Minutes of the PCC meeting held on Sunday March 4th at 2.30pm in the Church.

Rev Liz Cannon in the chair

  1. Opening Prayer by Rev Liz Cannon
  2. Present: R. Gamble, C. Mullett, C. Webb, J. Brereton, J Stevenson.
  3. Apologies were received from M. Excell and J Barham.
  4. The minutes of the meeting of November 20th 2011, having been circulated were signed as correct.
  5. Matters arising: John Stevenson confirmed the two dates for concerts as Sunday 15th April and May 27th, both at 7.30pm.
  6. Quinquennial Report
  7. Tiles in centre aisle need repair.
  8. Chancel door needs oiling
  9. Remove pigeons nest
  10. Porch, high wind took felt up, Tyrells quote £1,100 to repair including replacing rotten timber. To be paid from Fabric Fund.
  11. Gas Boiler to be serviced.
  12. Chancel thatch to be combed and a new sedge ridge to be done within the next two years. Estimate £6000 plus scaffolding total £12- 15000.
  13. In the next 2 – 5 years it is suggested that the lead from the tower roof be replaced with stainless steel.
  14. The lych gate broken tiles be repaired and other maintenance est. £12-15000.
  15. Clergy report.
  16. The appointment of Jan Bunday as Assistant Curate was welcomed. She would be working from Saturday to Monday & Wednesday.
  17. The Halesworth Regeneration was going well
  18. Team Away Day 29th April in Wenhaston
  19. Archdeacon Judy Hunt is retiring.
  20. Reminded us of the Stewardship Campaign “Love so Amazing”
  21. Services for Easter in Bramfield Wednesday April 4th evening 7.30pm and no service on Thursday 5th.
  22. Treasurer’s Report.

The Annual Accounts for 2011 were accepted: proposed Charles Mullett

Seconded Robert Gamble

  1. Team Council Report

Given by John Stevenson.

  1. Date for APCM April 14th at 4.30pm.
  2. Other dates
  3. June 9th Coffee Morning at Bramfield Folly
  4. July 28th or August 4th Fete