JML PTA Meeting Minutes for April 21, 2015

JML PTA Meeting Minutes for April 21, 2015

JML PTA Meeting Minutes for April 21, 2015

Call to Order by Valerie Balser @ 7:04. A Quorum was established

1st order of business: vote in May 2015 Meeting Minutes. Motion made by Gina to vote in the May 2015 Meeting Minutes. Motion 2nd by Erin Campbell and vote was unanimous.

  1. Mr. Slevin:
  1. Introduced teachers that were attending the meeting
  1. Recognized the Green Team/Beautification Committee on their hard work on the landscaping around the building. There were approximately 75 volunteers that helped
  1. Recognized Odyssey of the Mind for going to States
  1. Recognized Science Olympiad for going to States
  1. Recognized Drama Production
  1. Discussed the 6th grade Right to Petition Project and team celebrations
  1. 7th and 8th grade celebrations will be next week

8. School to Watch Celebration will be held on April 29th @ 9:00 am

-will be presented with a banner

-Mr. Morse will speak

-parents are welcome

-school staff has been invited to a national conference at Crystal City

9. BYOT: Going well so far/it’s a learning experience/still learning the strengths and weaknesses of program/I am open to feed back and suggestions or concerns about the program. This is a project based learning program and trying to get away from just the rote memorization type of learning.

10. 8th grade party: June 12th

11. Field Day: June 16th (last day of school)

12. Open House Next Year: 6th grade will be on August 24th from 9-11 am and from 1-3 pm; 7th and 8th grade will be held on August 26th from 5-8 pm

13. Back to School Nights: 6th grade will be held on September 9th and 7th and 8th grade will be held on September 16th.

B. Treasurer Report by Rebekah Cox:

1. Rebekah gave a general report on the budget.

2. She discussed the fact that Mr. Slevin had additional spending initiatives that he would speak to a little later in the meeting.

3. Marquee sign: Spent $8,000.00 so far and another $16,000.00 will be spent on the project.

4. We have $20,000.00 in reserve.

5. Since last month, $7,000.00 was spent on additional library items.

6. We have approximately $34,000.00 in the budget to spend.

C. Election Committee/Elections Held:

1. Nominees gave short speeches

2. Vote took place: Valerie Balser motioned to vote in all (entire slate) of candidates for the new 2015-2016 Executive Board. Those nominees include: Gina Fink as President; Sherry Zamora as VP Communications; Kimberly Turner as VP of Fundraising; Vonetta Brown as VP of Volunteers and Committees; Mike Herrmann as Recording Secretary; Julie Abel as Treasurer and Anaheeta as VP Events. Erin Campbell seconded the motion and vote was unanimous by show of hands.

D. Mr. Slevin and School Needs:

1. Mr. Slevin listed his school needs and the amount for each. A vote was taken afterwards.

2. The list included:

Request for $500.00 to increase Green Team funds to support the club (putting in 1st phase of butterfly garden)

Ipads: requested $3,300.00

Chrome Books: requested $6,000.00

2 Trophy Cases: requested 4,500.00

Mural in 7th and 8th grade house: request of $2,500.00

Earbuds with school to watch and JML logo included: requested $1,450.00

PBIS Funds: requested and increase in the line item by $1,000.00

Table clothes with JML logo: requested $700.00

Money for Lego Club Registration for California: requested $480.00

*In total: Requested $20,430.00

3. There was some discussion on whether we had enough money to cover all the requests. This was based on looking at the net income on the budget report. Rebekah explained that we have money in reserve and the net income does not reflect this. We would like to spend the money on the kids that are at the school this year since we have a large reserve.

4. Valerie made a motion to approve each of Mr. Slevin’s requests; she named each request and the cost and for a total cost of $20,430.00 to be spent by the PTA on Mr. Slevin’s request for school items. Gina 2nd the motion and it was passed unanimously.

D. Valerie:

1. Gave report on Dining for Dollars: Moe’s Night and McDonalds Night, which will be held on May 20th and 21st.

2. Valerie also gave a report on the marquee installation: process has started

E. Gina:

  1. Reported on eblast and website.
  1. Newsletter will go out on May 16th and will take requests up until May 8th.

F. Julie Abel/Green Club:

1. We are collecting printer cartridges and recycling them

2. This Thursday we are asking students/staff to wear green in honor of earth day

3. Butterfly Garden: still working on it. She passed out a map for everyone to look at. Club had a landscape designer help design the garden. Will be fully implemented next year.

G. Sandra Wilfong/Odyssey of the Mind:

1. Reported on program. Students did not advance beyond states.

H. MSSAC Report (did not get the lady’s name)

MSSAC is looking for a 2nd representative from the school. They would like to have 2 from each school. It can be either a parent or a teacher.

LEAP/Scott Josseyln

  1. No report given: Scott was not at the meeting

J. SEAC Report:

No report given

K. Guest Speaker: Mr. Morse Spoke

1. Discussed/gave school board update on Loudoun County and his district

2. Discussed the new superintendent and budget report

3. Next middle school will open in Brambleton next year

4. We will be getting another high school; however, the land has not been selected nor has a date been selected.

5. Discussed the Academy’s of Loudoun: building a 3rd addition and will be equivalent to T.J. High School. Will open in 2018.

6. Discussed IEP’s and the need to help parents understand them better and understand the resources available to them.

7. Discussed class size and the fact that it is increasing. This is a priority, which is why a new middle school will be built.

Meeting adjourned by Valerie @ 8:30 pm.