
Master Plan Task Force

Carol EnnsJennifer La Serna,Co-Chairs

Meeting Summary

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sequoia, Room 1

3:30– 4:30 p.m.


Members present:Brent Calvin, Brent Davis, Christine Statton, Beckee Hobson, Carol Enns, Elise Garcia, Jennifer La Serna, Kelly Diaz, Mary-Catherine Oxford, Milena Seyed, Mehmet Ozturk,Jeff Seaward,David Hurst, Jeanne Draper, Anne Morris, Darcy Kipnis, Renee Marinelli, Lisa Greer, Kevin McCusker, Madeleine Scroggin, Brenda Ramirez

Members absent: Linda Amaral, Stephen Meier, Tim Hollabaugh

  1. Call to Order

Carol Enns called the meeting to order at 3:36pm.

  1. Approval of Minutes

David Hurst moved to approve the minutes from August 18, 2014; Jeanne Draperseconded. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

  1. Information/Discussion Items
  1. Master Plan

Master Plan Task force welcomed the new student representatives, Madeleine Scroggin and Brenda Ramirez.

Christine shared feedback on chapter 5 from task force members as follow:

  • Tulare group: main question was whether custodial grounds and police will be added to Tulare campus; this information will not be included in the facilities Master Plan.
  • Visalia group: main question was regardinganchor programs on the Visalia campus.So fine arts, music, sports and sports medicine were added as anchor programs.
  • Hanford group: main question was regarding the need for a bond in Hanford and minor language change. She stated that a bond process may be started in 7-8 years.

Task force members reviewed and revised chapter 2 of the Master Plan in groups.

Jennifer reviewed the current and anticipated challenges section of chapter 2. There was discussionon the language of the challenges and goals. Jennifer informed members that after reviewing other college master plans, there are different ways of wording the challenges and goals. After much discussion, the current language for challenges and goals will remain the same.

Jennifer asked members to send one copy of the feedback on chapter 2 to Khantee.

Jennifer reviewed the timeline for Master Plan Task force review of the Master Plan.

  1. Next Steps

Task force members will review chapter 4, draft #5 of the Master Plan at the next meeting. Members were divided into group for reviewing chapter 4 as follows:

Academics Programs Section
Anne Morris
Beckee Hobson
David Hurst
Jeanne Marie Draper
Kelly Diaz
Linda Amaral
Mary-Catherin Oxford
Milena Seyed
Renee Marinelli
Jennifer La Serna
Stephen Meier / Student Service Section
Brent Calvin
Brent Davis
Carol Enns
Christine Statton
Darcy Kipnis
Elise Garcia
Jeff Seaward
Kevin McCusker
Lisa Greer
Tim Hollabaugh
Mehmet Dali Ozturk

Khantee will send a link of Chapter 4 to task force members.

The next meeting isSeptember 29, 2014 from 3:30-4:30pm in Sequoia, Room 1.

  1. Other


Meeting adjourned at 4:35pm

Next Meeting: September 29, 2014in Sequoia, Room 1

Summary submitted by Khantee See

Master Plan Task Force Mtg. Summary

9/15/2014 1