Intro to World Geography

Intro to World Geography


Intro to World Geography

Unit 4 Notes

Monuments of Europe

The Roman ColosseumLocation(country) Current or Past Purpose

The Parthenon

The Eiffel Tower

L’ Arc de Triomphe

Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Roman Forum

Big Ben

The Tower of London


What Makes Europe a Region?

Physically ______

European Culture

With more than ______different countries , ______, ______.

The Land

Seas, Peninsulas, and Islands

Northern Peninsulas

______and ______(______)

Polder Land: ______.

Dikes: ______

Glaciation and ______: ______

Southern Peninsulas


Includes ______and Portugal


The tableland Dry plateau in Central Spain

Strait of Gibraltar

Narrow strip of water separates ______and ______

Italian (Apennine) Peninsula: ______

Balkan Peninsula: Mountains peninsula contains Greece

Europe’s Islands

  • Viking Territory considered part of Scandinavia
  • British Isles, Great Britain- contains- ______, ______, and ______
  • Isle of Ireland- Contains- Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland (part of U.K.)

Mediterranean Islands

  • Sicily
  • Sardinia
  • Corsica
  • Crete
  • Cyprus

Mountains and Plains

Northwest ______4,406 feet, Tallest point in ______

Central Uplands Meseta: High Plateau of ______

Massif Central: Elevated region in south-central ______, consisting of mountains and plateaus

Southern Mountains

Pyrenees: ______

Alps: ______

Rhine and Po Rivers: Begin in the Alps

Balkan Peninsula: ______means mountains, the Balkans are very mountainous

______: Run through Eastern Europe

North European Plain

Plain region beginning in ______and extending through ______. Most of the ______lives here and most ______is here.

Loess: Fine, rich, windblown ______which covers the ______.

Water Systems River and Canals

Link the countries of Europe together

Rhine river: Most important rive in Western Europe= Rotterdam, Netherland=Largest port

Thames: England

______: Flows through Germany to Black Sea

Seine- Flows through ______

Vistula- ______

______- N. Italy, Agricultural region

______- Flows through Russia, empties into the Black Sea

Natural Resources

Coal: ______

______:vegetable matter found in swamps and bogs, which can be burned, for fuel


  • ______
  • ______
  • ______

Countries also use other sources of energy such as ______and ______.

Water and Land

______varies greatly in Europe, from ______to the warm shores of the ______.

Latitude and Proximity to water

Most of Europe is about the same latitude as ______. Given its latitude it should be cold, but its closeness to water has moderating effect on the climate.

Western Europe

______: Mild winter, cool summers and a lot of rain

Gulf Stream (North Atlantic Drift)

Brings warm waters to ______form the ______and ______. Warm water warms the air above it making for a mild climate.

Trees and Highlands

______and ______

Both included in the natural vegetation of Europe

Alpine Tree Line

In the ______region there are mostly ______. Above the ______(______) there are not trees.


Dry wind called ______can blow down the mountains and cause avalanches because there are not trees there to hold onto the snow.

Southern Europe (Mediterranean Europe)

______Climate: Warm dry summers and mild, rainy winters

______: Strong winds that blow down from the Alps brings gust of bitterly cold air.

______: Dry winds that blow in form the Sahara in North Africa

______: Vegetation of the ______region, includes shrubs and small trees like ______and ______trees.

Eastern and Northern Europe

______Climate: Humid Continental- Cold ______.

Temperatures vary more here than in the rest of Europe.

______: Tundra and Sub Artic Scandinavia- Sub arctic and tundra climate with ______.

______: Permanently frozen soil

______areas have little vegetation except mosses, small shrubs, and wildflowers that boom during the short summer.