Chapter 11: Tides

Be sure to study the diagrams in your text in conjunction with these notes in order to understand these concepts

Tides are Waves

Regular rise & fall of sea that occurs: 1X day (24.8 hrs) OR 2X day (12.4 hrs)

Crest (high tide), trough (low tide)

Waves with very long:Period (24.8 or 12.4 hrs)

Wavelength (½ of Earth’s circumference)

Shallow-water waves (long wavelength)

Never in H2O deeper than ½ their wavelength

Cause of Tides

Gravitational attraction between: Earth & moon, Earth & sun

Pulls ocean toward moon & sun

Inertia (Centrifugal): Moving objects continue in a straight line

Earth’s motion around center of mass of Earth-moon system

Earth's orbiting around sun

Push outward from center of rotation

The moon is smaller than the sun, but is closer to Earth: Moon exerts 2x gravitational attraction as Sun

Forces (Gravity & Inertia) produces 2 tidal bulges

1. Excess gravity on moon-side of Earth ‘s: ocean bulges toward moon

2. Deficiency of gravity on side facing away from moon: Centrifugal force (Inertia) pulls ocean (bulges) away from moon

Earth rotates between bulges daily: 2 high & 2 low tides each day (most places)

3 Types of Daily Tides

1. Diurnal: 1 high & 1 low tide a day

High Latitudes (~90°), bays

2. Semidiurnal: 2 high & 2 low tides of ~ same height daily

Most common

3. Mixed: Successive high &/or low tides have different heights

Common in low latitudes (~0-35°)

Dynamic Tidal Theory: Tidal pattern affected by basin shape, continental masses, & Coriolis Effect

Amphidromic points (nodes): Where tide waves converge in ocean basin (No tide points)

Tide waves move around these points & rotate due to Coriolis Effect

Monthly Tides: Sun & Moon Together

Spring tides: Earth, sun, & moon are aligned (during new & full moon lunar phases)

Solar tide has additive effect on lunar tide: Extra-high, high tides & very low, low tides

Neap tides: Sun & moon are at right angles (1st quarter & 3rd quarter moon)

Solar tide partially cancels out lunar tide & Produces moderate tides

Movement of tidal water towards & away from land:

Generates tidal currents

Flood current: flow of water towards land with approaching high tide

Ebb current: flow of water away from land with approaching low tide

Tidal Datum measured at average lowest, low tide (Mean Low, Low Water = MLLW)

Tides & Marine Organisms

Intertidal species must adapt to stresses:

Crashing waves, abraison (High tide)

Heat, sun, dryness, No O2 (Low tide)

Tides & Marine Organisms

Mix nutrients & gases (CO2 & O2)

Important to movement & migration:

  • Plankton (floaters & drifters) carried into tidepools
  • Filter feeders (sea anemones, sand crabs) rely on tides to bring plankton & nutrients in with rising tides
  • Animal Reproduction: Larvae require tides to move them toward or away from coast (Recruitment)

California Grunion Reproduction

Come out of water to spawn (lay & fertilize eggs) on beach (Female digs tail in sand to lay eggs, Male deposits milt (sperm) around her)

At night from Feb-Sep

At highest spring tides (full or new moon)

In ~10 days babies hatch & wash out to sea at next high spring tide