Beginning Dance

Classroom Guidelines and Expectations

Fall 2014

  1. Participation and dress requirements for dance class:
  2. Every student is expected to dress out properly and participate daily.
  3. If you do not dress out properly, you will still participate.
  4. Each day of dance class is worth 8points which can be earned by:

*Dressing out-Non-revealing dance top/leotard to the waist

-Jazz pants, leggings, gauchos, bermuda shorts, or bike shorts

(mid-thigh or longer)

-Hair in ponytail/bun/braid with bangs pulled back in bobby


*Earn 8 points by following the dressing guidelines above

Your Choice / Points you will earn
Dress out, hair back and participate / Earn ALL 8 Points
Dress out, but hair NOT all back / NO Points
Do not dress out, but participate in school clothes / NO Points
Do not dress out OR participate in class / NO Points
Have an injury (the severity of the injury determines the need to dress out and partially participate; see your teacher before class if you have an injury) The only way you will be permitted to sit out during class is if you have an injury. / Earn ALL 8 Points if…
*You bring a note from home about illness or injury to make-up points.
*During class you will need to take notes on what is happening.
Checklist for Acceptable Dress for Dance Class / Items NOT Acceptable for Dance Class
No shoes or dance shoes only / Baggy Sweatpants or jeans
Leotard/leotard top (camisole) that completely covers your midsection when your body is inverted (upside-down). / Boxer Shorts, baggy athletic shorts, sheer leggings (triple check!!!), or sophies
Spandex bike shorts (mid-thigh or longer), Bermuda cotton shorts, leggings, or dance pants that are cut at the ankle bones / Sports bras (unless under leotard), crop tops, or loose-fitting tops
T-Shirts over dance clothes / Jewelry (unless they are small earrings)
Hair is pulled back in a ponytail/bun/ braid off of your face, bangs secured with bobby pins / Pants that cover the feet, socks, or street shoes (you can slip and hurt yourself/others)
Bottled water with name and cap only / Gum, food, or drinks other than bottled water

B. Absences

You Miss a Day of Dance Class
Excused / Unexcused
Parents must call within 24 hours of the absence at 812-7703. For field trip, your names must appear on the field trip excuse list. / Parent/Guardian did not call in your absence within 24 hours of the absence.
Get make-up assignments from your teacher the day you return to school for each day you were absent. / If your absence is not excused, you can make up missed participation points.
Turn in all make-up work within a week of the day you were absent to receive full credit (8 points earned per day) / If a student has exceeded 2 unexcused absences, the parent/guardian will be contacted.

C. Tardies

You are tardy to dance class
Excused / Unexcused
Must have a pass from a teacher or attendance office / Tardy=not in your designated roll call line 5 minutes after the last bell has rung......

D. Dance Notebook: Notebooks will be checked and graded for points.

  • Brought with you every day to class
  • Only Used for Dance Work
  • A 3-ring binder, not just a folder/divider with pockets
  • Contains blank notebook paper for assignments and notes
  • Pencil or Pen for each day (remember to bring 2)
  • A 3-ring pencil holder or bag that attaches to the notebook
  • On the cover of the notebook include:

First and last name

Student class number

Number all pages in upper right hand corner

Highlight all numbered pages

Goal for the class

E. Schoology:

* There will be an online discussion board along with online quizzes taken on Schoology.

Please see the “Schoology” packet for more details.

F. Parent/Guardian Signed Grade Checks (5% of total grade)

*Must be printed within 5 days prior to the due dates.

*Must have a parent/guardian signature.

*All Grade Checks are due on the following Fridays at the beginning of class:

August 8th September 12th November 7th December 5th

*Note: Information on how to print grade checks from the new grading system will be provided by the end of the second week of school.

G. Intermediate/Beginning Dance Concert:

*Performing in the dance concert is an option at the beginning level. All beginning students who are interested in performing will be placed in groups with others who wish to perform. Students will choreograph and show their work to the class and the teacher will choose the most cohesive and complete dances to be in the concert. The dances will be worked on during class so you will be grouped with others from the same dance class. Those who wish not to perform will complete a dance and be responsible for all of the same in-class requirements.

*Rehearsals: All rehearsals end at 4:30pm. Have a ride ready on the west side of the CCA.

*Dress Runs:

-December 8th and 9th Mandatory 2:30pm-4:30pm ALL DANCERS

-Note: This is a Dress Rehearsal (run as the show), so you will need to bring/do the following…

*check in at 2:30pm

*stage make-up(more info to come)

*hair in a french braid

*dance camisole leotard

*footless dance tights/pantyhose (only if costume is a dress/skirt)

*Concerts: (In order to perform, fully completed Dancer Packets are required.)

-Call(time you are required to be here and ready) is at 5:30pm(if you show up later than 5:30pm you will be pulled from the performance).

-Curtain (beginning show time) is at 7:00pm

-Finished with concert and clean up at 8:30pm(Please have a ride WEST SIDE CCA)

  • December 10th (Wednesday) (one performance)
  • December 11th (Thursday) (there will be two performances)

-AM performance: CUSD Kindergarteners only

-PM performance: Admission is $5.00(foyer will open at 6:30pm for ticket purchases)

-Note: No rehearsal from 2:30pm-4:30pm on December 10th/11th. Only AM performance and 5:30pm Call time.

H. Requirements for All Students Performing in Concert:

a. Black jazz pants only if required for costume. Students will be informed ahead of time.

b. Flesh Color dance camisole(note: there are two colors to choose from, choose which best matches your skin tone)

c. Flesh Color Footless dance tights/pantyhose if costume is a dress/skirt(note: there are two colors to choose from, choose which best matches your skin tone)

I. Dance Letter
a. 200 hours
b. Teacher Signature within a week of completed work
c. Dance Club, Performances, Committee Work, and helping with anything dance related outside of class time

J. Student Expectations
1. If you become injured during class, rehearsal, performance, or dance field trip, you are expected to remain in that position until a student or witness notifies the teacher.
2. Have a positive attitude and an open-mind.
3. Have and show respect for your fellow students and teachers.
4. Participate the entire class time and give your best effort.
5. Complete assignments on time, no late work is accepted.
6. Do all make-up work, including showings and tests, during Buren’s/Freeman’s posted office hours. They will NOT be done during class time.
7. Maintain responsibility for yourself and your grade, there is no extra credit.

How you will be graded at Chandler High School

Final Exam Exemption Policy

All students will take Final Exams. Students who have no more than 4 absences (one tardy or sweep counts as one absence) in the class and a grade of 75% or higher, and who are present in class on the final exam day, may choose whether or not to have the final exam calculated into their grade. This policy does not apply to courses which may require final exams, including but not limited to IB, AP, and Dual Enrollment classes.

The semester is divided into three separate parts:

First Quarter: 40%

Second Quarter: 40%

Final Exam: 20%

J. Dance Class Point Values
a. First Quarter-40% of Semester Grade has the following break down:

-Attendance/Participation/Dressing Out- 40%

*Sub Day:

·In the event of a teacher absence, the attendance/participation/dressing portion of your grade is worth 32 points for each substitute day versus the usual 8 points earned per day. (This will be entered into the grade book as a separate item.)

·An additional 8 points will either be added or subtracted depending on your attendance/participation/dressing during a sub day for the 32 points of weekly attendance.

·If you are absent during a sub day and it is excused you will be required to read and answer two make-up articles and complete any homework or assignments given on that day. You have one week to complete. (Remember that unexcused absences cannot be made up.)

-Showings- 20%
-Written Tests- 20%

-Written Assignments- 20%

b. Second Quarter-40% of Semester Grade has the following break down:

-Attendance/Participation/Dressing Out- 35%

*Sub Day:

·In the event of a teacher absence, the attendance/participation/dressing portion of your grade is worth 32 points for each substitute day versus the usual 8 points earned per day. (This will be entered into the grade book as a separate item.)

·An additional 8 points will either be added or subtracted depending on your attendance/participation/dressing during a sub day for the 32 points of weekly attendance.

·If you are absent during a sub day and it is excused you will be required to read and answer two make-up articles and complete any homework or assignments given on that day. You have one week to complete. (Remember that unexcused absences cannot be made up.)

-Showings- 20%

- Written Tests- 20%

d. Written Assignments- 20%

e. Parent/Guardian Signed Grade Checks-5%

f. Dance Concert Critique- 5% (Due within a week of concert AND by December 6th)

You are required to see another dance concert (not your own performance) at a high school, college, studio, or professional level. You will then fill out the critique form, attach a program or ticket stub and turn it in within a week of the performance AND by December 6th.

All critiques are due by December 5th

Name ______Number #______Class______

Dance Critique Assignment

Directions: You are required to attend one professional, university, junior college, or high school dance performance. After you see the performance you have ONE week to complete this form, attach a copy of your program, and turn it in to your dance teacher. THE LAST DAY TO TURN IN CRITIQUES IS December 5th

Name (or title) of performance______

Place (location of performance) ______

School or company performing ______

Date of performance ______

Time ______

Cost ______

Please answer the following reflection questions after you have seen the dance performance:

1.)In your opinion, was the concert successful? Explain.


2.)What can you apply and use in your own performance in a concert?


3.)Describe the etiquette of the performers before and after the concert.


4.)Describe the overall type of music used. Was there a type that was overused? Why or why not?


5.)Describe the overall type of dance movements incorporated in the choreography. Was there any type that was overused? Why or why not?


6.)Please give two examples of different formations that you saw:

7.)Describe the last piece of the concert. Why do you think it was placed last?


Dear parent/guardian,

In order to maintain an understanding of what is expected of your child in this class, we have read the attached pages in class and ask that you also read them. (Please pay close attention to the dates surrounding the concert rehearsals and performances, as they are required for your child to participate in the concerts.)

It is essential for both the student and the parent/guardian to be aware of what is expected of the student in this class, so we can work together to provide a respectful environment where learning can occur for all students.

Please accept this invitation to contact us at anytime! We encourage parent communication and ask that you contact your student’s teacher if you have questions or concerns. Our contact information is below.

We are looking forward to a productive school year!!


Kathie BurenMarie South


Office Hours: Office Hours:

Mondays and Thursdays 2:30-3:15Monday/Wednesday A Lunch CCA Dance Office/Room Girls Locker Room on the south side in the

Coy Payne Gym

Register to receive updates from Mrs. Buren's and Mrs. South’s websites!

Who: Parents and students

How: Log onto the CUSD website and go

to the upper right hand corner of

screenand find "register" follow

instructions from there.

Note: You will need to register with each of your child’s teachers.

Use the website to:

Check due dates on the calendar

Find valuable information

View current pictures of our dance concerts

This signature form is due back to your dance teacher on:

Friday, July 22nd

(24pts in the assignment category)

Signing below states that you have read and understand the requirements and guidelines for this class. Your child will receive 24 points for turning this form in on time.


Parent/guardian name PRINTED Parent/guardian’s Signature Date


Student name PRINTED Student Signature Date

Additional Parent/guardian information:

Phone Numbers:

  1. Cell: ______
  1. Home: ______
  1. Work: ______

Preferred E-mail address:


We understand the amount of information you are receiving at this time may be overwhelming. Please feel free to leave any questions/concerns in the space provided below:






