Olympic ESD 114

Clock Hour Management


  1. List of Clock Hour Forms and Procedures
  2. Application Procedures
  3. Approval Criteria
  4. Types of Classes
  5. General Information
  6. Program Proposal Form
  7. Curriculum Vitae

Olympic ESD 114 Clock Hour Management

Forms and Procedures

List of Clock Hour Forms and Action Required by Requesting Agency

Program Proposal PacketAction Required:

Program Proposal FormComplete & submit to OESD 114

Vitae FormComplete & submit to OESD 114 if required

Registration Packet:Action Required:

Cover letter with instructionsSupply to Presenter

/Roster Sheet(s)Supply to presenter, return completed to OESD 114

within 5 days after completion of training

Independent Study Log (when required)Supply to presenter for distribution to individuals; individuals educators

return withtheir Request for Clock Hours forms

Evaluation Forms (provided by OESD)Supply to presenter, return to OESD 114 with sign-in sheets

Request for Clock Hours and instructionsPhotocopy back to back and supply to presenter

to hand out at end of class; individuals will return to OESD

with payment

Application Procedures

  • Program proposals must be submitted on an official Clock Hour Proposal form. Forms are online under the Professional Development link at or may be requested by email attachment from the Clock Hour Registrar at r 360-405-5801. Submit the completed proposal form to your local district contact person in accordance with established timelines.
  • Program proposals must have either the “Professional Qualifications” block completed with enough information to show capability to present that in-service (for each presenter), or have a completed resume or vitae form attached for each presenter if one is not already on file with Olympic ESD 114. Calls may be made to the Clock Hour Registrar to verify that a vitae is on file. If you have verified that the vitae is on file with Olympic ESD 114, it is not necessary to include a blank vitae form.
  • Clock hour proposals from members of the Clock Hour Co-op must be received by Olympic ESD 114 at least 10 calendar days prior to the beginning of the proposed event. All proposals from teachers employed by a school district must go through the district clock hour contact for district approval.
  • Proposals from other agencies or individuals not in the Clock Hour Co-op must be received by Olympic ESD 114 at least 20 calendar days prior to the beginning of the event.
  • Upon approval, a Clock Hour Registration Packet will be sent to the contact person/facilitator for duplication and distribution. The packet includes a cover/instruction letter, in-service sign-in sheet, independent study log if independent study is approved for the in-service, and Request for Clock Hours form. Program evaluation forms must be obtained from the district clock hour contact.
  • Clock hours proposals will be considered from the following:
  • One of the 16 school districts in the Clock Hour Co-op.
  • Other agencies within theOlympic ESD 114 service area.
  • All clock hoursmust be approved by Olympic ESD 114 prior to the commencement of training.

Approval Criteria

  • The district clock hour administrator is the first reviewer of clock hour proposals. All clock hour program proposals from teachers currently employed by a school district must route the proposals through their district clock hour administrator. The clock hour administrator will forward the proposals to Olympic ESD 114 for final review and approval.
  • Clock hour proposals from agencies other than a school district will submit the clock hour program proposal directly to Olympic ESD 114.
  • The in-service must meet the criteria outlined in the Washington Administrative Code, WAC 181-85-200(5):

“Activities must relate to opportunities for participants to collect and analyze evidence related to student learning; professional certificate standards; school and district improvement efforts; K-12 frameworks and curriculum alignment; research-based instructional strategies and assessment practices; content of current or anticipated assignment; advocacy for students and leadership, supervision, mentoring/ coaching; and/or building a collaborative learning community.”

  • The in-service must relate to a predetermined need analysis – related to district/building improvement goals, individual’s assignment and/or area of instruction.
  • The in-service must include measurable objectives that express a clear purpose and are consistent with the time and credit allocated.
  • The in-service must be appropriate for the continuing, professional development of educators.
  • The methodology of the program delivery of the in-service should reflect the elements of effective adult learning.
  • Program offerings must be at least three hours in duration. Short breaks,passing time, working meal times, or other recesses held within an in-service program, not to exceed one hour per five hours of program time (i.e., twenty percent), may be included when counting the number of hours that can be approved, but longer breaks such as for non-working meals will not be counted. Programs may be delivered over more than one day.
  • Approval will not be granted for routine staff meetings such as district, building or area meetings within an agency, district or building, to discuss or explain operational policies or administrative practices.
  • Proof of attendance must be provided in the form of any of the following:
  • Official OESD sign-in sheets
  • For approved on-line classes, a certificate of completion with dates and number of hours attended or a time log provided by the course provider, or an independent study log countersigned by facilitator or district representative. Keep in mind that clock hours for all in-services, including on-line classes, must be approved by Olympic ESD 114 prior to the beginning of the training.

Types of Classes

  • “Seat time” classes – regular classes with a presenter/facilitator and participants in a classroom.
  • “Seat time” classes plus Independent Study, e.g. book studies or homework assignments.
  • Book studies or literature circle discussions can be via on-line wiki or other types of discussion boards.
  • Embedded Learning – learning that takes place during Professional Learning Communities, Data Teams and Learning Teams, when the purpose of the meeting fits into the criteria in WAC 181-85-200(5).
  • On-line classes –- school district sponsored and verified courses may be approved. A time log or a certificate which includes the number of hours completed must be provided by the course provider, facilitator, or a designated district official,or the course provider may determine the average time it takes to complete the course.
  • On-line courses approved for credit through an accredited college or university, with a maximum of 10 clock hours per quarter credit and 15 clock hours per semester credit.
  • Video streaming, webinars, K-20 or televised classes, teleconferencing. Sign-in sheet required.
  • Correspondence courses. Must be from a provider that the school district and Olympic ESD 114 determines to offer courses that meet the approval criteria listed above. The course must be determined by the provider to take an “average number of hours to complete, and must have a completion test, quiz or paper to measure learning.
  • Out of area conference or workshop (not already being offered for clock hours by another approved WashingtonState clock hour provider). A sign-in sheet, provided by Olympic ESD 114, with space for counter-signature by a conference representative is required.
General Information
  • For each sixty minutes of approved in-service education based upon instructional contact time, including reasonable time for breaks and passing time, one clock hour shall be granted.
  • Approval may be granted for clock hour programs offered during regular school hours. It is important to note that local school districts retain the right to accept or reject clock hours earned during regular school hours. Individual participants should check with their local school district as to whether clock hours earned during regular school hours will be accepted.
  • Clock hour programs may be held over a series of days. Example: A ten clock hour course may be 10 one-hour sessions, 5 two-hour sessions, 4 two and one-half sessions, etc.
  • Program offerings are to be credited in increments rounded down to the nearest half hour. Example: A program lasting 3 hours and 45 minutes will be approved for 3.5 clock hours.
  • Participants wishing clock hour credit must pay a processing fee of $2.00 per clock hour. Example: The fee for three and one-half clock hours will be $7.00. There is also an additional $10 research fee for each in-service submitted more than ninety days after completion of the in-service. It is important to note that clock hours provided by Olympic ESD 114 are not earned for either re-certification or salary advancement purposes until the fees are paid and clock hours are registered with Olympic ESD 114.
  • Each clock hour offering must be evaluated by participants using the evaluation form provided to the districts by Olympic ESD 114.
  • Continuation of an approved clock hour offering is contingent upon satisfactory evaluation by the program participants.
  • Individuals receiving program approval will be responsible for returning the proper paperwork to Olympic ESD 114 (i.e., sign-in sheets, computer-based time log, certificates of completion, evaluation forms).
  • Any changes to approved in-services with regard to dates, times, number of clock hours, etc., must be approved by Olympic ESD 114. Requests for changes, or any other questions, should be addressed to the district clock hour contact or, for private organizations, the Professional Development Registrar at 360-405-5801, or .

Olympic ESD 114
Presenter qualifications (degree, professional position, etc.) for this in-service must be provided.
Prior approval by OESD 114 is required. Proposals must be received by OESD 114 TEN DAYS prior to program start date.
If you have any questions regarding completion of this form, contact Registrar, (360) 405-5801 or by email: .
Sponsoring School District:
Program Coordinator Name:
Business Phone: / Business Fax:
To receive registration packet electronically, please provide email address:
Program Title:
Professional Qualifications:
(Degrees, certificates, position, etc.
which show qualifications to teach
this in-service. Attach additional sheet or resume/curriculum vitae If necessary.)
Building or Location: / No. Clock Hours (Min. 3): / Anticipated No. Attendees:
Days and Dates:
Start/End Times of Each Session:
Lunch (how long): / ☐ 1 Hour / ☐½ Hour / ☐N/A / ☐Working / ☐Other
STEM: / Does this workshop have an emphasis on STEM integration? / YES ☐ / NO ☐
(1)Will the STEM activity have an impact on STEM experiences for students?
(2)Does the STEM activity provide examples or resources to use with students or educators?
(3)Does the STEM activity provide examples or resources about STEM-related career choices?
SECTION B: MAJOR TOPICS TO BE COVERED: (use reverse side or additional sheets if necessary)
SECTION C: COURSE OBJECTIVES: (use reverse side or additional sheets if necessary)
Approval Signature: / Approval Signature:
Approved: / Denied: / Date: / Approved: / Denied: / Date:
If denied, explain: / If denied, explain:


OESD use only


Name Home Phone ( )

Home Address

City, State, Zip

Current Employer Position

Work Address Work Phone ( )

City, State, Zip

Degree Awarding Institution

Degree Awarding Institution

Degree Awarding Institution

Professional Experience and Activities:

Professional Memberships:

References (Please include phone numbers):

Name Daytime Phone ( )

Name Daytime Phone ( )

Name Daytime Phone ( )

Once submitted, this document will remain on file with Olympic ESD 114 for two years.

Revised 12/15