Mrs. Dushack’s



4th grade






Curriculum Information…………………….8

Contact Information………………………….11

Signature Page…………………………………….12


Welcome to 4th grade! I am ready to have a fantastic year with your children! I have an Elementary Education Degree and Masters in Special Education. I taught kindergarten for three years before “retiring” to raise my children. My daughter is in 10th grade at Lincoln Park Performing Arts School and my son in 8th grade this year in the Moon Area School District. I also taught preschool for 2 years at St. Andrew’s in Moon.

I have compiled this packet so that you may refer to it throughout the year. It contains information regarding the classroom schedule, grading procedure, expectations in the classroom and general information about our 4th grade classroom! I am sure that I will be adding to it throughout the year as I learn new things from the children and parents alike! Please let me know if there is any thing you would find useful to have in this packet - it will only help me in the future!

My door is always open so please feel free to email or call if you have a question or concern this year! I look forward to meeting each of you in the near future! Let’s have a productive and fun 4th grade year!


Christine Dushack :O)


My grading system will be based strictly on points. For each test, quiz and/or homework there will be a predetermined amount of points. Test questions are normally worth 2 or more points where homework and assignments are typically 1 point. I will tally the amount of points for all assignments and tests at the end of the 9-weeks for a total score. This allows for bonus points and/or make up points. There are a few guidelines that I will be using regarding homework and tests:

1. Every day that a graded homework assignment is late there will be a 5 pointloss per day.After 5 days the assignment will not be accepted. Each non-gradedhomework assignment is worth two points. If it is not completed and turned in on the day that it is due there will be no points given. They will stay in for recess to complete it. If a student misses more than 3 in one month they won’t be allowed to participate in our monthly Game Day.

2. Bonus points will be given on a random basis depending on student interest and/or subject matter.


They are in fourth grade and should be putting their names on their papers – if they do NOT there is a 2 point loss.

4. If your child receives a “D” or an “F” on a testorassignment, I will mark it for you to please sign and return. This is to ensure that you are aware of your child’s performance and there are no surprises at report card time!! If it is not returned I will follow up with either an email or phone call to ensure you are aware of the grade.

5. Scoring Rubrics will be given to the students when appropriate. These will outline exactly what is expected and how many points each part of the assignment is worth. This is to make sure they understand the assignment and allows for a more objective grading system.

6. AGENDA MATES – I will only be checking these for the first 2-3 weeks only!! I have a Homework Board in the front of the room that correlates with their books. The homework is written there each day – including notes, test dates, etc. The students need to learn the responsibility of filling in their agenda mates at the end of each day. PLEASE BE SURE TO SEND ALL NOTES ON PAPER AND HAVE YOUR CHILD HAND IT TO ME! If you feel the need for me to check your child’s agenda mate daily please let me know and I will be happy to help.

7. The percentages for each grade are as follows:






Classroom Expectations

My expectations are typical guidelines such as raising your hand to speak (unless we are in a “discussion”), respecting each other, no talking back, etc.

Weekly Team Meetings (TM) will be held to address issues in the classroom. If there is an issue that a child and/or children cannot resolve and are looking for some guidance, they will fill out a slip and place it in the “Talk About It Tank”. Team meetings will begin with the students complimenting another student(s) and/or teacher OR by saying something positive. The meeting will then proceed to address issues placed in the “tank”. There will be a short discussion on possible resolutions or actions/reactions that could have taken place to prevent the “issue”. This provides for an open atmosphere of acceptance, support and responsibility in the classroom for students and teacher as well. I have used this discipline procedure in the past with incredible success!!

If an issue cannot be resolved and/or the behavior is severe and needs to be addressed immediately here is the procedure that will be followed:

1st incident: A verbal warning will be given by the teacher

2nd incident: The student will be given a “My Behavior” form to be filled out at recess. This helps the child recognize his/her behavior and discuss it one-on-one with the teacher

3rd incident: “Behavior Card B” will be given to the child for him/her to fill out as homework and have signed by the parent

4th incident: The parent will be notified of the behavior by phone and a conference will be requested with the teacher.

5th incident: The student will be sent to the principal and a meeting will be held with the parents at her discretion.

I hope that all of the issues can be resolved either through the Team Meetings or verbal warnings, but wanted to make the parents aware of my policies on behavior!

There will also be an “award” system in place where the students will earn tokens that can be traded in for Homework Passes, Free Table Move tokens, Lunch with the Teacher coupons, prizes, etc. The students will also help me determine how they will be rewarded. Students can “earn” tokens by displaying appropriate behavior, extra effort on work, going above and beyond to help other students, clean desks, etc. The “token system” will be phased out throughout the year as students learn to work together as a team and complete their work. My goal is to teach the children that taking pride in their work and cooperating with others will be an internal satisfaction that can last a lifetime!!

Curriculum Routines

Expect ½ hr. - 1 hr. homework every night. I will not give homework over the weekends but expect some tests to fall on a Monday or Tuesday so some studying may be necessary over the weekend. If your child is spending more than an hour on homework each night please see me and we will try to find a solution. All major projects will be given WELL IN ADVANCE of the due date and this hour includes completing these projects IN STAGES. If your child waits until the last minute to complete a project you can expect over an hour for homework

and studying!!

Reading – Assignments will vary each week depending on the story and their level. There will be a weekly test on Friday on the story.

AR points – Your child will also have to get 15 AR point per 9 week grading period. This will be a total of 30 points

(2 points per AR point). They will have time during class to read as well as each night. Time should be set aside for at least 15-20 minutes per night of reading. They will be marking a log and I will be checking them randomly. This accumulates to a lot of points per grading period!!! Reading helps in ALL areas of learning is important for them to be reading AT GRADE LEVEL (which will be tested at school) on a regular basis.

Spelling – There will be a pre-test on every Monday that we are doing a story for the week. They will have homework that is given Monday and due on Wednesday. If they get 100% on the pre-test they will be given challenge words and will have to complete the homework but will not take the final test. The test for spelling is every Thursday.

Math – There will be homework daily for students in math. At the end of each chapter there will be a day for review then the chapter test. I will also have study groups during recess when I feel that it is necessary. Your child is encouraged to come to me at ANY TIME they are having trouble.

**I also use the Otter Creek Math program where the students are given one minute to complete 40 math problems. There is a two-minute “test” that will be given after they have reached certain levels. We will begin with the one-minute multiplication and possible division (depending on your child’s pace) practice pages. They move up levels (A-Z) at their own pace. When they get all 40 problems correct they move on to the next level. It is IMPERATIVE that they know their facts.

Science – In each chapter there are 1-3 “Investigations” – basically short lessons. Each Investigation will cumulate with an open book, in-class quiz. The students will be aware of the quizzes a day or two before. They are not lengthy and I use them as review. Notice will be given for each chapter test (NOT open book).

Social Studies –***They WILL have to know all 50 states by the end of the year. Mrs. Bauer will be teaching ALL the Social Studies classes this year. She basically does one lesson a week with a worksheet for homework and one quiz per week.

English – A lot of the English papers are completed in class but there may be some worksheets for homework. In each reading unit we will focus on one writing type – narrative, persuasive, descriptive, etc. They will have 1-3 writing assignments per 9 weeks that will count toward their English grade along with the other material covered – verbs, nouns, etc. For example, they may have to write a persuasive speech relating to Social Studies when we study elections but it will count toward their English grade.

I will give AT LEAST 4-5 days notice before each chapter test (excluding weekly Reading and Spelling tests). It will be written on the homework board under that subject and will remain there until the day of the test. THESE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE – many times I may have to spend more time on a concept, throw in a “fun” activity, etc. but your child will ALWAYS know several days before any test.

Students are encouraged to form Study groups or have a Study Buddy. There are several times during the day they may have the opportunity to have study time as well as at recess before tests.

Contact Information

The best times to reach me are either during a “special” (e.g. Music, Art) by phone or by email. Please be aware that I may not always be in my room during the “specials” times since this is my time to make copies, talk to other teachers, plan, etc. Also, I am usually at school by 7:30-7:45 am and stay until 4pm. If you leave a message, I will return your call as soon as possible. I personally prefer an email because I can get back to you at my convenience and you can send me information at your convenience as well. Of course, I understand that email is not as personal and certainly understand if you would rather talk to me via phone call – not a problem!

I do not usually answer my phone during a lesson so if it is an emergency please contact the office and they can call up to my room!!

PHONE: 412-262-2500 x4115


OFFICE: 412-262-2500

Parent and Student Signature Page


I have read and understand all the information contained in this packet.

student signature


I have read and understand all the information contained in this packet.

parent signature


Welcome to 4th grade!! I am very excited about the upcoming year! I made this packet to help parents and students understand some of my policies and procedures. It is a great way to start the year off on the right foot! It is always subject to change, of course, but I try to stay pretty consistent with my classroom.

Please read the following packet with your child and return the signature page to school.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me and I look forward to meeting you at my class meeting – details to follow soon!