2.9.1Persons,Companiesinvolvedinthemanufacture,repair, salesorservicingofweighing equipmentorkeycomponentsthereofandwhoareinbusinessintheUnitedKingdom
2.9.2Persons,companiesortradeassociationsconcernedwiththeweighingindustrybutwhoarenoteligibleforOrdinaryMembership.Theyhavenovotingrightsnormaytheyhold office
2.4Ifanapplicationformembershipisrejectedsuchrejectionshallbebasedoncriteriawhicharetransparent,proportionate,non-discriminatoryandobjectiveandwhichshallbesetfromtimeto timebytheBoard….
Theminimumcriteriatobesatisfiedbyapplicants for, or existing members for renewal of, forOrdinarymembershipareasfollows:
a.Thelevelofinvolvementintheweighingindustrymust be sufficientlysignificant. Althoughthis will besubject tojudgement, the applicant would be expected to satisfythisrequirement byfulfilling both - the mandatory requirements and oneormore oftheadditional requirements or similar, characteristics-:
- Mandatory
- By 31st December 2020 Tthe applicant, or renewing member of the federation must have independently implemented an independently auditedrecognized Quality System certified by an accredited body.If cCalibration and/or vVerification is part of their activity then this must be included within the scope of the quality management system. This certification should be to at least one of the following standards; ISO 9001-2015, ISO 1702, or relevant certification under Directive 2014/31 or 2014/32 or as revised from time to time.
b.Must commit to attend at least one UKWF meeting within a 24-month period. Non-attendees will be subject to termination of their membership or transfer to Associate Membership.
Note: Existing membership must adopt an independently audited recognized Quality Management System within 24 months of the publishing of the new criteria.
- Additional Requirements
- Theturnovergeneratedfromweighingrelated activities must be the majority of the business activity or greater than £500,001 (Band B) if weighing related activities is the minority of the turnover in percentage terms.
Ifa division of alargercompany,theweighingdivisionisasignificantoperationinitsownrightthatwouldsatisfythecriteriaforOrdinarymembership
c.They are a manufacturer with full control over the design and production of weighing equipment or weighing related components such as loadcells, terminals, weighing software.
d.They make a significant contribution to the weighing industry through technological development or a particular area of expertise
e.They contribute to the development of recognised standards or legislation governing the weighing industry
Note: A smaller company whose core business is not in the weighing industry but undertakes some servicing of weighing equipment in addition to their normal day-to-day activity would not satisfy this requirement.
b.At least one of tTheapplicant’sor member’spPrincipalsordirectorsmusthavebeeninbusinessintheweighingindustryforatleast2yearswithin the company making the application.
b.c.The applicant or member company must be registered in the UK
c.d.Theapplicantor member company mustown/leasesuitablepremisesintheUK.Forcompaniesengagedinmanufacturing,servicingand/ordistribution,thepremiseswouldbeexpectedtobeindustrialbuildings;forotherbusinessesthesuitabilitywoulddependontheiractivities.
d.e.Fora service,manufacturingor distribution organisationthe applicant or member company should haveatleast2fulltimeemployeesengagedinthebusinessintheUK.
e.f.Theapplicantor member company mustbeableto demonstratetheirabilitytocomplywithanyrelevant codesofpracticeinplaceatthetime.
f.g.The applicant or member company must attend undertake training on for the codes of practice up on successful membership application (Scope of Application?)to ensure continued competence.
g.h.Theapplicantor member company mustdemonstratecommercialviability,integrityandcompetence.
h.i.The applicant or member company must not bring the UKWF into disrepute and will adhere to the UKWF rules and regulations at all times.
i.j.Thefollowingisanon-exhaustivelistoffactorswhichmaybe cause for rejection of an application formembershipunderparagraphh & i e.above:
−beenconvictedofanoffenceinrelationtotheWeightsandMeasuresActsor relevant legal metrology legislation orCompaniesActs;
−engagedinconductwhichhasbroughtorislikelytobringtheapplicantortheindustryintodisreputeforexample:conductcriticisedby atradingstandards office,the Office ofFair Trading,oraselfregulatorybodysuchastheAdvertisingStandards Authority;
If an applicant is part of a larger group of companies that is involved in the weighing industry then the turnover of the group as a whole must be taken into account to determine the subscription rate.
2.Allmemberswillbeadvised oftheapplicationandinvitedtomakecomment.
Version8June 2017