Vital Statistics
Marriage, Civil Union, Remarriage and Reaffirmation of Civil
Union Application (REG-77)
and Instructions
The first page of the application can be completed by the couple; page two must be completed in
front of the licensing officer and the couple’s witness. If the couple cannot appear together they
are permitted to apply separately but must appear with the same witness.
The application must be made in the municipality in which either applicant resides, if the
applicant(s) are a New Jersey resident and the license is valid anywhere in the State of New Jersey. If neither applicant is a New Jersey resident the application must be made in the municipality where the ceremony will take place, the license is valid only in the issuing municipality.
The applicants must bring documents that establish their identity, age, gender, residency and
Social Security Number if a U.S. resident.
If applying for a Remarriage/Reaffirmation of Civil Union you must bring a certified copy of the
previous Marriage/Civil Union.
Once the application is made there is a 72 hour waiting period prior to the issuance of the license. A Superior Court judge has the authority to waive all or part of the 72 hour waiting period. If the couple applies separately the 72 hour waiting period begins after the first applicant has completed the application. There is no waiting period for a Remarriage/Reaffirmation of Civil Union. A couple that has previously entered into a Civil Union or a Same-Sex Marriage shall apply for a Reaffirmation of Civil Union.
Indicate at the top of the form the type of license for which the application is being filed.
- To file for a Marriage license the couple must be of the opposite or same sex, to file for a CivilUnion license the couple must be of the same sex
- To file for a Remarriage license the couple must already be in a marriage with the samespouse, have a certified copy of the existing marriage (translated to English if it is in aforeign language) and meet the requirements for marriage as established by New Jersey law
- To file for a Reaffirmation of Civil Union license the couple must already be in a Civil Union with the same partner, have a certified copy of the existing Civil Union (translated toEnglish if it is in a foreign language) and meet the requirements for Civil Union asestablished by New Jersey law
Block 1 for each applicant provide the name recorded on the birth certificate or if you have had a
legal name change your legal name and your address information.
Block 1a provide your current name if different than recorded in block 1. Ex.If you assumed your spouse/partner’s surname as a result of a former marriage or Civil Union.
Block 6 indicate your current domestic status. You may only select one answer.Current Domestic Partner applies to those same sex individuals who are currently registered as
Domestic Partners and are applying to enter into a Civil Union, or opposite sex couples 62 years of age or older applying to enter into a marriage.
The information under the dotted line in Block 6 is required only for those individuals applying for a Remarriage to the same spouse or Reaffirmation of Civil Union to the same partner. Indicate the current domestic status and the date and place of the original ceremony.
Block 7a/7b indicate either the number of times ever married if applying for a marriage license
OR the number of times ever in a Civil Union if applying for a Civil Union license. Only one of
these blocks will be answered.
Block 8 if applicable, indicate the name of the most recent spouse if applying for a marriage OR
the name of the most recent Civil Union partner if applying for a Civil Union.
Block 11 indicate if you are related to the other license applicant. Applicants must be first cousins or further removed relations in order to enter into a marriage or Civil Union.
There is no requirement as to how long the witness has known the applicants. The witness must be of legal age (18) and verify, via the documents provided by the applicants. The age and residence of the applicants and identify if there is known to them any impediment to the marriage/Civil Union.