Agreement on Job Role Committee Membership

  1. Scope of the Contract

The scope of this contract refers to the collaboration between the European Certification and Qualification Association (ECQA) and a job role committee member. The contract is a proof that the ECQA has officially granted the partner a position in the job role committee (JRC) of <name of the job role>.

  1. Duties of the ECQA
  1. ECQA acts as the independent certification body for the testing and certification of students - training and exam participants.
  2. ECQA organizes and administers the work of the association and relationships with its members.
  3. ECQA supports the job role committee memberswitha teamwork environment so that job role committees can exchange information on the skills set.
  4. ECQA manages the test and exam portals and maintains the testing services.
  5. ECQA ensures that information about actual skill sets is available to all JRC members.
  6. ECQA receives an annually updated skills set and manages the update of the skills and test portals and registration functions in cooperation with the technology partners.
  7. ECQA promotes the job role committee members on the web site and in flyers as being thenetwork of experts elaborating the skills set content. The publication of job role committee members will be done per job role in an alphabetical order or in other generally accepted sorting method agreed within ECQA (ex. per country).
  8. ECQA forwards the task for reviewing the applications of trainers and training organizations to job role committee members.
  9. ECQA grants the job role committee members the right to use the ECQA logo in their brochures and training announcements.
  10. ECQA keeps all communications with the job role committee members confidential.
  1. Duties of the Job Role Committee Member
  1. The job role committee member fully commits to using and promoting the defined skills set of the job role.
  2. The job role committee member meets at least quarterly per year with other job role committee members to discuss and agree updates of the skills set and other JRC related tasks. The meetings will in most cases take place virtually using teamwork and communication systems.
  3. The job role committee member either pays 1000 EUR membership fee or provides 10 working days per year for JRC tasks. In both cases the member has rights for:
  4. Updating the skills set,
  5. Providing needs, requirements and inputs for improvement of ECQA strategy and position on the market,
  6. Selecting and voting for JRC leader and candidates for other job role representatives and units according to ECQA guide.
  1. The job role committee member is obliged to promote the skills set and the exam servers.
  2. The job role committee member has the right to cooperate in other ECQA organizational units under conditions specified for those units (ex. job role exam committee, job role training committee etc.). Applications to specific ECQA organizational unit are managed according to ECQA Guides.
  3. The job role committee member keeps all data exchanged with ECQA confidential.
  1. Re-Nomination
  1. The nomination for a job role committee is valid from the date of contract signature until the end of year.
  2. The membership is prolonged automatically for one year unless the job role committee member sends a written authorized request for termination of membership. The termination has to be requested 4 weeks prior to the end of the year.
  1. Liability
  1. Each contracting party shall release the other from any civil liability in respect of damages resulting from the performance of this agreement, suffered by itself or by its personnel, to the extent that these damages are not due to the serious or intentional negligence of the other party or its personnel.
  2. If the ECQA name, logo or certificate has been intentionally been misused by job role committee member, ECQA request between € 10.000,- to € 30.000,-cost from job role committee member to cover the loss in the reputation of the ECQA.
  1. Changes / Duration / Cancellation
  1. Changes to the contract require a written form, purely verbal agreements cannot be accepted.
  2. The contract is valid from the date of signature to end of year. The membership is prolonged automatically for one year unless the job role committee member sends a written authorized request for termination of membership.
  3. ECQA may cancel the contract in case job role committee member does not work according to the agreement. Executive board of ECQA decides about termination of contract.
  4. The contract can be cancelled at any time from either side with a 3 months notice. A cancellation requires a written form.
  1. Law
  1. Austrian law applies.
  2. The law court of Krems, Austria, applies.

We hereby agree to the clauses 1. to 6. of the ECQAJob Role Committee Membership Agreement/Duties of the Job Role Committee Member

for Job Role Committee:<TITLE OF JRC


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Signature and name of authorized personProf. (FH) Mag. Michael Reiner

President of ECQA

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