Managers Briefing Pack 4: Here, There and Everywhere

Managers Briefing Pack 4: Here, There and Everywhere

Managers’ briefing pack 4: Here, there and everywhere

Aim: Everyone has a safe and healthy place to work

Total time for this session:
c. 22 minutes

What you need for the session:

-Copy of the health and safety DVD ‘zero accidents, zero harm, zero compromise’

-A projector/means of effectively showing module four to your team

-Speakers (where possible), if not thenincrease your volume on your computer so everyone can hear the film

-Ask your team to bring their three zeros booklets with them. If you need additional copies please email:

-Paper/flipchart and pens

-Print out locations cards provided on the health and safety portal pages

-Print a copy of the managers’ supporting materials

Show film(7 minutes 18 seconds)

Show module four of ‘zero accidents, zero harm, zero compromise’ DVD:Here, there and everywhere.

Team discussion(14 minutes)

As team managers please lead the discussion around the following:
Group exercise (11 minutes)


-Set the scene: Stuart appears ‘here, there and everywhere’ and hazards exist wherever we work

-Ask the team to break into groups

-Hold the five printed ‘location’ cards upside down

-Ask each group to pick one

-Reminder: it doesn’t matter if this isn’t a place they’ve worked, or even been to. We want the group to consider what hazards might exist there

Discuss: NB. Capture discussion notes on paper/flipchart.

-Group to discuss what might be detrimental to their health in this work location and what things can be done to reduce/get rid of the risks. (3 minutes)

-Group to discuss what might be detrimental to their safety at this work location and what things can be done to reduce/get rid of the risks. (3 minutes)

Feedback to the whole team (1 minute per group)

Lead: Use the managers’ supporting materials to help you guide the discussions.

Team activity(3 minutes)

Discuss:Discuss hazards and wellbeing issues directly related to the workplace(s) of your team. Talk about what needs to be done to reduce the risks and what immediate solutions there are.

Ask the team to develop a quick action plan over the next week to put things right in their area. Ask them to send this to you so that you can monitor progress on putting things right.


-Remember to send ideas from this session to

-Report relevant items from your discussions on safeguard so that they can be appropriately addressed

Closing the session (1 minute)

Lead:Encourage everyone to consider how they can help deliver the aim ‘everyone has a safe and healthy place to work’. Ask them to make notes in their three zeros booklet before the next team meeting.