MAY 14, 2013
If you would like Prom DVDsee Mrs. Lackas’.
Yearbook order forms are due by Friday, May 17. They are $35.00.
USD Basketball Camp will be June 18th for grades 4-12 from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Can pick up registration form at either the elementary or high school offices’s or check out the school website for form. Need to be turned in by Thursday, May 16.
There will be a detasseling student /parent meeting on Thursday, May 16 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School commons.
The following NHS students need to turn in service projects hoursbefore school is out: Leo Haselhorst, Mackenzie Lemmons, Emily Schnoor and McRae Stubbs. If you need an extra copy of the service project form please stop in the office and ask Tina for one.
Grant Brunssen,Victor, Jacob Rath, Luke, Austin Gubbels, Leo, Jordan, Tacy please turn in your schedules today
Important! New schedule changes to accommodate student requests:
Accounting 1 has been added to 8th period.
Art has been added to 7th period
Drafting/Construction will be 2nd period
Animal Science will be 3rd period
If you want to add it to your schedule see Mrs. Wakeley TODAY. Time is running out.
All students taking college credit courses need to have their applications sent in by Thursday before classes get filled. See Mrs. Wakeley if you have questions
All 9th graders must register online for the WSC Career Day by Wednesday.
The following State FFA participants need to bring $10.00 for their t-shirt: Jace Gubbels
Drivers Ed will be offered May 28 -31. Registration forms can be picked up in the office. The school will pay $99.00 of the tuition fee.
You may take still take AR quizzes until May 16th, however, they will not go toward the challenge.
The sophomore class is selling Cardinal water bottles for $4.00. If interested in purchasing one see Mrs. Kalin
Last chance for free books in the library. Here today-gone tomorrow.
The following students have business to take care of in the library before Mrs. Boehmer will sign your sign out sheet. Sarah Aschoff, Kayla Backer, Conner Bloomquist, Lauren Childress, Amber Dibbert, Maggie Gall, Austin Gubbels, Lydia Haselhorst, Shyanne Hilliges, Kaleb Kramer, Kayla Kyles, Hunter Lawson, Riley Lawson, Caitie Lemmons, Kyle Lindquist, Victor Mau, Kasie McDonald, Jordon Nordhues, Mason Nordhues, Blake Olson, Patrick Olson, Kyla Petersen, Desiree Pollard, Dalton Rath, Jacob Rath.
Memorial Day Performance
10 AM - Monday May 27 Band and Choir Present at 9:30 AM.