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New Hanover County Mission Statement:

The mission of New Hanover County Schools is to provide a HIGH QUALITY education that prepares all students to be productive and contributing citizens of a global society.

North Carolina State Board of Education Mission Statement:

The guiding mission of the North Carolina State Board of Education is that every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century. The goals are as follows:

Goal 1: NC public schools will produce globally competitive students.

Goal 2: NC public schools will be led by 21st century professionals.

Goal 3: NC public school students will be healthy and responsible.

Goal 4: Leadership will guide innovation in NC public schools.

Goal 5: NC public schools will be governed and supported by 21st century systems.


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Getting Started:
New Hanover County Mission Statement / 2
NC Board of Education Mission Statement / 2
Requirements / 4
Due Dates / 4
Policies and Procedures / 7
Grading Procedures / 9
Parent/Guardian/Student Consent Form / 10
Letter of Intent Format / 11
Letter of Intent Content / 12
Letter of Intent Sample / 13
Letter of Intent Cover Sheet / 14
Faculty Advisor Form / 15
Mentor Description / 16
Mentoring Arrangements / 17
Mentor Information Letter / 18
Mentor Commitment Form / 19
Requirements / 20
Step 1: Selecting a Topic / 22
Step 2: Working Outline / 22
Thesis / 23
Step 3: Working Bibliography / 23
Source Card Format / 24
Source Card Sample / 25
Source Card Frequently Asked Questions / 26
Interview Tips / 27
Interview Guide / 28
Interview Sample Questions / 29
Interview Evaluation Form / 30
Biographic Forms for Sources / 31
Working Bibliography Evaluation / 34
Step 4: Taking Notes / 35
Plagiarism / 35
Paraphrasing / 35
Note Card Sample / 37
Note Card Format / 37
50 Note Cards Evaluation / 39
Step 5: Formal Outline / 40
Step 6: Writing the Rough Draft / 41
Introduction / 42
Body Paragraphs / 42
Conclusion / 42
Writing Tips / 42
Internal Documentation Procedures / 43
Internal Documentation Special Situations / 44
Works Cited How To / 46
Works Cited Sample / 47
Rough Draft Checklist / 48
Self and Peer Editing Sheet / 49
Rough Draft Evaluation / 51
Step 7: Revising the Rough Draft / 52
Step 8: Writing the Final Draft / 52
Final Research Paper Checklist / 53
Final Paper Rubric / 54
Research Paper Recovery Program / 56
Recovery Participation Form / 57
Product Log / 58
Mentor Evaluation of Product / 61
Special Situations for Products / 62
Business Plan / 62
Coaching / 62
Teaching / 63
Lesson Plan Format / 64
Fundraising / 66
Audience Verification Form / 67
Release Information / 68
Release Form / 69
Physical Product Checklist / 70
Product Rubric / 71
Thank-you Letter Format / 72
Thank-you Letter Sample / 73
Judges Letter Format / 74
Judges Letter Sample / 75
Character Reference Letter / 76
Resume How To / 77
Resume Sample / 79
Reflections Format / 80
Reflections Content / 81
Portfolio Scoring Guide / 82
Portfolio Rubric / 83
Midterm Exam Information / 84
Presentation Attire / 85
Visual Presentation Instructions / 86
Midterm Exam Scoring Guide / 87
Oral Board Presentations / 88
Oral Board Presentation Tips / 89
Oral Board Presentation Questions / 90
Oral Board Presentation Rubric / 91
Oral Presentation Scoring Guide / 93
Word Processing Tips / 94
Back Up Copies / 98
Index / 99

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·  Students must adhere to due dates and times for maximum credit on any given assignment.

·  If late work is submitted, points will be deducted according to the following:

a.  Items that are turned in on time will have a maximum grade of 100.

b.  Items that are up to 24 hours late will have a maximum grade of 90.

c.  Items that are up to 48 hours late will have a maximum grade of 80.

d.  Items that are up to 72 hours late will have a maximum grade of 70.

e.  Items that are more than 72 hours late will receive a grade of 0, but must still be completed in order to complete the Graduation Project.

This includes being absent from or late to class/school and participation in school related activities.

f.  Late work (any work received after the designated time deadline) must be personally handed to the English teacher who will mark both the item and his/her roster as “____ hours late”. The student will then sign the teacher’s roster. The student should not take up valuable class time to do this, but should take care of this before school, before or after class, after school, or at any other time designated by the teacher. As always in emergencies or unforeseeable situations, students may appeal to the Advisory Board or Graduation Project Coordinator following the procedure outlined in the Handbook.

g.  If a senior wishes to revise his/her Graduation Project topic in any way

after the initial approval by the Advisory Board, the senior must

present a typed business-format letter to the Advisory Board in a

timely manner. If the Board allows for the revision, the student and the

parent need to sign a new consent form and present it to the English

teacher within three days of the Board’s approval. See calendar for the

absolute last day to change the topic.

h.  PLAGIARISM (including but not limited to forgery of signatures on verification documents) on any aspect of Graduation Project is unacceptable and puts earning credit for English 4 in jeopardy.

i.  All 4 components of the Graduation Project must be completed in an acceptable manner.

In order for a student to complete the Graduation Project and pass English IV, the following criteria must be met:

a.  There must be a minimum of three practice presentations before Oral Boards.

b.  A final Portfolio must be completed prior to Oral Boards day.

1. THE RESEARCH PAPER: The topic must be approved by the Advisory Board.

1.1  Length: 8 full pages, typed, double-spaced pages of text with one-inch margins in Times New Roman, 12 point font.

1.2  Sources: 6, including at least one primary interview and two Internet sources.

1.3  Argumentative: The paper must argue and prove a point.

1.4  Types of Documentation: Parenthetical according to the latest edition of the MLA.

1.5  Skillfully integrates at least one student generated visual aid (i.e. diagram, chart, graph, picture, graphic organizer) to emphasize important content. This visual will NOT count towards the 8 full pages of text.

2. THE PHYSICAL PRODUCT: The product must be approved by the Advisory


·  PRODUCT CHOICE: The senior and the parent choose the topic within the parameters set by the teacher, the Graduation Project Steering Committee, and the Advisory Board.

·  PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: Product Log, pictures throughout the product process, Mentor Evaluation Form documenting the required hours, and video documentation when required (see 2.3 below).

The student’s project must evidence a tangible product.

2.1  The student’s project/product must provide a learning stretch for him/her.

2.2  The student must document at least 15 hours, only 3 of which may be shadowing. (The student may shadow as much as s/he wishes, but only 3 hours of shadowing counts toward the minimum of 15.)

2.3  The student may have 2 mentors if necessary. However, one should be the primary mentor.

2.4  The student’s mentor(s) must observe his/her work on the product at various stages of completion. The student should have a minimum of 4 contacts with the mentor throughout the semester. The student is encouraged to show him/her the product more often in order to get valuable feedback.

2.5  It is the student’s responsibility to have the mentor sign the Product Log hours to verify time spent on product and mentor contacts.

2.6  It is the student’s responsibility to have the mentor complete the Mentor Evaluation Form by the required due date. A student should not expect the mentor to do so at the last minute. The mentor must include a full signature rather than just initials.

2.7  The student may not be paid for work involved in this project.

2.8  The student’s product must be something that s/he has not done previously. All work for Graduation Project must be completed within the English IV semester.

2.9  The student should not use the Graduation Project for a requirement in another class.


¨  Each student must keep all materials that are returned in addition to backing up all work on CD or Flash Drive to avoid having to retype lost pages. Every file should be saved as a work file and as .RTF (Rich Text Format). The English teachers and the handbook have directions for this. The teacher will explain how the portfolio will be compiled.


4.1  Formal speech based on research paper, product, and personal growth.

4.2  A balance should be maintained between the three.

4.3  8-10 minutes minimum.

4.4  12 minutes maximum (excluding questions from the judges).

4.5  Product must be shown.

4.6  Appropriate visuals may be used.

4.7  Portfolio must be at the presentation.

Remember: If there are questions specific to the student’s project that are not answered in handouts or in class, make an appointment with the English teacher.

Policies and Procedures

1. The student must pass all components of the Graduation Project in order to fulfill the requirements for English IV and to graduate. A student may take this class only if s/he can graduate this school year and if s/he has passed English 1, 2, and 3. Tell your teacher or counselor immediately if you do not meet these requirements.

2. A student’s Graduation Project research paper and physical product must be a “learning stretch,” and the research paper and physical product must be related.

3.  The selection of the product component is an important decision, so a student should pick something in which s/he is interested. However, all consequences of the product choice and production, unless otherwise stated, rest solely on the student and parent(s). The Advisory Board must approve all topics.

4.  Emergency appeals to the Advisory Board for late work must be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than 48 hours following the due date. The request for this appeal must be in the form of a typed business letter. This letter must include specific reasons and documentation for the request. The request will be granted only if the Board feels the circumstances are beyond the student’s control and not the result of poor planning.

5. After the Advisory Board has approved the research paper topic and the physical product, only in an emergency will a change be considered by the Board. This request for change must be in the form of a typed business letter must be delivered to the Advisory Board Chairperson for consideration by the Board. This request must include specific information to explain the emergency, and a photocopy of any documentation should be attached to the letter. See the calendar for the final deadline for changes.

6. When a change is approved by the Board, the parent and student must sign a revised Parent/Student Consent form. The student must return this form to his/her English teacher within three days of the Board’s approval.

7. Absences have no effect on due dates.

8. Computer, printer, and/or disk problems are not excuses for late work.

9. A county website is

10. All projects are individual (no pairs or groups).

11. The student is responsible for everything on the videotape.

The student must look at all of the tape before turning it in with the physical product.

12. All videotape must be transferred to VHS tape or DVD before the physical product due date.

13. A student or parent must obtain the approval of the principal of any school a student wishes to visit for any aspect of the Graduation Project. After receiving this approval, the student should check in at the office for a visitor’s pass for each visit.

14. Once the Advisory Board approves the Letter of Intent, the student must do exactly what the Letter of Intent states. Therefore, it is wise to review that letter often throughout the Graduation Project journey.


*Any student considering products that involve fundraising must refer to Fundraising Requirements in Product section.

*Any student producing a product involving the use of school facilities must fill out the facility use form (in Product section) and have an administrator approve it and send the approval form with Letter of Intent.

*Any student completing a product involving teaching a class must refer to the “Teaching a Class” guide in the Product section for the required criteria.

*Any student whose Product involves coaching must refer to Coaching in Product section.

* Any student choosing a product involved with a business plan should refer to Creating a Business Plan in the Product section.

New Hanover County




65% Classwork (Graduation Project forms, logs, letters, literature work, quizzes, classwork, homework, tests)

20% Rough Draft of research paper

15% Midterm Exam Speech


40% Classwork

15% Final Draft of Research Paper

15 % Physical Product

15% Portfolio

15% Oral Board Presentation


The final grade will be calculated by averaging the scores received on the four Graduation Project components (Final Research Paper, Product, Portfolio, and Oral Presentation). This average will be counted as 25% of the semester grade.