Maddie MacNeil’s Coming to Town!

Friday night, January 30, starting at 6:30 p.m. national recording artist

/ Madeline MacNeilwillpresent a:
Concert of Hammered Dulcimer
Music and Vocals at
Double D Ranch, located near Foley, AL
$8 at the door
email or call 251-970-3407 for directions

/ Saturday, January 31, Maddie will present
two hammered dulcimer workshops:
10-11:30 a.m. beginner level*
(lunch break)
1-2:30 p.m. intermediate level**
Workshops will be held next door to Double D Ranch
at Rainbow Plantation RV Park clubhouse.

A $10 workshop donation will reward Maddie for her instruction. Advance registration required, in order to provide adequate handouts. Send an email to with your name, phone number, which workshop you’ll attend, and whether or not you’ll participate in the lunch (see below). You’ll receive an acknowledgement with directions.

2:30 -3:30 p.m. musicians will be invited to participate in a jam session with Maddie. Audience welcome!

For workshop attendees, a free light lunch of roast-them-yourself-over-a-campfire hotdogs with rolls and condiments, coffee and iced tea will be provided nearby at the home of Ruth Geraci. (Transportation available.) Participants in the roast are invited to bring side items or dessert to share. Those taking workshops can also opt to bring their own lunch and remain at the Rainbow Clubhouse.

*Beginner hammered dulcimer players may have little or no experience playing. For those who’ve been playing about a year or less, Maddie will work with beginners on finding notes on the instrument, how to combine by-ear playing with paper playing, and putting this all together with a tune or two.

** Intermediate level players are able to read music, can play basic chords as well as melodies in more than one key. Maddie will work on back-up and harmonizing tunes. She will teach a couple of new tunes that participants can explore and enhance.