Iran War-Monger, Media Shill for the NWO Globalist Establishment, RomanistSean Hannity interviews Papal-servant, Jesuit-educated, Freemason Israeli President Shimon Peres on

FOX "News"

Jesuit-ruled-CFR-member, Papal Knight FOX News owner Rupert Murdoch's talented Propagandist Hannity uses Peres interview to further brainwash Americans into supporting unjustified attack on sovereign nation of Iran




9:52 P.M. EDT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2010

MR. HANNITY: So diplomats and dictators from all over the world converged on New York City this week for the annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly. And earlier this week, I was happy to sit down with a longtime ally and friend of the U.S., and that's Israeli President Shimon Peres. We spoke about the potential of a nuclear Iran, the role of the United Nations and much, much more.

a look. ... [ ]


FOX News

September 24, 2010

Israeli President on 'Hannity' - Video (5:43) [ CCL: Note the message of the FOX banners at the

bottom of the screen as well ]

Shimon Peres addresses growing threat Iran poses to his country

[ transcript excerpts ]

Iran War-Monger Hannity: "Well, I care a lot, and I don't think I've ever been this concerned. You have repeated

threats, Ahmadinejad, Iran, that they want to wipe Israel off the map."

Papal Servant, Jesuit-educated, Freemason Peres: "Right."

Iran War-Monger Hannity: "I believe he probably does, and now he, now we are told he is close to getting his ambition

fulfilled and acquiring nuclear weapons."

[ CCL Note: Note the FOX banner across bottom of screen: "Israeli Pres Peres Addresses the Growing Threat

of Iran" - Take Note America !!! - you are being brainwashed by Jesuit-ruled-CFR-member, Papal Knight,

Rupert Murdoch's FOX "News" ]

Papal Servant, Jesuit-educated, Freemason Peres: "It's a great danger. Nobody can guarantee what he's going to do

with the new nuclear weapons, he's really, spoil the whole Middle East,

bring it down to pieces. And the problem is, what to do ? In my

judgment, there are at least three steps that should be taken right

away. You know I think more sanctions are not as important,

an economic one. We have to create a situation where it would be

a shame to be the same with Ahmadinejad. He's a dictator. He's a

killer. He's a terrorist. He acts against the Convention of the

United Nations. The United Nations Charter, no member is permitted

to threaten another member. He does. It's being accepted like almost

a cultural hero. It's a shame. We have to redound to values. We have

to bring back the importance of being ashamed."


Iran War-Monger Hannity's Big Lie about Peres: " ... I don't see how you can appeal to him [ Ahmadinejad ] through

negotiation. You're a man of peace [ CCL: sic ]."


More Iran War-Monger Hannity spin: "... I don't see the international will. I don't see the will in the Middle East to

confront what I believe is evil in our time, and a madman that would want

a modern-day Holocaust."


[ CCL Note: Note the strange form of the handshake between Freemason Peres and Romanist Hannity

at the end of the interview. Can anyone who is knowledgeable identify whether or not this

is a masonic handshake ? (Notice the placement of Hannity's thumb on the back of Peres' hand

- see: and also










For related reports and additional information, see:

, "News" page

Iran's Ahmadinejad at the U.N. helps expose 9-11 False Flag operation on world stage

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ahmadinejad: US orchestrated 9/11 to save Zionist regime

The Jerusalem Post (09/24/2010)

Papal servant, Jesuit-educated, Freemason, Israeli President Shimon Peres

reports to Rome's Pope to discuss Peace Talks

September 2, 2010

Papal Servant, Jesuit-educated, Freemason Israeli President Shimon Peres

to fly to Rome on Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010 to meet with Pope Bendedict XVI

Peres: PM determined to implement two state solution

The Jerusalem Post (08/31/2010)

Masonic Israel-Palestinian peace talks in Wash DC:

Bilderberger, Friend-of-the-CFR, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and CFR-member,

formerCFR-director, Bilderberger, Special Middle East Envoy, Roman CatholicGeorge Mitchell

announce meeting of Middle East Freemasonic national leaders in MasonicWashington, DC - Sept. 2, 2010

International Attendees:

1) United States President Barack Hussein Obama - 32nd Degree Prince Hall Mason, Papal Servant

2) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - Freemason

3) Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas - Freemason[ Photo ]

4) Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak - Freemason [Photo ]

5) Jordanian King Abdullah II - Freemason

6) Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair - Bilderberger, Freemason, Knight of Malta

(special [ CCL: NWO ] representative of the U.S., the U.N.,

the European Union and Russia)


Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life

August 22, 2010 / Revised, Edited September 1, 2010

The “Star of David” [sic] and Freemasonry:


"Star of David" : "a six-pointed star formed of two, often interlaced, equilateral triangles: a symbol of Judaism and

now of the Republic of Israel:

as a mystic symbol in the Middle Ages, called Solomon's Seal" [ emphasis added ]

Webster's New World Dictionary, Second College Edition, Prentice Hall Press, 1986, p.1390

See also Encyclopedia Britannica: "The symbol ­ which historically was not limited to use by Jews

­ originated in antiquity, when, side by side with the five-pointed star, it served as a magical sign

or as a decoration." [ emphasis added ]

The implication of the so-called "Star of David" [sic] masonic, occultic, six-pointed star

being used as the symbol on the national flag of the modern (1948) Zionist, Masonic-led

State of Israel, is that it is a creation of the Vatican / Illuminati / Masonic New World Order.

Freemason Israel Prime Ministers, 1948-2008

Of the 13 different people who have served as Prime Minister of Israel,

documentation and/or references found thus far indicate at least eight (8)

of these people are (were) Masons.

Prime Ministers of Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud)

June 18, 1996 - July 6, 1999


31 March 2009 - Incumbent

Illuminati (Freemasons) in control of Israel

"Masonic display in the middle of the street."

Masonic Streets in Washington, DC


FOX 5 News

Video (5:10) Views: 25,821

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Nazi Holocaust used as a pretext for Israel's formation

The creation of the modern nation-state of Israel in 1948 is intended as the catalyst for

the Ordo Ab Chao establishment, via conflict, of the Vatican / Papal / Jesuit / Illuminati / Freemason / Zionist / CFR / Trilateral Commission / Bilderberg / Skull and Bones

NewWorldOrder - in short, the excuse for Rome's 21st Century bogus Bush/Obama "War Against Terror" Holy Land Crusade.


The historically-based, present day reality is that the ongoing Wars against Afghanistan (2001 - ?) and Iraq (2003 - ?) are part of the modern day Crusade intended to eventually take the Holy Land for Rome. The ongoing armed conflict between Israel and peoples and nations of the Middle East provides the justification for international, including Vatican, involvement. Will there be War against Iran ? Will the satanic NWO Globalists deceive enough Americans to support launching WWIII ?

"Bilderberg-Trilateral goal is for the U.S. to conduct air strikes on Iran,

paid for with American taxpayer dollars and blood"

By James P. Tucker, Jr. (American Free Press editor)

May 30 , 2010 (publicized by CCL June 5, 2010)

Trilateral Commission Wants War With Iran

- "... the globalists are planning a war with Iran."

- "...the Trilateralists and their Bilderberg counterparts are intent on exploiting

the economic crisis to finalize plans for a world government, ..."

- "We are deciding the future of the world"

- "We need a world government" ... but, referring to Iran, ... "we need to get rid of them."

May 15, 2010 (publicized by CCL June 6, 2010)

March 20, 2010: Unjust Iraq War Seventh Anniversary

GEN Stan McChrystal:
Jesuit-ruledCFR-member, CFRmilitary fellow 1999-2000, West Point Class of 1976,
US / NATO / NWO Afghan Cdr in hot water with Usurper-in-Chief Obama; offers to resign
June 23, 2010 / Revised June 30, 2010

Obama prepares new 2LT West Point graduates
to become cannon fodder for The New World Order
- "Seventy-eight West Point graduates have died fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq." (WND)
- "Nearly the entire graduating class of 2010 became second lieutenants in the Army, with most
expecting to serve eventually in Iraq or Afghanistan, a fact that Obama said "humbled" him." (Huff. Post)
- President Obama addressed graduates of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (NY), Saturday, May 22, 2010.



Skull and Bones masonic secret society member, President George W. Bush's "Crusade" quote - Sept. 16, 2001, five days after 9-11-2001.

Bush vows to rid the world of 'evil-doers'

September 16, 2001 / CNN Washington Bureau

"Bush made the same point during his remarks at the White House. "This crusade, this war on terrorism

is gonna take awhile. And the American people must be patient. I'm gonna be patient," Bush said."


Osama bin Laden: America's "Crusader Fortresses"

" Washington is buildings [sic] a US $740 million new embassy in Baghdad for 800 personnel,

as well as giant new fortified embassies in Kabul and Islamabad, Pakistan (cost $1 billion)

that may hold 1,000 "diplomats." Osama bin Laden calls them, "Crusader Fortresses." "

Posted: August 10, 2010

[emphasis added]



The Vatican / Papal / Jesuit New World Order is about:

1) one-world government (UN, G-20, G-8, EU, NATO, NAFTA, WTO, CAFTA, SPP, NAU, ad nauseam)

2) one-world money (Euro, Amero, Federal Reserve, World Bank, IMF, ad nauseam)

3) one-world religion (Ecumenism - all the world's false religions under Rome's Vatican)

4) global population reduction (abortion, birth control, disease, famine, and war are all "instruments"

of this satanic policy objective - by possibly 90% - Georgia Guidestones:

/ )

ROME is the New World Order.

The New World Order is a plan for global, one-world socialist tyranny, where the God-given,

unalienable rights of Americans that were protected by the United States Constitution and

the Bill of Rights, will no longer be protected, but superseded by an Anti-Christian, Anti-Bible,

Anti-Messiah Global Government. Bible-believing Christians are called to RESIST

Rome's New World Order, in the Name of the Lord !

"They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them."

Proverb 28:4, KJB

"... where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." 2 Corinthians 3:17b, KJB

... and where the Spirit of the Lord is absent, there is chaos, and then tyranny.

Steve Lefemine

April 3, 2009 / Revised May 14, 2009 / Revised September 28, 2010


The Vatican / Pope / Jesuit-General are leaders in the New World Order:

(one-world government, one-world money, one-world religion, global population reduction )

New World Order's Roman Catholic Pope called for One-World Government:

"A True World Political Authority"

Pope Benedict XVI - "There is urgent need of a true world political authority"

Globalist Papal Encyclical published July 7, 2009

Pope calls for a new world order [CNN]

Pope calls for a new world order

"Pope John Paul II launched one of the most important diplomatic initiatives of his long papacy ...

when he called for a new international orderto replace the one that emerged from the second world war."

"The Pope called ... for the reform of world institutions and deplored any failure to respect international law."

" "More than ever, we need a new international order that draws on the experience and results achieved

in these years by the United Nations," he [ the Pope ] declared..."


Skull and Bones masonic secret society member, former CFR-member, former CFR director, former Trilateral Commission member, U.S. President George H.W. Bush and the Vatican /

Jesuit General's New World Order:

President George H.W. Bush, State of the Union Address,

given at the United States Capitol, on January 29, 1991 :

"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea ­ a new world order,

where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations

of mankind: peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law." "The world can therefore seize

this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise ofa new world order­ where brutality

will go unrewarded, and aggression will meet collective resistance."

(Video) "George Bush New World Order"



(Video) George H. W. Bush - New World Order Speech - March 6 1991 - PT 2 of 3



"Now we can see a new world coming into view, a world in which

there is the very real prospect of a new world order." (5:09)

"Even the new world order cannot guarantee an era of perpetual peace,

but enduring peace must be our mission. Our success in the Gulf will shape,

not only the new world order we seek, but our mission here at home." (7:15)



The NWO CFR is the Vatican / Jesuit General's CFR:

Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Vatican / Papal / Jesuit Servant OBAMA


Photo from:

Obama's Council On Foreign Relations Crew

Out with the old regime, in with the old regime

The CFR controls American media

Video (4:32)


Jesuit-ruled-CFR-member, Papal Knight, FOX News owner Rupert Murdoch

gives a Keynote Speech at The Bohemian Grove

July 31, 2010 / Revised and Corrected August 15, 2010

Treasonous agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations

Posted: June 17, 2005

CFR, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission insiders usually run for, win White House, shows new book

Dick Cheney and several past presidential candidates (D & R), are/were members of CFR

Sovereignty and globalisation

Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations

February 17, 2006

See a concise overview article about the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on the internet at:

"The Definition of Tyranny," The New American (May 15, 1995), by John F. McManus

"Formed in 1921 by Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson's right-hand man,

the CFR's purpose has been undeniably clear from the start: to submerge our nation into

a socialist, one-world government."

"Never forget that the CFR was formed to bring about socialism and world government.

Its increasing domination over America's affairs amounts to a conspiracy the grip of which must

be broken by an informed and alarmed American citizenry. If CFR influence over our federal

government isn't soon broken, America will be reduced to a mere province in a socialistic

world governmentwhere freedom has disappeared and national sovereignty is but a dim memory.

And James Madison's worst fear -- tyranny reigning in this land -- will become a reality. The time to

expose the CFR and its grip on this land is now."

PDF copy of actual article with add-ons:

CFR Annual Report requests

2009 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster

2008 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster

2008 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster

2008 Annual Report (July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008)

(including Current and Historical Rosters of Directors and Officers)

2006 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster

(including current and/or past positions of some members)


Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity

Five Reasons Why Roman Catholicism is not Biblical Christianity

Evangelism to Roman Catholics by a former Roman Catholic priest:

The website is the ministry outreach of former Catholic priest Richard Bennett.

The Pope Kissing The Koran

(Karol Wojtyla - "Pope John Paul II")

Here is a photo of the Pope at the end of an audience with Patriarch Raphael I of Iraq where "the Pope bowed to the

Muslim holy [sic]book the Qu'ran presented to him by the delegation and kissed it as a sign of respect".

"The Two Babylons - Romanism and Its Origins," by Alexander Hislop (1916):

"Where did the practices and beliefs of Roman Catholicism come from? In this scholarly classic, first published over ninety years ago, Alexander Hislop reveals that many Roman Catholic teachings did not originate with Christ or the Bible, but were adopted from ancient pagan Babylonian religion, and given Christian names."



The present "New World Order" is a modern "Tower of Babel"

"And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. " "And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." ... "So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city." "Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth." Genesis 11:1, 4, 8, 9

The "New World Order" under construction in the 18th, 19th, 20th, and now 21st centuries is the modern "Tower of Babel."

It's end will be the same.

"For God is the King of all the earth: ..."

Psalm 47a, KJB