Menu Near the Top of the Screen on the Left

Menu Near the Top of the Screen on the Left

/ Scholarly Journals vs.
Popular Magazines Worksheet

Part I

  1. From the UAHT Library’sDatabases A to Z, click on Academic Search Elite. If you are accessing databases from off-campus, login with UAHT Library’s generic user name and password.
  1. When the Academic Search Elite Basic Search screen appears, click on the Publications link from the

menu near the top of the screen on the left.

3.When the Publications screen appears, type Mental Health Practice in the Browse
search box. Press the <Enter> key or click on theBrowse buttonto execute the

Browsing:Academic Search Elite -- Publications

4. When the next screen appears, click on the link for Mental Health Practice.

  1. When the Mental Health Practice screen appears, click on any recent year link (e.g.,

+2011, +2010). You will also need to select an issue for that year.

Publication Details For"Mental Health Practice"
Publisher Information: / Mental Health Practice
RCN Publishing Company
The Heights
59-62 Lowlands
Middlesex HA1 2AX
United Kingdom
/ All Issues
+ 2012
+ 2011
+ 2010
  1. When the results screen appears, review at least 3 articles from the issue and answer the

questions on the next page under the Mental Health Practice column.

  1. Perform a Publication Search forFamily Safety & Healthusing the same steps you used abovefor

Mental Health Practice.Answer the following questions by selecting the correct answers for each

journal title.

Mental Health Practice / Family Safety & Health
Most of the articles are:
Lengthy - or - short articles?
About the Author - or - No author
informationis provided?
Written for scholarly - or - general audience?
List of reference - or - no references
atend of article?
Scholarly journal - or - popular magazine? / Most of the articles are:
Lengthy - or - short articles?
About the Author - or - No author information is provided?
Written for scholarly - or - general audience?
List of reference - or - no references
atend of article?
Scholarly journal - or – popular magazine?

Part 2

Review the 2 article citations listed below.Determine whether the citationsare from a scholarly journal or a popular magazine. Circle the correct answer fro each.

Jagodozinki, Jan.“The Perversity of Reality TV: A Symptom of Our Times.”Journal for the Psychoanalysis

of Culture & Society8.2 (Fall 2010): 320.

From a scholarlyjournal - or - popular magazine?

Zeitchik, Steven.“Back to Reality: You’veSeenHerRockin’ Reality Show on MTV.But CouldCheyenne’s

Real Life Be Even Better?”Daily VarietySep. 18, 2010: 19.

From a scholarlyjournal - or - popular magazine?