Isopod, Pillbug, Sow Bug Rearing
(RolliePollies are the same as the names listed above!)
Isopod, Pillbug, Sow Bug Needs
Rearing Habitat
Clear shoe box, clear plastic container or side resting soda bottle
Lid with small holes for reduced ventilation
1/2-1" of humus or rich, moist soil or sand
Leaf litter, old bark or other dead vegetation
Water spray bottle
A piece of wood or bark
Fish food flakes sprinkled on the soil surface, leaf litter (from where they were collected), pieces of potato, apple, carrot.
The soil needs to be moist, but not soggy. Periodic (maybe daily) misting of container will help increase humidity. Do not allow the soil to dry out or the isopods will die.
Taking Care
If there are many isopods in the container, waste gases may become strong and deadly to the isopods. The soil will need to be replaced. Immature isopods are small and may be difficult to separate from the soil. Hopefully, most of the little isopods will be on the piece of bark or wood. Remove uneaten food and mold as soon as possible.
The larger species of isopods can be handled and observed easily in one's hand. Gently pick them up between your thumb and forefinger, or scoop with a spoon to separate them from the soil. They are fast walkers and can withstand short drops. Like all arthropods, handling while the animal is molting is discouraged. Immature stages may be more fragile than adults.
Raising Young
If you have both sexes, isopods will reproduce quickly. Eggs and embryos are stored in the female's brood pouch (see Information Sheet). The immature isopods are small and may be buried in the soil underneath the bark or leaf litter.
Other Concerns
To discourage excessive mold in the enclosure: 1) Remove and replace moldy food or pieces of bark; 2) Reduce misting; 3) Increase ventilation in lid (or remove for a period of supervised time). If problem persists, create a new clean set-up and follow previous precautions from the beginning.
Special Considerations
Do not mix different species of isopods (i.e. rollypollies or sowbugs) in the same container. If your rearing is successful, the isopods will become overcrowded and some will need to be released where you found them.
Hope this helped! Good luck!