Working for the Health and Well Being of the Community

Report and Input for a Specification for the future management of the Wirksworth Leisure Centre and Sports Hub for discussion, completion, then approval for submission to Derbyshire Dales District Council

John Thompson with welcome input from many colleagues

Dated 16th April, 2017 updated with Jujutsu included


This Report and Specification arises from input and support Sports Group members working with Anthony Gell School, Anthony Gell School Foundation and Wirksworth Town Councilto share with the District Council and FMG consultants.


Executive Summary

Section 1- Introduction


Wirksworth Sports Hub Overview

Planning for Growth

Legal Issues and Agreements

Section 2 - Strategic locations and Issues

Leisure Centre Property Issues

AGS and Derbyshire Dales Working in Partnership

Sports Pitches and Agreement

Wirksworth Swimming Pool

Hannage Brook Health Centre

Section 3 - Specific Activities and Issues

Climbing Wall

Gym and Fitness Suite - help needed from a User please




Tennis and Table Tennis





Section 4 - Implementation and Monitoring





Community Leisure Centre Group

Money during Transition

Some Appendices to addand some to complete before specification finalised:

  1. Lease for the Leisure Centre to 2079 with lease plan & Lease Variation (subject to Agreement)
  2. Additional Lease for the Leisure Centre & Joint Use Agreement as a Schedule (subject to agreement)
  3. Constitution for Future of the Wirksworth Leisure Centre Community Group
  4. Agreement All Weather and Grass Pitches at AGS and plan
  5. Community Use Agreement
  6. Ideas for Increased Usage of the Leisure Centre


1.Issues relevant to Current Arrangements:

1.1Investment required before handover. We note with concern that a survey undertaken two years ago identified £101,000 investment needed, across five years, for Wirksworth, a sum which included £60,000 earmarked for boilers. A clear statement of what is to be done before handover is required, including the Floor.

1.2.Maintenance contract. The future maintenance of Gym equipment needs addressing: Wirksworth is grateful for the replacement equipment from the Arc, the recent re-decoration and new floor. An effective maintenance contract is essential.

1.3.Outcome of survey of current condition. A report on the condition of the Sports Hall floor has been received by DDDC but, at the time, of writing not shared with other interested parties. We need to know the outcome and planned action. There are specific concerns relating to the cricket nets, which are sub-standard and the changing facilities, which are suffering from lack of maintenance and/or poor design. This is reflected in an air conditioning unit which has been out of action for months, a build-up of rubbish where the floor covering has peeled away from the walls and unpleasant smells from the drainage gullies in the showers.

2.Issues pertaining to the Tender Specification:

2.1.Unique situation at Wirksworth. As the facility at Wirksworth is significantly different from other DDDC facilities – joint use with a school, significantly community funded when set up, and closely integrated with other facilities – learner pool, grass pitches, 3 floodlit all weather pitches, 4 tennis courts and onsite health centre - tender documentation should stress an operator requirement to preserve and enhance the unique approach in Wirksworth.

2.2.Continuation of cooperative approach. We would hope that tender documentation would secure a continuation of the co-operative approach in running the facilities in regard to concessionary pricing schemes, Fitness Freedom membership, pay and play access, joint-use agreement with the school and compliance with the lease.

2.3.Independent condition survey. We note the FMG advice to DDDC regarding full condition surveys prior to tender and believe it is essential that DDDC should commission an independent condition survey ahead of the tendering process to identify existing problems and to undertake necessary work before any new operator takes over. This would include the urgent need to repair/replace the Sports Hall floor. Any other outstanding work should be identified in tender specification documentation.

2.4.Due diligence checks required. In the light of the above, due diligence checks should be made by DDDC, DCC (as the school is LEA maintained), the Governing Body and AGS Foundation as landlord, to ensure that the facilities are handed over in a good condition. 1.

2.5.Population increase. Tender specification information for the Leisure Centre should advise of the planned increase in housing for Wirksworth, which could see 500 new houses being built in the next 10 years.

2.6.Future maintenance. We would like clarity and confirmation as to the future management and maintenance of the Leisure Centre building and services (Operator?) and the Leisure Centre Car Park and landscaping (DDDC?).

2.7.Freedom to investigate improvements. A future operator should have sufficient freedom of action to allow it to investigate any extensions and improvements to the Leisure Centre as per the original vision - e.g. indoor hockey, the extension of the climbing wall.

2.8.Reflect differing ages of equipment. We expect the tender specification to note that the gym equipment in Wirksworth and Bakewell will be effectively 6 years old compared to the 1 year old equipment at Matlock and Ashbourne at time of transfer of responsibilities.

2.9.Joint use agreement with Anthony Gell School. A Joint Use Agreement with the school (AGS) was a cornerstone of the establishment of the Leisure Centre in 2000. The relationship has been mutually beneficial: school students from AGS and local Primary Schools benefit from using the facilities in school time and for extra-curricular activities, while such use increases usage of the Centre during off-peak hours. AGS would expect to continue to work in partnership with DDDC and to assist in the creation of a specification, in so far as it relates to Wirksworth, prior to any tendering. This view is wholeheartedly endorsed by the Sports Group. Drafting of legal documentation is with Solicitors for the District, Council, County Council (for School) and AGS Foundation.

2.10.Agreement on pricing. There is currently an agreement on pricing between the Leisure Centre and DDDC. A similar agreement should be reached with any new provider and form part of the tender requirement. The Sports Group seeks clarity on this matter.

2.11.Swimming pool. The Swimming Pool is an important part of the Sports Hub. We would hope that a new LC operator would consider the career development of staff, through training and sharing with the Leisure Centre. We would like to see a co-operative relationship between Pool and Leisure Centre, reflected in joint events (e.g. children’s parties).

2.12.Link with Health Centre. We would like to see a continuation and development of the relationship between Hannage Brook Health Centre and the Leisure Centre to promote physical and mental health and well-being for all ages.

2.13.Climbing Wall. The Climbing Wall is a unique and very popular facility in the Derbyshire Dales, with a wide catchment of climbers from across Derbyshire and the Midlands. We urge that staffing levels will be maintained under any new agreement, and that a new operator would consider the possible expansion of the wall. Sustaining the current fortnightly re-routing cycle should be a tender requirement. .


2.14.One Stop Shop for bookings. DDDC currently operates a “One Stop Shop” for bookings of pitches and handles arising VAT issues. In return it receives a proportion of the income (approx. 10% to offset additional costs of administration). As this is central to the “hub” concept, tender documentation needs to build this in as a requirement from the operator. The Pitches Agreement is attached for the Operator to take on from DDDC in summer, 2018.

2.15.Involvement of local interest groups in operational and developmental work. Two constituted groups currently oversee use of the facilities – The Wirksworth Centre Consultative Group (involving officers and councillors as well as users) and the Wirksworth Sports Group (comprising users and sports enthusiasts). Tender specification should seek clarity on how an operator would expect to involve local interest groups in operational and developmental work.

2.16.Equity of financial support to the four centres. We believe that current annual (non capital) spending on the four centres is roughly in the following proportions: Ashbourne 26%, Bakewell 17%, Arc 38% and Wirksworth 18%. We would hope that tender specification would require a broad matching of the current model to ensure that no individual centre is placed at a financial disadvantage.

2.17. Clarity of management of depreciation and replacement. Accounting arrangements for depreciation are currently neither standard nor transparent. Tender specification should require clear indication of how depreciation and replacement will be managed.


Section 1 - Introduction


1.We supported Option A (contracting out the District Council’s Leisure Centres to a specialist leisure management contractor, whilst retaining the SportsDevelopment team in-house) by June, 2018. This option has to quote the consultant - "greater scope for access to capital finance to provide investment into facilities and services (noting potential for introducing this in the contract)"

2. DDDC now proposed that a 6week period of consultation is undertaken which will include the Sports Group (6th March – 16th April 2017). We need to seize this opportunity in the interests of Sport and Recreation at the Wirksworth Sports Hub. Thank you to all who have contributed. We need to agree/amend this report and draft specification and spot any omissions and who can help with them, and I need help please in editing/presenting in a better way. Perhaps a Summary of Key Points?

3. The initial recipient will be Sports Group, then share with School governors, Foundation and Town Council en route to Derbyshire Dales as part of the local submission of what happens now in partnership, and what could be improved.

Wirksworth Sports Hub - Overview

4. Future arrangements at Wirksworth must with integration and co-operation between the District Council/ Future Operator, the School, the Pool and Community, so there is a joined up approach to the Sports Hubof the Leisure Centre, 3 Floodlit All Weather Pitches, Playing Fields, Swimming Pool, 4 tennis courts and the Health Centre.

5. We urge, like the consultant, thatany new operator would be required to continue operating the facilities in the helpful way your council has established with concessionary pricing schemes, Fitness Freedom Membership, pay and play access, joint-use requirements with the School and complying with the lease.

6. It needs to recognise and take on board the roles and agreements between different organisations in the delivery and management of the Sports Hub - Leisure Centre and the ,Sports Pitches Agreement Gell Foundation/School/DDDC/Sports Clubs. This is in place (with review provisions after 5 years in 2019). Charges are delegated to existing operators and that must be specified to continue.

7. There are seperate papers in this report/specification regarding the current arrangements and future needs related to:

a). The Pitches where AGS Foundation and School would want continuation of bookings by the Leisure Centre to continue and be specified please, with advice on usage and forwarding income received termly to Foundation (ATP's) and School (Grass Pitches) and keeping and reporting on their record of usage.


b).The Swimming Pool Trustwith scope for working together on some things (eg children's parties), but they would not want new operators to do anything in terms of bookings and would want to maintain their own pricing and wages structure.

c).Health and Well Beingshould be included in the specifications - with liaison planned with the Health Centre over their links on Health referrals etc - See paper from the Health Centre included here.

d). A meeting is suggested re Sports Hub requirements with relevant interestsIf agreed, who should organise this and be involved?

Planning for Growth

8. Wirksworth will undergo an unprecedented expansion in house building.

There are already plans in various stages of development which would add more than 300 houses and we therefore feel that it would not be unreasonable to see an expansion of more than 500 houses by extrapolation over the next ten years."

Legal Issues and Agreements

9. The legal issues/agreements needed with Foundation are being purued between DDDC, Derbyshire CC (Acting for AGS), and Foundation Solicitors with the aim of getting appropriate and secure working arrangements and responsibilities.Use by Anthony Gell School is allowed and fundamental to this Centre.

10. We have raised in the Brief for Solicitors:

  • Lease on land on which the Leisure Centre is built runs to 2079 and no change/assignment of that unless agreed by AGS Foundation (AGSF) who will handle those issues through its Solicitor and Legal Adviser.A variation is sought by DDDC as part of the discussions, along with who pays the Council Tax in future.The next Rent Review is in 2018.
  • Sports Council grant requires the centre to continue at least until 2021.
  • Anthony Gell School (AGS) has asked to extend the Joint Use Agreement (JUA) without change to at least Summer, 2017.DDDC now seem prepared to agree a JUA and have it as a Schedule to an additional lease.
  • Derbyshire County Council (DCC) was actively involved in the setting up of the Leisure Centre having put £54,000 "Community Chest" funding in, and AGS is an LEA School whose rights of access need to be secured into the future. We have raised child protection concerns re the proposed third party management in future..
  • Grass and All Turf Pitches Agreement in place for 10 years (review after 5 - DDDC annually) to 2024. (Appendix 4). No made changes to April 2017.
  • Community Use Agreement: Sports Development & Sports Hall and Pitches to 2024. (Attached as Appendix 5)


Section 2 - Strategic Locations and Issues

Leisure Centre - Property Issues

John Thompson with David Saunders, Allan Morrison, Phil Pover and Rod Leach

1. The background is that our Sports Group of Volunteers was a catalyst, playing a key role in galvanising local support for the Leisure Centre and we raised £54,000 towards the £1.3 million project.The Group re-formed in Spring 2016 because some 30 Sports enthusiasts wanted to contribute to this Review, and is now going forward as a fully constituted body from 27th April,2017.

2. Our experience of the Learner Pool transfer, working with the Chair and Trustees there, make us particularly worried as a huge amount of expense was incurred simply fixing what the District Council had not replaced or fixed in previous years. We note with concern (para 4.24 of the report of 1st December to DDDC), that a two year old survey had identified £101,000 investment needed for Wirksworth. What is happening about that?

3. Points from users relevant to the main floor are in Annex A, and re the Gym and men's changing rooms are in Annex B .

4.We are particularly keen to ensure that full independent condition surveys are carried out before tendering to provide some indication of what the Council need to sort out urgently, and the priorities to act on post tendering. We urge the Council to look very carefully at the operating models and margins of tendering organisations to get the best service and best value for money with preference for a “not for profit” organisation.

5.Forward Programme at the Leisure Centre - a positive programme is needed until someone takes over in April,2018. Surely some of the suggestions that are in the FGM consultants report and those raised through Sports Group by Rod Leach & Phil Pover (see Appendix 7), could be implemented now? What specific improvements and developments of programmes can we expect to see in the coming year that will benefit Wirksworth and make us more attractive to bidders? We certainly don’t want everything just on hold, given the current low investment levels. For example action on gym club waiting lists has been promised.

6.Leisure Centre Equipment maintenance and renewal/replacement needs consistency and to ensure Wirksworth is not the "Poor relation" with second hand equipment when (as currently) it gets hand me downs from Ashbourne or Matlock who have new equipment. Similarly upgrading/changing climbing wall "climbs" at Wirksworth from time to time in liaison with climbers is very important.


7. Our Group has a proven record of encouraging sports development and Improvements, and we are keen to continue to work in partnership to improve the local "Sports Hub." We seek the following in the Specification:

1. Confirmation of future responsibilities (DDDC or Operator?) to manage and maintain the Leisure Centre (Operator?), and the Leisure Centre car park and landscaping (DDDC) .