Dracut Recreation Commission
Minutes of October 6, 2014
Dracut Central Fire Station
Present: Michael Parent, Denis Kennedy, Steven Talbot, George Malonis, Daniel Mallahan, Steve Gomes, Gordy Scott, Jamie Desmarais, Recreation Director Lori Cahill and Recording Secretary Shawn Enos.
Absent: Shannon Mitton-Talbot, Charles Braley
Opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Community Input: None
Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Mr. Talbot to accept the minutes of September 8, 2014 as written. Motion seconded by Mr. Scott. Motion passed unanimously.
Review of Financial Accounts: Motion made by Mr. Scott to accept the Financial Reports as presented. Motion seconded by Mr. Desmarais. Motion passed unanimously. Mrs. Cahill informed the board that we will be giving the board members a new financial report with all the sports balances and detailed information.
· Letter from Roy Correia president of Lacrosse looking for the Recreation Commission board to approve the process of evaluations and not try outs for a U15 A & B team. Motion made by Mr. Desmarais to approve the process by Lacrosse to have a U15 A & B team. Seconded by Mr. Talbot.
· Letter from the Town Manager James Duggan to approve Steve Talbot as an At Large Member effective in November once his President of Dracut Baseball expires.
· Resignation letter effective immediately from Charles Braley President of Girls Basketball.
Action Items: Ms. Cahill informed the board that the lock boxes are fixed and working at Dillon MacAnespie Park. Ms. Cahill informed the board that she will be attending the CPC meeting on October 7, 2014 where the town will be asking for more money for the Monahan bathrooms. Mr. Malonis said that the CPC wants to look at plans and that Watermark is not giving the project the attention it needs.
Boys Basketball: Mr. Scott informed the board that Boys Basketball has applied for a 501C3. Informed the board that sign ups end October 31, 2104 and that Recreation Basketball will start December 6, 2014.
Girls Basketball: Mr. Parent informed the board that Mr. Braley has resigned effectively immediately and that the duties have temporarily been split up with Mr. Parent handling Recreation and Mike Sancartier handling Travel. Mr. Parent has concerns about the permits on Saturdays due to Gymnastics, he would like a master schedule from the School Department.
Baseball: Mr. Talbot informed the board that Fall Baseball is going well. Ray McCann incoming Dracut Baseball President also attended the meeting. Mr. Talbot informed the board that the Carrick Field home plate was stolen and asked if DPW could replace it. Mr. Talbot is also requesting that the backstop at Campbell School be fixed.
Softball: Mr. Gomes informed the board that the concrete floors in the dugouts at Monahan Field are done and that the Lowell Vocational School did a great job. Mr. Gomes is now working on getting the water project done before winter.
Skiing: Ms. Cahill informed the board that the skiing bids for Bradford and Nashoba ski area have gone out and we are looking to change the days to Saturday nights.
NFL Flag Football: Mr. Mallahan informed the board that the season is going well. Playoffs are coming up soon. Mr. Mallahan also requested to have the lights turned on at Veterans Park.
Wrestling: Mr. Desmarais informed the board that everything is going well with wrestling.
New Business: Ms. Cahill has informed the board that the new storage room is great and a big enough for sports equipment.
Old Business: Ms. Cahill spoke with Chief Richardson and he was glad that everything worked out for the Girls basketball league and the presence of the Dracut Police bicycle patrol at Dillon MacAnespie Park.
Motion made by Mr. Kennedy to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Mallahan . Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm. Next Meeting is Monday November 10, 2014.
Michael Parent George Malonis
Steve Gomes Denis Kennedy
Gordy Scott Daniel Mallahan
______ABSENT ______
Charles Braley Steve Talbot
Jamie Desmarais Shannon Mitton-Talbot
Recording Secretary
Shawn Enos