5.7 million at the end of the year and the unassigned general fund balance is in a good position. Perrizo asked for input on what can be done with the excess fund balance in the debt service fund that is due to the reallocation of the 2009 debt. Kerber opined that this balance should be used for something long-term in nature, not operating expenses. The general fund basically broke even in 2015 and the Utility had a rate of return on water of 3.58% and sewer of 3.6%.

Kerber pointed out that the footnote for pension reporting went from one and one half pages to five pages, due to the new GASB standards. She stated that KerberRose put a lot of effort into preparing this information and should be compensated for this. The consensus of the Council was to stand by the decision of the Finance Committee on this issue.

Mayor Heier spoke with the owner of a golf cart company who told him that he would be willing to donate one cart to the City to use for 2 months. In addition, the company leases carts for $150 per month on a 6 month lease program. There would be no maintenance, although the City would be responsible for insurance. Mayor Heier stated that we could rent out these carts at the Harbor and/or campground and possibly make some revenue while giving people a way to move about the city.

  1. Approval of Consent Agenda
  2. Approval of Appointment of Sheri Groll to the Police & Fire Commission
  1. Approval of Applications for License to Serve Fermented Beveragesand/or Intoxicating Liquor and Appointment of Agents
  1. Approval of Request to Close Main Street from Erie Avenue to City Hall on August 20, 2016 from 8 a.m. to Noon for Open Air Car Event
  1. Approval of Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code as it Relates to the Operations of Golf Carts in the City of Oconto
  1. Approval of Amendment to Ordinance 7-7-1(c) to Allow the Superintendent of Public Works, Police Chief and Fire Chief to Approve Street Closure Requests for Repeat Events
  1. Approval of Preliminary Resolution Declaring Intent to Exercise Special Assessment Police Powers Under Wisconsin Statues Sec. 66.0703
  1. Approval of Payroll for the Month of June 2016 in the Amount of $128,603.20 and Other Financial Reports as Presented
  1. Approval to Start the Grant Process for the City to Become its Own Responsible Unit for Recycling Starting in 2017
  1. Approval to Spend Up to $3,500 for Installation of Lighted Sign at Holtwood Campground

Moved by Le Breck, seconded by Feldt to approve the consent agenda.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.6 ayes

  1. Discussion/Recommendation/Action on the Following:
  2. Petition for Zoning Amendment from Frances Bourassa to Amend the Zoning on Part of Parcel #265-33240022083 and Part of Parcel #265-33240012082 from Rural Development to Highway Commercial

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Bronikowski to approve the petition for zoning amendment.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.6 ayes

  1. Petition Providing for the Discontinuance and Vacating of Alleys Located in the City of Oconto

Moved by D. Reed, seconded by Feldt to approve the petition, with the exception of item number 6.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.6 ayes

  1. Moved bySchreiber, seconded by D. Reedto adjourn at 7:21p.m.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 6 ayes

Respectfully Submitted:

Sara J. Perrizo
