Home of the Mighty Jaguars

“The Jaguar ROARS at VMS, by being Respectful, Optimistic, Accountable, Responsible and Safe, ROOAAARR!”

School Colors: Red, Turquoise, and Silver

Student Handbook 2015-2016

School Administration

Principal—Yvonne Tabet

Assistant Principal-John Sais

School Phone Number


District Vision

Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts.

VMSMission Statement

Valencia Middle School partners with families to develop engaged learners and productive members of the global community through educational experiences that inspire and encourage students to meet and exceed high academic standards as they advance.

VMS Vision Statement

Educational opportunity for all!

Achievement Goal

We will increase student proficiency in all areas using a variety of indicators to ensure student learning.


Name: ______

Address: ______

AdvisoryTeacher: ______

Room #: ______


Regular Day A Lunch / Regular Day B Lunch
Period / Start / End / Duration / Period / Start / End / Duration
Warning / 7:30 / Warning / 7:30
1st period / 7:34 / 8:31 / 57 / 1st period / 7:34 / 8:31 / 57
2nd period / 8:35 / 9:27 / 52 / 2nd period / 8:35 / 9:27 / 52
3rd period / 9:31 / 10:23 / 52 / 3rd period / 9:31 / 10:23 / 52
A Lunch / 10:27 / 10:57 / 30 / 4th period / 10:27 / 11:19 / 52
4th period / 11:01 / 11:53 / 52 / B Lunch / 11:23 / 11:53 / 30
Advisory/ELT / 11:57 / 12:38 / 41 / Advisory/ELT / 11:57 / 12:38 / 41
5th period / 12:42 / 1:34 / 52 / 5th period / 12:42 / 1:34 / 52
6th period / 1:38 / 2:30 / 52 / 6th period / 1:38 / 2:30 / 52
A Lunch Late Arrival / B Lunch Late Arrival
Period / Start / End / Duration / Period / Start / End / Duration
PLC Time / 7:15 / 8:15 / 60 / PLC Time / 7:15 / 8:15 / 60
Warning / 8:15 / Warning / 8:15
1st period / 8:19 / 9:09 / 50 / 1st period / 8:19 / 9:09 / 50
2nd period / 9:13 / 9:58 / 45 / 2nd period / 9:13 / 9:58 / 45
3rd period / 10:02 / 10:47 / 45 / 3rd period / 10:02 / 10:47 / 45
A Lunch / 10:51 / 11:21 / 30 / 4th period / 10:51 / 11:36 / 45
4th period / 11:25 / 12:10 / 45 / B Lunch / 11:40 / 12:10 / 30
Advisory / 12:14 / 12:52 / 38 / Advisory / 12:14 / 12:52 / 38
5th period / 12:56 / 1:41 / 45 / 5th period / 12:56 / 1:41 / 45
6th period / 1:45 / 2:30 / 45 / 6th period / 1:45 / 2:30 / 45
Early Release
Period / Start / End / Duration
Warning / 7:30
1st period / 7:34 / 8:15 / 41
2nd period / 8:19 / 8:53 / 34
3rd period / 8:57 / 9:31 / 34
4th period / 9:35 / 10:09 / 34
5th period / 10:13 / 10:47 / 34
6th period / 10:51 / 11:26 / 34
Lunch / 11:30 / 12:00 / 30
Afternoon Assembly : A Lunch / Afternoon Assembly : B Lunch
Period / Start / End / Duration / Period / Start / End / Duration
Warning / 7:30 / Warning / 7:30
1st period / 7:34 / 8:29 / 55 / 1st period / 7:34 / 8:29 / 55
2nd period / 8:33 / 9:22 / 48 / 2nd period / 8:33 / 9:22 / 48
3rd period / 9:26 / 10:15 / 48 / 3rd period / 9:26 / 10:15 / 48
A Lunch / 10:19 / 10:49 / 30 / 4th period / 10:19 / 11:07 / 50
4th period / 10:53 / 11:41 / 48 / B Lunch / 11:11 / 11:41 / 30
5th period / 11:45 / 12:33 / 48 / 5th period / 11:45 / 12:33 / 48
6th period / 12:37 / 1:25 / 48 / 6th period / 12:37 / 1:25 / 48
Assembly / 1:29 / 2:30 / 61 / Assembly / 1:29 / 2:30 / 61
Snow Day Late Arrival for Students / Snow Day Late Arrival for Students
Period / Start / End / Duration / Period / Start / End / Duration
Warning / 9:30 / Warning / 9:30
1st period / 9:34 / 10:21 / 47 / 1st period / 9:34 / 10:21 / 47
2nd period / 10:25 / 11:04 / 39 / 2nd period / 10:25 / 11:04 / 39
A Lunch / 11:08 / 11:38 / 30 / 3rd period / 11:08 / 11:47 / 39
3rd period / 11:42 / 12:21 / 39 / B Lunch / 11:51 / 12:21 / 30
4th period / 12:25 / 1:04 / 39 / 4th period / 12:25 / 1:04 / 39
5th period / 1:08 / 1:47 / 39 / 5th period / 1:08 / 1:47 / 39
6th period / 1:51 / 2:30 / 39 / 6th period / 1:51 / 2:30 / 39

The Jaguar ROARS at VMS, by being Respectful, Optimistic, Accountable, Responsible and Safe, ROOAAARR!










Treat people the way that you want to be treated / Be positive and confident that you will reach your highest goal / Be on time to every
class / Be prepared and organized / Keep your hands, feet, and all objects to yourself
Treat people the way that you want to be treated / Expect favorable
outcomes / Take ownership of
your grades / Turn in your work on time / Report drugs,
fights, weapons, and other unsafe behaviors
Be an active listener / Encourage others / Take responsibility for your own actions without blaming others / Follow the rules
do your best / Think before you act

Have You R.A.C.E.DYour Response?

Restate or refer to the prompt in the initial sentence and never stray from topic.

Answer the question thoroughly and accurately.

Cite evidence from the text (or other sources when reasonable) appropriately and effectively.

Explain or expand upon your basic answer, making clear how the evidence you’ve incorporated supports your answer.

Demonstrate control of conventions and diction, applying the rules of punctuation, capitalization, spelling and usage, while always employing the formal register.

All students are required to meet the following behavior expectations:

  • BE ON TIME TO CLASS: You must attend class daily.
  • BE PREPARED WITH YOUR TOOLS FOR YOUR CLASSES: You must bring your agenda, a writing utensil, paper, notebooks, and any books needed for that specific class.
  • BE RESPECTFUL: Treat people the way that you want to be treated.
  • Be an active listener.
  • Follow the VMS Roars
  • Follow the Dress Code
  • Pick up trash on campus
  • Keep the classrooms and restrooms clean

Procedures for all students

  • Agendaswill be utilized by all students. They will be required to write the daily or weekly agenda for each class, copy their weekly grade, and have a parent signature. This will be graded every Thursday by thehomeroom teacher. This is how a Dress Down Friday is earned by the student.
  • Bell work – a consistent term used by all that represents warm up activities and/or writing of the daily/weekly agenda into the planners by all students.
  • Students will be in class on time. Students are tardy if they are not in their seats when the bell rings.
  • Students will be responsible for obtaining makeup work.
  • Students will not have gum in the band room, computer labs, library, or gym. It is up to each teacher if they will allow gum in other classes.Water bottles allowed.
  • Supplies will bebrought to class daily. These include but are not limited to pen/pencil, paper, student binder, agenda, and text books.
  • Student will follow all behavior rules as outlined in the Los Lunas Schools Student Discipline Handbook.
  • Agendas will be utilized by all students. They will be required to write the daily or weekly agenda for each class, copy their weekly grade, and have a parent signature. This will be graded every Thursday by the homeroom teacher. This is howDress Down Friday is earned by the student.

I have reviewed the campus and student expectations with my son/daughter and understand that is he/she does not meet the expectations he/she will face appropriate discipline action.


Parent SignatureStudent Signature


Valencia Middle School students are required and expected to attend school on a daily basis.

  • Students under the age of 17 are required to attend school by state law. Students may be absent for illness, doctor, dentist, chiropractic, or other medical care appointments; religious commitments that can be verified; court appointments; or deaths in the immediate family.
  • A parent/legal guardian is required to send a note to the Attendance Secretary at ValenciaMiddle School to report the absence within 24 hours of the absence.
  • Students who are absent for three or more consecutive days may be required to provide a doctor’s note.
  • If a student is absent three or more days, the patent/legal guardian will request homework and classwork from his/her teacher. The student will have one day for every missed day to make up the homework and class work in order to receive credit. Students will only be given credit for work that is correct and completed.
  • If a student is absent three or more days, the parent/legal guardian may call the Attendance Secretary at Valencia Middle School to request homework. Homework/missed work will be available within 24 hours for parent/legal guardian to pick up. All requested homework/classwork must be picked up in the front office and requires a signature from the parent/legal guardian.
  • All students shall be expected to attend school during the Academic School Year, in accordance with the Compulsory School Attendance Law (22-12 to 22-12-7 NMSA 1978). Under the district’s Truancy Plan, progressive disciplinary action will be taken against any student who is truant (refer to student attendance policy 7.1). Under a cooperative agreement, referrals can be made to the Valencia County District Attorney’s office, if students/families fail to comply with the CompulsorySchool Attendance Law.

Bullying Statement

Bullying behavior by any student in the Los Lunas Schools is strictly prohibited, and such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. “Bullying” means any repeated and pervasive written, verbal or electronic expression, physical act or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to cause distress upon one or more students in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop, or at school activities or sanctioned events. Bullying includes, but is not limited to, hazing, harassment, intimidation or menacing acts of a student which may, but need not be based on the student’s race, color, sex, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of:

 Placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm or damage to the student’s property; or

 Physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property; or

 Insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any student.

Students and parents may file verbal or written complaints concerning suspected bullying behavior to school personnel and administrators. Any report of suspected bullying behavior will be promptly reviewed. If acts of bullying are verified, prompt disciplinary action may be taken against the perpetrator, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion.”


ValenciaMiddle School has a variety of sports in which students have an opportunity to participate:

Volleyball (Fall), Football (Fall), Cheerleading (Year Round), Boys and Girls Track (Spring),Boys & Girls Soccer (Fall-H.S.), Baseball (Spring), Boys and Girls Basketball (Winter), Wrestling(Winter), Softball (Spring)

Each sport has tryout sessions at the very beginning of the season. All students interested in participating in the sport MUST participate in tryouts EVERYDAY; failure to be at any day of tryouts will immediately eliminate the student from consideration. If a student is placed in ASD or receives OSS, the student will not be allowed to participate in tryouts.

All students interested in trying out and participating in a sport MUST have a current medical physical from a medical doctor licensed to practice in New Mexico, a completed permission slip with their parent’s/guardian’s signature, and a copy of current medical insurance on the FIRST day of tryouts and/or practice. There are no exceptions!

All students must be academically eligible to participate. Eligibility is described below.

ALL school rules are in effect any time a co-curricular and/or extracurricular activity is practicing, meeting, competing, traveling or in any other way representing ValenciaMiddle School or LosLunasSchools.

Even on a Saturday, at a different school site, students participating in a co-curricular and/or extracurricular activity are expected to follow the established dress code and school/school district rules.

All participants that participate in competitions and/or travel must have a signed permission slip.

All participants MUST travel to the activity/competition with the group. Parents/guardians may choose to take their student home from an activity; the parents/guardians must notify the sponsor prior to the day of the event and obtain an official release form from the Principal. Students may not leave with their parent/legal guardian without prior written notification.

While traveling, some meals will be paid for by the District, some meals won’t. It is the student’s responsibility to plan and prepare for meals while traveling.

The District has provided funds to purchase official uniforms. Uniforms will be checked out to students who are responsible for the care of uniforms and equipment assigned to them by the coaches. Lost, stolen or damaged uniforms will be the student’s responsibility; the student will be charged replacement cost for the item.

Shoes and undergarments are the responsibility of the student and student’s parent/guardian. The District does not provide for these items.

Cafeteria Services

The school cafeteria provides healthy, nutritious breakfast and lunch to all students. All students are encouraged to eat breakfast and lunch in order to maintain their health and mental alertness.

The parents/legal guardians of all students are able to apply for free or reduced meal prices for their students attending school. Application and/or receipt of free or reduced meals is absolutely confidential and cannot be disclosed to any person without a need-to-know.

Students may NOT charge meals in the cafeteria. Parents/guardians can send extra money or a check to cover the cost of breakfast or lunch.

Class Schedules

Students and parents/legal guardians request classes in the spring. Each student’s schedule for the next year is built on this information and on their previous year’s Discovery scores. Class schedule changes DO NOT occur unless a very specific and valid reason exists, i.e., the student has had the class before, the student does not have the appropriate pre-requisites, or the student needs to have a different class to meet State Department of Education requirements. Schedule changes WILL NOT occur so that a student can have a certain lunch, schedule classes with friends, etc.

Closed Campus

ValenciaMiddle School is a closed campus; students may not leave the campus during the instructional day other than to be checked out by their parent/legal guardian or designated person on the emergency contact list. Leaving the campus without permission will be considered truancy and a discipline referral will occur.


Students whodo not followthe rules at school, during practices, competitions, while on travel, while waiting for the bus, or on the bus will receive a written discipline referral. Students may be assigned to Lunch Detention, After School Detention (AFD),or Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) as a result of not followingthe rules.

Students who receive AFD or OSS cannot attend practice, games, or competitions during the suspension dates. Only administrators can issue AFD 1 (if program is available) or OSS to students; no other staff can suspend a student.


Academic eligibility refers to your individual academic performance at the six weeks and semester marking periods. New Mexico Activity Association (NMAA) establishes the guidelines for academic eligibility, and all students in grades seven through twelve who compete must follow the same academic eligibility rules.

The rules for eligibility are as follows:

The grade point average (GPA) at the six weeks or semester grading period must be higher than 2.0.

Students may not have more than one failing grade (F) at the six weeks or semester grading period.

Students with two or more failing grades are ineligible until the next six weeks grading period. There are no exceptions to this rule for any student.

Grades from the most recent grading period determine academic eligibility. For fall sports, grades from the last grading period from the previous year are used. For the winter sports, grades from the first six weeks grading period are used, etc.

End-of-the-Year Activities

Students in excess of 10 unexcused absences and /or have not met a G.P.A. of 2.0 will not be allowed to participate in any end of year activities.


Students are expected to complete class work, homework, weekly quizzes, chapter or unit tests, special projects, research papers, group work, etc. each week. Each teacher will grade the assignments and assign a number or percent earned on each project. Then, the teacher will enter the ‘grade’ into the computer and print out student’s grades. The number will be converted to a letter grade as follows:

A=90-100%B = 80-89%C=70-79%D=60-69%F=59% or below

The current grade, including the percent, must be written into the VMS StudentAgendacorrectly; incorrectly writing the grade and falsely reporting a grade to your parents is considered cheating. Students will be disciplined for cheating if they are caught.In addition, Dress Down Day Friday will not be granted.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Grade Point Average, GPA, is a method of determining your overall academic performance into a number.

GPA is determined at the end of each grading period, i.e., at the end of each six weeks and at semester. At semester, each student will have a six week’s GPA and semester GPA.

In order to determine GPA, the course grade is converted to a point value. The points are:

A = 4.0B = 3.0C = 2.0D = 1.0F = 0.0

Then, the total points are added up and divided by 6 (for six classes).

An example:

1st period A 4.0

2nd periodB 3.0

3rd periodC 2.0

4th periodD 1.0

5th periodF  0.0

6th periodA 4.0

Immunizations Requirements

Students are required to be up to date on the immunizations. By Law, immunization records must be on file indicating that students have been properly inoculated. Failure to submit their records for file is grounds to disenroll the student until proof of inoculation is submitted.

Health Services

ValenciaMiddle School has a licensed registered nurse on staff. The nurse’s office is in the administration building.

In accordance with New Mexico Law, nurses or assistants will not administer any kind of medication, including Tylenol, without a written order from the child’s doctor and signed by the parent. All medications must be in the original pharmacy container properly labeled. Over the counter medications must be unopened in a factory sealed package.

If your child has a pre-existing medical condition, please notify the nurse, administrative office, and your child’s teachers, in writing to make sure that the condition is noted on your child’s medical records and emergency card. If a specific diet is needed (examples; dairy or peanut allergy) a Diet Prescription form is available at the school, needs to be filled out by the child’s physician.