No. 134—7 April 2016 1715




No. 134

THURSday, 7 April 2016

The Assembly meets this day at 10 am




*e",1:1 Mr Barr: To present a Bill for an Act to amend the Lifetime Care and Support (Catastrophic Injuries) Act 2014, and for other purposes. (Notice given 6 April 2016).

*e",1:2 Mr Gentleman: To present a Bill for an Act to amend legislation about planning, building and the environment, and for other purposes. (Notice given 6April 2016).

*e",1:3 Mr Gentleman: To present a Bill for an Act to amend the Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Act 2009. (Notice given 6 April 2016).




*e",1:1 Mr Gentleman: To move—That standing order 254A be amended as follows: Omit “not been tabled within three months of the presentation of the report, the Chair”, substitute:

“not been:

(a) for a committee inquiry into an Auditor-General’s report:

(i) tabled within four months of the presentation of the report; or

(ii) provided to the Speaker for out of session circulation to Members within four months of the presentation of the report and tabled on the next day of sitting; or

(b) for any other committee report, tabled within three months of the presentation of the report; and

the Chair”. (Notice given 6 April 2016. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 8 sitting weeks—standing order 125A).

Orders of the day

er of the day",1:1 Health, Ageing, Community and Social Services—Standing Committee—REPORT6—Inquiry into the Exposure draft of the Drugs of Dependence (Cannabis Use for Medical Purposes) Amendment Bill 2014 and related discussion paper—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF REPORT: Resumption of debate (from 13 August 2015—MrCorbell) on the motion of Dr Bourke—That the Assembly take note of the report. (Order of the day will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on thissitting week—standing order 152A).


Last sitting day in May 2016

er of the day",1:2 Administration and Procedure—Standing Committee: Presentation of report on family-friendly workplace pursuant to order of the Assembly of 19November 2015.

2 August 2016

er of the day",1:3 Estimates 2016-2017—Select Committeeittee>: Presentation of report on the expenditure proposals contained in the Appropriation Bill 2016-2017, the Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2016-2017 and any revenue estimates proposed by the Government in the 2016-2017 Budget, pursuant to order of the Assembly of 10 March 2016.

Last sitting day in August 2016

er of the day",1:4 Standing Committeesittee>: Presentation of reports on annual and financial reports for the calendar year 2015 pursuant to order of the Assembly of 29 October 2015.

Last sitting day of this Assembly

er of the day",1:5 HEALTH, AGEING, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES—Standing Committeeittee>: Presentation of report on youth suicide and self harm in the ACT pursuant to order of the Assembly of 11February 2016.




e",1:1 Mr Rattenbury: To move—That this Assembly:

(1) notes that:

(a) the current advertisements for military armaments production companies at the Canberra Airport are offensive to many Canberrans and visitors to our city;

(b) up to 500 000 people are killed each year around the world by conflict or armed violence, which is nearly 1400 people per day;

(c) each year there are around 15-20 million people who have fled their home due to armed conflict;

(d) these advertisements help to normalise warfare and big military spending and present a sanitised image of what weapons do;

(e) these advertisements are inappropriate for refugees and others from war-torn countries and inconsistent with Canberra’s new status as a Refugee Welcome Zone; and

(f) this arms manufacturing advertising does not represent the ACT community and does not reflect the image we want visitors to Canberra to see; and

(2) calls on:

(a) the Speaker to write to the Canberra Airport to raise community concerns about the arms and weapons manufacturing advertisements and to request they choose advertisements more welcoming and representative of Canberra in their place; and

(b) the Government to place more appropriate ACT Government advertisements at the Canberra Airport for tourists such as ACT tourism events with CBR branding to replace the weapons advertising. (Notice given 24 September 2015. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 3sitting weeks—standing order 125A).



Orders of the day

1 Planning and Development (Efficiencies) Amendment Bill 2016: (Minister for Planning and Land Management): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 10 March 2016—Mr Coe).

2 Workplace Privacy Amendment Bill 2016: (Minister for Justice and Consumer Affairs): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 18February 2016—Mrs Jones).

3 Monitoring of Places of Detention (Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture) Bill 2013: (Attorney-General): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 21 March 2013).

4 Public Sector Bill 2014: (Chief Minister): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 27 November 2014—Mr Hanson).

5 Electoral Amendment Bill 2015: (Attorney-General): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 29 October 2015—Mr Hanson).

6 financial management act—CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL REPORT—DECEMBER QUARTER 2012—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 14 February 2013—Mr Smyth) on the motion of Mr Barr—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

7 CLOSING THE GAP REPORT 2013—MINISTERIAL STATEMENT—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 8August2013—Mr Wall) on the motion of Mr Rattenbury—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

8 GROWTH, DIVERSIFICATION AND JOBS—A BUSINESS development STRATEGY FOR THE ACT—2013 IMPLEMENTATION REPORT—PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 17September 2013—Mr Smyth) on the motion of Mr Barr—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

9 review of the electricty feed-in (renewable energy premium) act 2008—MINISTERIAL STATEMENT—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 17 March 2015—Mr Coe) on the motion of Mr Corbell—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

10 TEACHING QUALITY—MINISTERIAL STATEMENT—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 5May 2015—MrDoszpot) on the motion of Ms Burch—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

11 water safety awareness program—MINISTERIAL STATEMENT—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER: Resumption of debate (from 12May 2015—Mr Doszpot) on the motion of Ms Burch—That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

12 One Canberra Reference Group Report—MINISTERIAL STATEMENT AND PAPER—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPERS: Resumption of debate (from 27 October 2015—MrsJones) on the motion of MsBerry—That the Assembly takes note of the papers.

13 Expert Panel on Students with Complex Needs and Challenging Behaviour—MINISTERIAL STATEMENT AND PAPERs—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPERS: Resumption of debate (from 19 November 2015—Mr Smyth) on the motion of Ms Burch—That the Assembly takes note of the papers.




e",1:1 Mr Coe: To move—That this Assembly:

(1) notes the recent decision of the ACT Heritage Council to provisionally register 17 properties along Northbourne Avenue and surrounds on the ACT Heritage Register;

(2) further notes that this decision affects the cost-benefit analysis for light rail in that:

(a) the decision reduces estimated land use benefits derived from developing Northbourne Avenue. In the Capital Metro Full Business Case, 39% of the benefits attributed to light rail come from developing land;

(b) patronage forecasts will be lower due to less development on Northbourne Avenue;

(c) the reduction in patronage will result in less fare revenue and reduced time savings; and

(d) the agglomeration benefits and other wider economic impacts will be reduced due to less residential density and fewer opportunities on Northbourne Avenue for commercial and retail uses; and

(3) calls on the ACT Government to revise the Capital Metro cost-benefit analysis to account for the heritage listing. (Notice given 15 September 2015. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on this sitting week—standing order 125A).

e",1:2 Mr Coe: To move—That this Assembly calls on the ACT Government to provide the construction and operating costs for the proposed light rail network masterplan before public consultations begin so that taxpayers in Canberra can understand the full ramifications of this project. (Notice given 27 October 2015. Notice will be removed from the Notice Paper unless called on within 3 sitting weeks—standing order 125A).

Orders of the day

of the day",1:1 Australian Capital Territory (Ministers) Bill 2013: (MrHanson): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 5 June 2013—Mr Barr).

of the day",1:2 Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2013: (Mr Smyth): Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 7 August 2013—Mr Rattenbury).

of the day",1:3 Lotteries Amendment Bill 2015: (Mr Wall) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 28 October 2015—Mr Smyth).

of the day",1:4 Government Procurement (Capital Metro) Amendment Bill 2016: (Mr Coe) Agreement in principle—Resumption of debate (from 9March 2016—Mr Barr).



On the first sitting day of a period of sittings a complete Notice Paper is published containing all unanswered questions. On subsequent days, only new and redirected or revised questions are included on the Notice Paper.

Unanswered questions

655, 662, 671, 673, 682-684, 687, 690, 692-699, 702-710.

New questions

(30 days expires 7 May 2016)

*711 MS LAWDER: To ask the Chief Minister—Was block 2 section 28 in East Greenway filled using material excavated in the creation of Lake Tuggeranong; if so, is that a suitable and safe base on which to build multi-storey medium density housing.

*712 MR COE: To ask the Minister for Capital Metro—In relation to the independent reviews of the light rail project's final business case, (a) what was the process to identify the people or organisations commissioned to review the business case, (b)what was the date when each review was commissioned, (c) which persons or organisations conducted the reviews, (d) what information was provided to each reviewer at the time each review was commissioned, (e) was further information sought by each reviewer and if so, what information was provided, (f)what period of time was taken for each review, (g) what was the cost for each review, (h) what was the date each completed review was received, (i) what date each review was released and (j)what was the reason why the release of the second review by Professor Roger Vickerman was delayed until 5 April 2016.

*713 MR COE: To ask the Minister for Capital Metro—In relation to the promotional material for Transport Canberra featuring on Capital Metro’s twitter feed from 4April 2016, (a) what material has been produced or printed featuring the ACT Transport Canberra brand, (b) what volume of the material has been produced, (c)what was the cost of (i) production and (ii) printing, (d) was the material designed by an external provider; if so, what is the name of that provider and the value of the contract with the provider and (e) aside from being published electronically, what is the distribution plan for the material.

*714 MS LAWDER: To ask the Chief Minister—

(1)  What is the process to evict a Housing ACT tenant.

(2)  What Housing ACT policies and procedures apply to the eviction of Housing ACT tenants and can the Minister provide copies of those policies and procedures.

(3)  What Housing ACT policies and procedures apply to commencing a public housing tenancy and can the Minister provide copies of those policies and procedures.

(4)  What Housing ACT policies and procedures apply to the bond payable for public housing tenancies and can the Minister provide copies of those policies and procedures.

(5)  Further to Part 4 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 which deals with the termination of residential tenancy agreements, including eviction, what considerations does Housing ACT take into account when handling an eviction matter and can the Minister provide copies of any policies and procedures that set out those considerations.

(6)  What current Determinations, if any, apply to the eviction of Housing ACT tenants and can the Minister provide copies of those current Determinations.

(7)  What Housing ACT policies and procedures apply to those Housing ACT tenants wanting to purchase their public housing property and can the Minister provide copies of those policies and procedures.

*715 MS LAWDER: To ask the Minister for Transport and Municipal Services—

(1)  How many bins are in public places, such as parks and reserves, in the ACT.

(2)  How many bins are in (a) Pine Island Reserve, (b) Tuggeranong Town Park and (c) Tharwa.

*716 MR COE: To ask the Chief Minister—

(1)  What is the number of Chief Executives and Executives (that is senior executive staff) across the ACT Public Service, broken down by agency.

(2)  What is the number of redundancies taken in the financial year (a) to date, (b)2013-2014 and (c) 2014-2015, broken down by (i) agency, (ii)classification and (iii) as a percentage of the total number of the ACT public service.

(3)  What is the total cost of redundancy payments in the financial year (a) to date, (b)2013-2014 and (c) 2014-2015.

(4)  What is the median and average years of experience for those staff who accepted redundancies in the financial year (a) to date, (b)2013-2014 and (c)2014-2015.

(5)  What is the number of redundancies expected in (a) the remainder of this financial year and (b) in the financial year 2016-2017, broken down by (i)agency and (ii)classification.

(6)  What is the expected cost of redundancy payments expected to be paid in the (a) remainder of this financial year and (b) financial year 2016-2017.

*717 MR COE: To ask the Minister for Transport and Municipal Services—

(1)  What subunits from EPD will be transferred in (a) full to Transport Canberra, (b) part to Transport Canberra, (c) full to the Conservation Agency and (d)part to the Conservation Agency.

(2)  What subunits will remain in EPD following the formation of Transport Canberra and the Conservation Agency.

*718 MR COE: To ask the Minister for Transport and Municipal Services—

(1)  What subunits from TAMS will be transferred in (a) full to Transport Canberra, (b) part to Transport Canberra, (c) full to the Conservation Agency and (d)part to the Conservation Agency.

(2)  What subunits will remain in TAMS following the formation of Transport Canberra and the Conservation Agency.