Locating examples of technology-enhanced assessment and feedback

Challenge / Case studies / Where will I find it? / Technologies
It’s time consuming to give good-quality feedback / Enhancing the experience of feedback (University of Leicester)
Making assessment a learning experience (Leeds Metropolitan University) / Effective Assessment in a Digital Age p. 40
Longer case study:
Effective Practice in a Digital Age p 24:
Longer case study: / Audio recorded feedback and podcasting
It’s hard to provide feedback in a timely way / Enhancing graduate attributes (University of Bedfordshire)
Redesigning the curriculum (University of Hertfordshire) / Effective Assessment in a Digital Age video case studies:
Effective Practice in a Digital Age p.30:
Longer case study:
Video case study: / Audio recorded feedback, blogs
Voting systems
There is too much work associated with assessment / Facilitating peer and self-assessment (University of Hull and Loughborough University
Making the most of a computer-assisted assessment system (University of Manchester)
Voices on assessment and feedback: James Johnstone, University of Hertfordshire / Effective Assessment in a Digital Age p. 42
Longer case study:
Effective Assessment in a Digital Age p.38
Longer case study:
Effective Assessment in a Digital Age page 19 / Online peer assessment tool, WebPA
ABC computer-assisted assessment system
It’s important to get students involved in assessment but how do I know it will work? / Assessing my own professional performance (St George’s, University of London)
Engaging learners in critical reflection (University of Edinburgh) / Effective Assessment in a Digital Age p. 46
Longer case study:
Effective Practice in a Digital Age p. 22:
Longer case study:
Video case study: Responding to learners / Virtual patients
My colleagues resist change. How can I encourage cultural change? / Putting assessment at the heart of learning (University of Glamorgan)
Putting principles into practice (University of Strathclyde) / Effective Assessment in a Digital Age p. 30
Longer case study:
Effective Assessment in a Digital Age video case studies: / VLE
Discussion forums and other VLE based tools
Students are the problem. They don’t take any notice of feedback and cheat if they can. / Reflecting on feedback (University of Westminster)
Supporting the transition to degree-level study
(Loughborough College) / Effective Assessment in a Digital Age p. 44
Longer case study:
Video case study:
Effective Assessment in a Digital Age p.34
Longer case study: / Online logs and self-assessment forms
Turnitin, Mahara (e-portfolio system), Hot Potatoes, Quia
We want to introduce computer-assisted assessment. What do we need to consider? / Planning and delivering high-stakes computer-assisted assessment (University of Southampton)
Designing interactive assessments to promote independent learning (The Open University) / Effective Assessment in a Digital Age p. 32
Longer case study:
Effective Assessment in a Digital Age p. 36
Longer case study: / QuestionMark Perception
Open Mark (open source computer-assisted assessment system)
Assessment of skills and PDP via e-portfolio looks time consuming and complex. Is it worth it? / Developing skills for learning, life and the workplace (Dumfries and Galloway College)
Changing learners’ perceptions of assessment
(Southern Regional College)
Voices on assessment and feedback: Dennie Wilson, University of Wolverhampton / Effective Practice with e-Portfolios p.21

Effective Practice with e-Portfolios p. 13

Effective Assessment in a Digital Age p. 51
/ WordPress (open source web publishing tool)
PebblePad(e-portfolio system)
Too often, assessment practices are dull and have a detrimental effect on future learning. I am not sure how long I can keep on assessing students this way. / Assessment in an authentic learning environment
(University of Strathclyde and Northumbria University)
Any of the above examples provide fresh ideas. / Effective Assessment in a Digital Age p. 48
Longer case study: / Video, SIMPLE (open source virtual town)