Minutes of the Meeting of PPG

3rd February 20156 (6-7PM)

Attendees / Apologies
M.Corsi (Chair) / W. Murdoch
Dr Collier / L Quiller
J Atkin
M .Upson
G Bunch
S Nash
A. Morris

Welcome to New Members - Andrew Morris

1.0 Promotion of PPG

CCG are currently reviewing the terms of reference for PPG’s and how they will engage with GP’s.MC to update group when review and report completed.

•At the Chairs Forum last week all PPG chairman are encouraged to attend the next public CCG meeting (in March I think) to lobby the committee with regard to the review on PPG’s. Date and venue to be confirmed.

Our Health Partnership - a letter was handed out to the group explaining GP’S across the Midlands had formed a Health Partnership consisting of 43 GP prices. Dr Peter Ingham has nominated a new board which started on the 1st November 2015.The reasons for collaboration are to build a stronger alliance to work together and have greater powers within commissioning.

Dr Collier updated the group on Our Health Partnership and agreed to add a summary which will be sent to PPG Members, included in the Practice News Letter and on the Practice Website.

•Ace Programme - as you are all aware Tudor has been working closely with Four Oaks and Leyhill Practice as part of the Ace programme.From January another two local practices will be joining which are Vesey and Sutton Park. The PPG chairs are planning to have a combined meeting of the 5 PPG’s sometime in the New Year.

Agenda and Actions from a meeting in Jan 2015 with Michelle Corsi, Paul Sabapathey Chair for Ley Hill Practice and Steve Bennett Chair for Four Oaks Practice)

•We agreed we should meet up again on a Monday in February at Four Oaks Medical. Steve was going to organise the room and invite the other PPG Chairs in the Sutton ACE Group to attend. We also agreed to take a couple of our PPG members to the Meeting.

Date confirmed for Monday 22nd February 6.30 Four Oaks Medical Centre
MC asked the group if one or two members would join her at this meeting J Atkin and S Nash agreed to attend.

Sutton Directory: We agreed that we should get all the ACE practices to promote the Directory to address the issue of loneliness.

The Directory remains in preparation and Four Oaks/Tudor will make it available to the other ACE practices. This could tie in with Our Health Partnership initiative

Action:Four Oaks/Tudor to circulate to Sutton ACE practices.

The Sutton Directory are holding an event on the 26th April 10 - 1.00pm at the United Reform Church Brassington Avenue. The groups in attendance will be several of those listed in the directory who support the local community on common medical conditions, the event is open to all patients.

•We felt an early win would be conducting some patient educational seminars on diabetes. We felt it should be targeted at patients on diabetic register in each practice to attend. Steve said he could arrange a room at Good Hope with free parking for attendees. Action Steve Bennett

Several dates have been suggested and the venue will be at the Partnership Learning Centre Good Hope lead by Dr Kundra and Iris Farley, Diabetes UK, from 7.30 pm.
MC to inform members when date is confirmed also to advertise and target Patients from Tudor Practice who are on the Diabetes register.

•It was felt that the practices should look at increased collaboration with some practices specialising in particular fields. For example one practise could specialise in anti coagulation clinic dealing with all cases rather than the current restriction to simple cases. Action All. Raise with OHP

The ACE practices should share best practice like ability to attend Consultant led cardiology clinic at Leyhill and need to ensure IT systems of ACE practices are compatible Action All. Raise with OHP

2.0 Notifications/Communications

•Patient Survey - Mary Upson informed the group the practice had received 144 paper responses findings will be published sent to members and included in the Practice News Letter and Web site.

The highest issue patients raised from the survey was the appointments systemand how patients found it difficult to book appointments

Dr Collier informed the group the practice would be collating data from the new
‘SystmOne’ which was installed and live in the spring of 2015. This will allow for 12 months of data to identify trends and be used to develop and improve the current appointment system and identify trends to reduce DNA's.

Ongoing staff training for reception staff to improve communications and front of house service deliveryplus working on a new appointments system that will be compatible between the partnerships to create a shared service approach as part of the OHP/ACE.

Patient survey also identified that there were not enough pre bookable appointments.
Dr Collier informed the group the new text messaging service to patients who have booked appointments will automatically release appointments when patients cancel by text. This should improve the service and reduce DNA's.

Patients will be asked to give permission to the practice to use their mobile number to send them messages reminding them of their appointments and a chance to cancel if they so wish. This service may be used for future health promotions.

MC explained a service she used a text requested she should call and confirm attendanceof an appointment, as you were more likely to attend due to contacting to confirm and not DNA.

3.0 AOB

Electronic Prescriptions-

Dr Collier explained there had been teething problems when the system went live in December 2015 however, issues had reduced in number now it had been running for several months. Several rules applied which meant you cannot order controlled drugs or inhalers via the electronic system.
Dr Collier also clarified the charges applied to prescriptions is paid to the chemist as part of the funding stream.

  • Clinical Commissioning Group

The PCC has requested PPG Groups to complete a survey on line or by telephone reviewing a policy for Procedures of Lower Clinical Value such as Cosmetic surgery, removal of Tonsils, Ganglion cyst removal etc.. The reason is to remove what is commonly known as a post code lottery and to establish a single core set of policies fairer to patients. GP's and CCG staff have been working with colleagues from local councils and public health to review policies to ensure they are in line with robustclinical evidence and national guidance.

Date and time of next Meeting Wednesday 16th March 2016, 6 – 7 pm

Please note new dates for meetings to coincide with Dr Collier's late night. The following meeting are 11th May, 6th July, 31st August, 26th Sept, 21stDecember 2016.