SEDU183 – Technology and Learning
Gradebook by Points (10 pts)
Spreadsheets are a very handy way of customizing a way to handle the important task of recording and calculating grades. Once a basic spreadsheet is developed, any number of students or grades can be added to the spreadsheet by inserting rows and columns. Students can determine their class standing and predict needed performance to achieve desired grade expectations.
Create a grade sheet either from scratch or work off the one that was started in class. Make it another tab in the same spreadsheet. Assume 20 students in the class. You should have at least 4 different kinds of assessments with at least 10 grades in all. Tailor the spreadsheet to assessments you will most likely use in your content area. Don’t forget to include a row for possible points so you can use the total possible in the calculation of the grade. You do not need to have a column for the letter grade, just the numerical percentage.
Underneath the grades for the twenty students, have a row in which you calculate the average grade for each of the assessments used in the grade sheet. Make sure to format the averages and percentages to two decimal places at the most. To format numbers, go to format and choose cells. Then choose general and make sure to indicate the number of decimal places you prefer. When you are finished the spreadsheet you should try it out with complete sets of grades for three students. Make sure to have the grade formulas copied for all twenty students.
As with the field trip spreadsheet, use some color and graphics to dress it up a little. After you have finished, use page setup to change the orientation to landscape and put it in the dropbox for gradesheet.