Major Oak Medical Practice

Major Oak Medical Practice


PPG Meeting Minutes 3rd January 2018


Chrissie Ayre – Chair (CA)

Dennis Tattersall – Vice Chair (DT)

Celia Flinton (CF

Sam Troop (ST)

Jacquie Mikhail – Practice Manager (JM)

Dawn Walker – Administration Supervisor (DW)

Meeting Opened @ 10.00am


Celia Hemstock

Celia Tomlinson

Liz Benson

Robert Surguy

Minutes of previous meeting held on 24th November 2018

JM provided an update regarding new software for the calling screen. We have been offered an opportunity from a company to have software installed on our system which will be free of charge. This works by giving local businesses the chance to advertise their services on our calling screen. All topics advertised would be health related. JM has put this to the Doctors who have agreed that JM should investigate this further prior to discussion/agreement. JM has a demo via e-mail, which she will forward to the PPG members to view. JM asked the PPG if they were all in agreement regarding the software, which they are.

CA updated the PPG regarding The Community First Responders CPR talk. She has been unable to get a definite response with regards to dates. JM confirmed that we will require x 3 sessions for approximately 20 people, preferably to be arranged for a Saturday CA to make contact and arrange. This needs to take place before the end of March 2018. CA to invite Age UK to the next meeting. DW to collate the information from the patient survey and report back.

JM clarified that extended hours appointments are primarily reserved for people who work, or for elderly patients who require a friend or family member to transport them. The only other exception to the rule is patients who need to attend for blood results, but there are no other routine appointments available. JM confirmed that the reception staff is very clear on this. JM also confirmed that the extended hours clinics (8.00am – 8.00pm) being offered at Crown Medical and Blidworth Surgeries has been a success, however any further investigations have to be carried out by us.

Patient Feedback

We have received 8 friends and family feedback forms7 extremely likely and 1 likely. We have also received feedback via NHS choices regarding prescriptions being dealt with in a timely JM has responded appropriately. Dr Mikhail now double checks that all prescriptions done by part time locums are signed and actioned within the correct time scale.

The practice has also received some very positive feedback regarding our new practice nurse Emma.

MNPRG Report

CF did not attend the last meeting in December, but will make enquiries regarding possible training for PPG’s at the next meeting.

Student Safeguarding

CA read out a letter to the group complied by CH regarding parental consent required for safeguarding purposes in respect of our new PPG student members. This letter is to be sent out to the respective parents.

Action Points

  • Talk by Community First Responders

CA to make contact and arrange dates/times etc.

  • Patient Survey

DW to collate information and forward on to PPG members

  • Involvement of younger people/website/6thform/newsletter
  • Talk by Age UK

CA to arrange for next PPG meeting

  • Cancer Care Talk

Still to be arranged.


DT remarked on the excellent standard of care received during his recent admission to KMH

Date of next meeting: 16th February 2018 @ 10:00am