Medical Device and Diagnostics Innovation Coordinator

11- Months Consultancy with UNICEF SD in Copenhagen

UNICEFseeks assistance from a consultant to coordinate, manage and implement a project that aims to increase access to innovative medical devices for Maternal Newborn and Child Health, with a specific focus on innovative devices for Pneumonia Diagnosis. The successful candidate will be recruitedon a Special Services Agreement for aperiod equivalent to 6 months of Full time work completed over no longer than 11 months.


As health programmes join forces in the remaining months before 2015 to attaining the Millenium Development Goals, significant opportunities arise to facilitate scale up interventions with the aid of innovative and/or improved solutions. The majority of child deaths are related to 5 conditions, among other pneumonia and malaria.

Pneumonia accounts for 1.4 million under-five deaths annually, representing 18% of all under five mortalityworldwide. Pneumonia is often misdiagnosed as malaria by caregivers in resource-poor settings until it develops into a severe stage.

WHO’s guideline for the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) prescribes themethodology to assess suspected pneumonia in children under-five in resource-poor settings. It focuses on various signs, which include measuring the respiratory rate of children suspected to be suffering from pneumonia. Diagnostic support aids for pneumonia are expected to contribute to improved, more accurate diagnosis and classification of pneumonia, thereby yielding improved treatment, reduced margin of error and better sensitivity and specificity. Also, the emergence of multi-platform technologies could result in increased efficiencies in community based health programmes, especially those that are aiming to integrate essential interventions for child survival.

In view of the above, the consultancy will collaborate with key internal departments of UNICEF Supply Division (Innovation Unit, Health Technology Centre, Quality Assurance Centre), UNICEF Programme Division and external partners such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), representative of civil society, industry and academia, to complete key specific technical tasks in the area of increasing access to quality diagnostics for pneumonia.

The consultant will assist with review of frameworks, formulating models and processes and development of Target Product Profiles (TPPs).

He/she will use specialized technical commodity knowledge, to establish operational standards, technical specifications, quality standards, TPPs, product protocols for end-user survey, and facilitate surveys and field tests of innovative and/or improved products.


The successful candidate will collaborate with key internal and external partners to complete specific technical tasks in the area of innovation and medical devices in HTC.

  1. Draft the framework, models and processes for development of the TPPs;
  2. Engage with stakeholders on the proposed process to draft and agree on TPPs;
  3. Publish the final designed TPPs and invite Industry to participate in an Expression of Interest (EOI) to work towards access to innovative diagnostics;
  4. Evaluate the EOI and share with steering committee proposing the way forward
  5. Liaise with key partners such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) on the outcome of the field testing of some of the new generation devices;
  6. Assist with technical support to issue Request for Proposal (RFP) for selecting products for end-user survey/Fit for Purpose (F4P). Provide field support to conduct the F4P for the new products.
  7. Conduct technical evaluation of the RFP.
  8. Draft Technical Specifications to improve the current device, create and/or update the technical cards
  9. Prepare project briefs to share with partners and post in the innovation website
  10. Develop country guidance note for Country Offices on the technical aspects and use of device, including planning, forecasting and ordering.
  11. Document work processes around introducing innovative medical devices and health technologies in resource limited settings
  12. Draft at least one publication, but not limited to, on improving pneumonia diagnosis with innovative diagnostics.

For more information on the project please visit:


  • Work-plan towards achieving the objectives of the consultancy, including reasonable time lines
  • Concept note outlining the steps towards completion of Target Product Profiles (TPPs)
  • TPPs consulted and published.
  • Expression of Interested floated, analyzed and report delivered.
  • End-user testing of device (s) completed and reported upon
  • Technical Specifications, technical cards, project briefs and country guidance notes completed
  • Process documented and publication submitted to at least one journal, e.g., World Health Bulletin.



Advanced educational background in product development and innovation (preferably in the health care area), preferably background in engineering and/or a related technical research field.


Minimum 5 years of experience in relevant area.

Experience on technical product development, innovation for limited resource settings an asset. Previous experience with International NGOs, UN Agencies and/or other Innovators is added value.


•Current knowledge of the latest developments and technology in the field of work.

  • Previous experience with development of Target Product Profiles and/or technical specifications.

•Ability to conceptualize ideas and produce clear and comprehensive reports

•Ability to work in a multicultural environment

•Able to work independently

•Computer skills, including internet navigation and various office applications


Fluency in English is required.


Consultancy is on-site in Copenhagen for an initial duration of 12 months.

Assignment may involve travels to the field.


Candidates are requested to quote a lump sum fee for services rendered over a12months period. Should travel to the field and attendance to meetings be required, costs will be covered by the organization.


Please send detailed CV/resume, cover letter and completed United Nations Personal History Form (P11) in English, quoting “Medical Device and Diagnostics Innovation Coordinator”to

Further queries can be directed

The UN Personal History Form (P11) can be found in the “Forms” box on the following web address:

Applications for this position must be received byMonday 30 September 2013.

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