December 18, 2013

Every Child, Every Day, for a Better Tomorrow

Members Present: Christina Forney, Karen Dozier, Bridget Wilson, Natalie Lowe, Tanya Diggs, Jennifer Tucker, Jeri VanDyne, Amy Covian,Arlene Mance, Trina McCorkle, Lori Polite, Melissa CarreraJeanette Estell, Malva Taylor, Poonam Gupta,Shaune Poole, Christina Davis, Sean Baldwin, Karen Hammett,and Vanessa Briggs.


  • Start on time, end on time. (Start time 3:15, End time 4:30)
  • Silence is consent.
  • Respect all opinions.
  • Stay on topic.


  1. Safe and Orderly Schools/Character Education – Mr. Baldwin

-The committee has begun to play music in the cafeteria to help with noise levels. Students are to remain quiet when the music is playing.

- There is some confusion as to how the overlap in lunch scheduled times will affect the music plans.

- The committee is considering a plan to encourage competition between classes for cafeteria behavior.

- Ms. Baldwin reviewed the behavior referrals for this year as compared to last year. We had 12 for Sept. of 2013 compared to 36 for September of 2012. We had 48 in October of 2013 as compared 87 for October of 2012.

- We determined that the new Character Education program, the Quack Track system and teacher management plans are contributors to this decrease in referrals.

  1. Math/Science- Ms. Estell

- Science projects are due on January 8th.The tentative date for the Science Fair is January 16th.

- The committee is looking into getting someone new from Discovery Place to come for Science Fair. Ms. Lowe

has the name of a contact that she will be passing along.

  1. Literacy (Reading and Writing combined) – Mrs. Covian

-The committee has decided that the theme for the school-wide reading incentive program will be “Reading is an Adventure in Learning.” We will have a jungle/safari theme. If students read 25,000 books, the school will earn a Safari Day.

-It was suggested the committee think of more incentives to encourage the students. The committee will think of another incentive for 30,000 that may include the administrative staff.

-The committee recently judged the Martin Luther King writing contest. The committee anonymously judged the three best entries using a writing rubric. Chloe Whitaker was the winner for our school.

  1. Technology – No representative present
  2. Faith and Community Partnerships –Ms. Polite

- Ms. Polite talked about our partnership with Stonebridge Church. The church posted a Holiday wish list on the wall in the teacher’s lounge.

- The committee is working on creating a survey for parents concerning the Common Core/EOGs.

  1. Special Events – Mrs. Forney

-They are preparing for the Technology/ Career Fair, the Science Fair,and reading incentive program.

- The “School Option” (magnet) Fair is January 11th.

- National School Choice week is January 27- February 2.

  1. PTA- Ms. Poole

- The PTA sponsored a Sweet Treat social for the holiday.

-The next big event will be the spring book fair.

School Improvement Plan

- We are working on completing our School Improvement Plan

- Last week members of the SLT met with a representative from the accountability office. She explained in detail the Root Cause Analysis model. Overall, we need to dig deep to find answers.

- We have complete Phase 1 of the School Improvement Plan. This phase included the “who” of the plan, the mission statement, and the vision statement.

- We are now working on Phase 2 of the School Improvement Plan.

  • This part of the plan was initially due on December 20th. However, the due date is now flexible.
  • We must state the goals, tell where they fit into the district-wide plan, give names for responsible parties, and tell how we will know when we have met the goals. We are setting SMART goals.
  • We must include the following three goals: duty free lunch/planning, school climate, and bully prevention.
  • We must add at least two more goals.
  • Ms. Lowe gave the committee examples of SMART goals. For example, a K-2 goal could be- 80% of K-2 students will be at grade level for reading based on the TRC and MAP test.
  • Ms. Lowe went over EOG data and explained how it could be used to write SMART goals for the SIP.
  • Several SLT members will complete the SIP plan and share it with the group.
  • Ms. Lowe invited anyone with questions or concerns to e-mail her.


January 15, 2014

February 19, 2014

March 19, 2014

April 23, 2014

May 21, 2014

June 18, 2014