Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine

Student Chapter of the American Animal Hospital Association

Chapter By-Laws

Article 1: Name and Objective

Article 2: Executive Committee

Article 3: Officers

Article 4: Yearly Conference

Article 5: Finances

Article 6: Parliamentary Authority

Article 7: Amendments

Article 8: Masculine & Feminine Gender

Club Policies and Activities (ad)

Article 1: Name and Objective

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Student Chapter of the American Animal Hospital Association (SCAAHA).

Section 2. The objectives of this organization are: first, to introduce veterinary students of Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine to AAHA membership, ideals, and vision. Second, members are part of a network of veterinary professionals who truly care about providing excellent care to companion animals. Third, veterinary students will be introduced to different aspects of small animal medicine. Fourth, students will be given the opportunity to practice different skills in small animal medicine. Finally, students will be taught the proper standards required by the American Animal Hospital Association in accredited companion animal practices.

Article 2: Executive Committee

Section 1. The student chapter of the American Animal Hospital Association shall be governed by an Executive Committee consisting of the President, Vice President/Membership Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President, along with a Class Representative for each class, in addition to the officers.

Section 2. The officers and directors will be elected by plurality vote of those members voting at a meeting during Winter quarter of each year. Those elected will assume the office Spring quarter following the election and the term of office will be for one year or until another election is held.

Section 3. If a vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee will appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the remainder of that term.

Article 3: Officers

Section 1. President –The President’s term will last until the conclusion of the Winter quarter of the following year. The President shall be a 2nd or 3rd year veterinary student. The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and at all meetings of the Executive Committee. He/she shall be the chief executive officer exercising general supervision over the interests and affairs of the club, subject to the direction of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Vice President – Shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President of the Executive Committee. The Vice President will be a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year student that is elected Winter quarter. They will hold office until their successor is elected during the following year. They shall serve as the membership chairman.

Section 3. Secretary – Shall keep all records and minutes of regular and special meetings of the club and of the meetings of the Executive Committee. They will be a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year student that will be elected Winter quarter. They will hold office until his/her successor is elected the following year during Winter quarter. They shall be responsible for sending e-mails to all students about upcoming chapter meetings, and will be responsible for receiving RSVP’s, from members expected to attend, and taking roll during each meeting. They will be responsible for updating the chapter website and bulletin board. They shall provide a summary of meetings and events to the AAHA headquarters at the end of the school year.

Section 4. Treasurer –They will be a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year student that will be elected Winter quarter. They will hold office until his/her successor is elected during the followingWinter quarter. They shall collect and receive all funds of the club and be responsible for maintaining a checking/savings account for paying bills of the club as approved by the Executive Committee. They shall be responsible for the annual registration of SCAAHA with Ohio State University at the beginning of each academic year. They shall produce an “end of term” report of the club’s use of funds from all sources such as annual dues, fundraisers, and funding from the AAHA or the University. Copies of this report shall be distributed to the Executive Committee, the AAHA Office, and the University.

Section 5. Immediate Past President – Shall attain their office by succession thereto. It shall be their duty to act in an advisory capacity and assist the President and the Executive Committee in all matters that may come before them.

Section 6. Fundraising Chair –They will be a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year student that will be elected Winter quarter. They shall represent SCAAHA at all fundraising events that are held at the College of Veterinary Medicine, including those events offered by other clubs. They will be in charge of all sales of SCAAHA merchandise, will create and maintain an inventory of all items available for sale. The SCAAHA Treasurer will receive funds that are raised at such events, and will subsequently deposit them into the SCAAHA account.

Section 7. Class Representatives – The elected class representatives shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee and will be responsible for relaying the actions of the Committee and news of upcoming events to their respective classes.

Section 8. Faculty Advisor – Shall be selected by the Executive Committee of the SCAAHA to serve as liaison between the faculty and the SCAAHA; and they will serve as an advisor to the executive committee.

Section 9. Student Advocate – Shall be appointed by the American Animal Hospital Association and is to align themselves with the veterinary teaching hospital, student chapter, and the Faculty Advisor, as a private practitioner to promote a strong awareness of and appreciation for the value of membership in the American Animal Hospital Association.

Section 10. Practitioner Representative – is an AAHA member in private practice that has expressed an interest in working with students at the university and has volunteered to support the local student chapter. The Practitioner Representative provides a crucial link between AAHA and the SCAAHA by offering important non-academic perspectives, developing programs for presentation to the students and participating in SCAAHA activities (as available). The Practitioner Representative should maintain a visible presence and be a continued resource for SCAAHA.

Article 4: Yearly Conference

Section 1. The Student Chapter of the American Animal Hospital Association should be represented at the AAHA Yearly Conference if funds are available.

Section 2. Fundraising activities may be planned to raise money for members to attend the AAHA Yearly Conference if possible.

Article 5: Finances

Section 1. All members shall pay annual dues, to the Treasurer at the time of their application for membership or membership renewal to the SCAAHA. National AAHA dues are free to veterinary students.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall determine the amount of the annual dues each September.

Article 6: Parliamentary Authority

Section 1. The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly (Revised) shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by these Bylaws.

Article 7: Amendments

Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any regular meeting of this club.

Section 2. A copy of the proposed amendments shall be mailed to all members of this club not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date set for the regular meeting of this club at which time the amendments shall be voted on.

January 3, 2006



Courtney Johnson, President Sarah Hensley, Secretary


Maggie Schuckman,Vice-President Chaplin McWhorter, Treasurer