The Downside of High: Notes

-Marijuana can contribute to mental illness; teenagers most at risk

-THC most active ingredient

-Can send some in paranoia or psychosis (a symptom of schizophrenia)

-Can change personality; drastic changes when comparing before and after

-Study found direct connection between marijuana and schizophrenia

-More marijuana, more chances and risk

-A heavy smoker of marijuana is 6 times more likely to be diagnosed with psychosis

-Cannabis nearly doubles future psychotic states, smoking before age 16 can quadruple in chances of developing

-Cannabis use doubled in Canada and US in 1990’s

-Personal stories:

-Tyler: Began hearing voices (ex. communicating through TV)

-Melanie: Got so high and began having visions, diagnosed with bi-polar disorder (large mood swings and psychosis)

-Ben: Got and believed illusions, diagnosed with schizophrenia

-All illnesses triggered by marijuana use

-THC triggers dopamine in the brain, controlling mood and awareness

-THC levels today are now 18-23%

-Average THC content in marijuana has increased more than 130% in the last 10 years

-Marijuana cannot trigger schizophrenia on its own (different people react differently). For example, family history of psychotic disorders, personalities, and childhood traumas are all important factors.

-Schizophrenia rates higher in urban areas

-Damaging effects when the THC interact with the cannabinoid system (family of brain chemicals and receptors that are important for how we process the world around us)

-Body’s cannabinoid attached to the brain

-When cannabis is taken, system is overwhelmed

-Dopamine levels increase

-The longer you keep taking, the more it leaves the teenage brain vulnerable

-Produces long-lasting psychological effects

-You sometimes don’t realize side effects until you stop taking the drug

-The likeliness of schizophrenia for you depends of the genetic types of individuals

-Users know that the more marijuana one takes, the more likely they are to have reaction

-Dependency then develops

-There is initially relief, later on develops to paranoia

-Marijuana in 60’s was a soft drug and it used to contain more cannabidiol (a substance that relieves symptoms of schizophrenia) and less THC

-Marijuana is now made the other way around