John Sheridan Press Club presentation – 7 December 2010

Slide 1: Overview

·  Government Network Services

·  Data Centre program

·  Telecommunications Panels

·  ICT Services Panel

·  Desktops and Common Operating Environment (COE)

·  Online Services

John Sheridan

First Assistant Secretary, Agency Services

Slide 2: Government Network Services


·  Intra Government Communications Network

·  Connects all Commonwealth tenancies in Canberra

·  Carries data classified to RESTRICTED and PROTECTED

National Telepresence System

·  Linking State and Federal departments via secure video


·  Allows secure communications between agencies

Ministerial Communication Network

·  Secure services for the Ministry

Slide 3: Data Centres

Strategy 2010 -2025

·  All FMA Act agencies must adopt the strategy

·  Trigger is at spending point

o  Eg. end of contract or upgrade

Data Centre Optimisation

·  This policy will set targets for:

o  Use of ICT equipment

o  Electricity consumption

Data Centre Facilities and Migration Services

·  Tenders being evaluated

·  Panels to be operational in 2011

Slide 4: Telecommunications

Invoice Reconciliation Services Panel

·  Services to compare invoicing data to the related telcocontract to ensure that charges are being calculated correctly

Commodities, Carriage and Associated Services

·  Provision of mobile carriage, handsets and broadband devices

·  In tender evaluation

Telecommunications Lifecycle Management Service and Internet Based Network Connections

·  In tender evaluation

Slide 5: Optimising ICT Services Panels

WISP -Whole of Government ICT Services Panel

·  Reducing 90 panels to about 4

·  Encouraging competition

·  Improving participation, esp SMEs

·  Discussion paper on AGIMO Blog

o  Ideas include Open RFQs and eNegotiations

Slide 6: Coordinated procurement

Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement

·  Available for all agencies

·  Savings can be retained by the agency

Desktops Panel

·  Workstations, Notebooks and Monitors

·  Associated services (eg. disposal, warranty, delivery).

Common Operating Environment

·  To optimize the number of desktop SOE

o  Will support the e-security policy

o  Will improve sharing of services and apps

·  Trigger for agencies is at a platform upgrade

·  How does COE fit into the standard operating environment? (see next slide)

Slide 7: How COE fits in ...

Alternative text: The COE Policy provides the overarching principles and standards that are used by all SOEs regardless of the platform (e.g. for Windows, MacOS, Linux or any other operating system platform). The COE is fully compliant with other government policies such as the COTS/GOTS Policy and Green ICT guidance. It is standards based and product/vendor independent. SOEs are the technical solutions built in accordance with the COE Policy. The pilot SOE includes both a baseline configuration and full build documentation. There is one baseline configuration per platform. The initial SOE build is for the Windows platform however other SOEs will be developed as required. Within agencies, the SOE will support desktop, laptop and portable devices. A Desktop SOE comprises Agency specific components and business applications and is built on the core configuration as provided by AGIMO.

Slide 8: Online Services

Gov 2.0

·  Finance is leading the work program

·  Launch of AGIMO Blog to engage with public

·  Declaration of Open Government

·  Development of online engagement guidance for agencies

o  Eg. Privacy

Government Services Environment

·  Services offered by AGIMO to agencies

o  govspace

o  govsearch

o  govforms

o  govdex




Slide 9:

Alternative text:

First graph: Entire Blog visits and page views – the spike of 868 visitors on July 16 2010 was a result of Minister Tanner’s Declaration of Open Government post.

Second graph: Top 10 pages on the blog as of 2/12/2010 (number 1 being the URL)

– average time is minutes

Other stats:

•  59 published posts on the blog as of 2/12/2010.

•  634 published comments (including 48 trackbacks – a kind of automatic comment left when an external website links to the AGIMO Blog)

•  326 spam comments (including 64 trackbacks)

•  11 blocked/unapproved comments (from two causes – two were during the caretaker period and breached our tightened moderation rules for that period, the other 9 were duplicate comments from our recent Wikileaks episode).

Slide 10: Future Online Services

·  Change of Address Notification Service

o  “Tell Us Once”

o  Improved currency and consistency in agency records

·  Shared Email Service

o  Common email gateway for all participants

o  Cross-agency access to calendars and address books

o  Access to full-featured email system even for smaller agencies

Slide 11: Questions?