* You can type your answers into this form if you open it as a Word document.

Registered Charity Number 1113758 Company No 5685988

Organisation Details Form / Side 1
Name of Organisation: / Organisation Contact:
Knoll Gardens Foundation
Address: Knoll Gardens, Stapehill Road, Hampreston / Title / Ms
First Name: / Tracy
Surname: / Standish
Town: / Wimborne / Job Title: / Administrator
County: / Dorset / (other address details if necessary)
Postcode: / BH21 7ND
Tel No: / 01202 873931
Email: /
Web Site: / Knollgardensfoundation.org
Purpose and Mission Statement / Activities of Organisation:
(Brief description of organisation main function) / (Give volunteer a brief overview)
The Foundation promotessustainable gardening techniques used at Knoll Gardens designed to protect wildlife habitats, reduce water usage and encourage biodiversity, with the aim of ensuring the long term health of our green spaces for the benefit of future generations. / Based within a nationally acclaimed garden, open to the public, Foundation volunteers provide garden tours and plant and wildlife events to visitors as well as plant cataloguing, fundraising and promotional events, wildlife identification and cataloguing and garden maintenance.
Are you a registered charity / Yes 
If Yes state charity number 1159390
Are you a charitable organisation / Yes  / No 
The Volunteer Centre Dorset, The Old Coach House, Acland Road, Dorchester, Dorset,
DT1 1EFTel. No:01305-269214. e-mail:
For Office use only
Date start D/B / Entered By / Facebook/Twitter / Press Adv / Poole Inf / Opp No / Org No.
Volunteer Opportunity/Role Details / Side 2
Opportunity Title: Fundraiser / project organiser
Location of Opportunity: Knoll Gardens near Wimborne and home-based
Contact:Tracy Standish
When required: / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri. / Sat. / Sun. / Specific Times.
Role description Fundraisersreach out to the local community and apply for grant aid, both local and national, to help the charity grow. They fundraise for specific projects and are responsible for co-ordinating one or two annual fundraising/promotional events. Specific tasks include researching charitable trusts and foundations, writingapplications, increasing Friends of Knoll Gardens Foundation membership, contacting businesses, clubs and professional organisations to attract funding or arrange presentations, organising and overseeing events, developing fundraising ideas, social networking (Facebook, Twitter, forums etc), mailshots to companies, schools, clubs and organisations followed up by visits or phone calls and attending business networking events to persuade contacts to get involved/donate.
Skills/Qualifications required:The role would suit someone with good organisational skills and the ability to work on their own initiative, with good communication and interpersonal skills, excellent presentation skills and who are diplomatic, reliable and able to get on with a wide range of people. The role allows flexibility and could be done from home.
Experience in fundraising and trust fund applications would be an advantage.
Would your group be interested in training provided by the Centre?If yes please indicate as below:-
First Aid YES / Health & Safety YES / Vol-Management YES / Good Practice YES / Recruitment YES
If Other  please state*
Type of activity / Areas of interest (To be completed by Volunteer Centre) Max 5 each column
Is this suitable for individuals / Yes  / No  / or possible Group Activity / Yes  / No 
Size of Group*
Under 18’s / Yes  / No  / Employee Volunteering / Yes  / No 
Newsletter would you like a copy of our newsletter onlineor by post? Please circle to indicate
Would your group like to be included on our e- alert regarding volunteering matters / YES
Recruitment Method: / D.B.S. Checks  / Application Form YES / Interviews YES / Trial Period YES
Please tick as applicable / References YES / Informal Discussion YES
Age/Gender restrictions / please indicate as required / Additional Notes For Volunteer Centre.
Disabled access available: / YES
Equal Opportunity Policy: / YES
Expenses paid: / NO
Liability Insurance covering volunteers: / YES / *Please inform Bournemouth/Poole if
opportunity in their area and indicate
on VC grid (also do not tick put on line box)
Do you provide support: / YES
Do you offer training: / YES
I give my permission for this information to be used in order to advertise and recruit volunteers. All opportunities will be advertised for six months unless informed.
Name / Signature / Date

Last saved 6 January 2015Please complete both sides and keep both pages together